Caterpillar: 'Pillar of the Community - With the good and charitable work I intend to do with the asset reallocation department, and being as that work will stand to ingratiate said department into the community, I believe I shall name my caterpillar 'Pillar of the Community.
Buccaneer: Upstanding Citizen - Fine Upstanding citizens, just doing an honest days work in the asset reallocation division.
Cutlass: Moral Authority - We just want to make sure you're on the right track, not being led astray, tempted by the evils of the 'verse.
Sabre/SH: Diplomatic Relations - the ship you send when you want to discuss terms like civilised folk.
Terrapin: TEST Torpedo - Cruise speed, straight through the bridge of a an ADI Bengal. 'Nuff said.
Buccaneer: Upstanding Citizen - Fine Upstanding citizens, just doing an honest days work in the asset reallocation division.
Cutlass: Moral Authority - We just want to make sure you're on the right track, not being led astray, tempted by the evils of the 'verse.
Sabre/SH: Diplomatic Relations - the ship you send when you want to discuss terms like civilised folk.
Terrapin: TEST Torpedo - Cruise speed, straight through the bridge of a an ADI Bengal. 'Nuff said.