As some of you may have noticed, a certain group in TEST has a problem with some god damn soul sucking alien fucks out there.
This is not due to some form of blatant xenophobia, but a more core issue to our fine community. Heresy.
As we all know, the guiding light of our God Emperor, the indomitably pure Montoya, allows both travel through space at incredibly great speeds, accuracy when crashing Auroras, and the fermentation of various alcohols to fuel our crusade. But there is a problem brewing in the Verse that no amount of beer can adequately address. That problem is heresy. Some poor unguided sheep don't accept our God Emperor as the one true solution to our Verses problems. And a lot of them happen to be sentient aliens or "NPCs" as the laymen would call them. This cannot stand, it's a blight upon the Verse and frankly the fact that those heretical... creatures... continue to exist is detestable.
But fear not, as our lovely friend the Fancy Xi'An Gentleman, even the formerly heretical can be uplifted into our sanctified fold and led toward a brighter light. There is room for all in TEST. Give us your poor, your sick, your very very rich with loads of ships to contribute to our gigantic fleets. Really, give us anyone who isn't an utter asshole, preferably, because we need pilots.
Remember, xenos are ok. They just need to be TESTies. Or at least allied to us.
Otherwise well...
This is not due to some form of blatant xenophobia, but a more core issue to our fine community. Heresy.
As we all know, the guiding light of our God Emperor, the indomitably pure Montoya, allows both travel through space at incredibly great speeds, accuracy when crashing Auroras, and the fermentation of various alcohols to fuel our crusade. But there is a problem brewing in the Verse that no amount of beer can adequately address. That problem is heresy. Some poor unguided sheep don't accept our God Emperor as the one true solution to our Verses problems. And a lot of them happen to be sentient aliens or "NPCs" as the laymen would call them. This cannot stand, it's a blight upon the Verse and frankly the fact that those heretical... creatures... continue to exist is detestable.
But fear not, as our lovely friend the Fancy Xi'An Gentleman, even the formerly heretical can be uplifted into our sanctified fold and led toward a brighter light. There is room for all in TEST. Give us your poor, your sick, your very very rich with loads of ships to contribute to our gigantic fleets. Really, give us anyone who isn't an utter asshole, preferably, because we need pilots.
Remember, xenos are ok. They just need to be TESTies. Or at least allied to us.
Otherwise well...