"There isn't a game yet"


Feb 4, 2017
RSI Handle
True statement, Star Citizen technically isn't a game yet. It is however a viable training ground to refine our capabilities in the area of communications, basic skills in dog fighting, FPS, squad tactics, and community building. It is true that sometimes "playing" in the verse makes some of us feel like a hamster in a wheel, but 6-12 months after 3.0 release will we feel any different? I "play" Star Citizen almost everyday, sometimes alone, most times with others in our Test Discord channel. Here is my opinion on the benefits of staying engaged:

- Helping new players in the verse through chat. Keep the noobs engaged and the game will thrive. I've recruited a few Test members this way.

- Practice FPS skills and tactics in Star Marine. Its true that maps and mechanics will change, but I believe that training and learning is a skill onto itself and those that work that part of the brain will benefit when change happens.

- Practice dog fighting skills and tactics in Arena Commander and same as above.

- Be a "cheerleader" when CIG engineers are playing in the verse. I see them playing at least twice weekly and thank them for their hard work and dedication. I hope it gives them fuel to keep pushing when they receive encouragement from community

- Comic relief, I've read some funny shit in game chat including a space couple that discussed crashing their ship into Olisar so they could respawn together in one EZ-Hab.

- Play "Bad Actor" when other orgs are announcing they are holding down SPK. Gather players in the server and raid.

Its true, there isn't a game yet. But there is plenty to do help build the Star Citizen community and work on our skills. If you are taking a break from Star Citizen, I encourage you to come back even once a week before 3.0 is released, and at least reconnect with the community. Cheers!


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Some time it's really fun to travel around the pu, but this is not a game yet... many have hyper cool computer, but like me in a foreign country, it is really hard just connecting right now.

We just have to wait


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I am glad you are enjoying what there is. For me the "game" can wait. Most games have a playable shelf life i.e. you can play the content for only so many hours and I see no reason to start counting down those hours. Even 3.0 to me is just more it looks good with not much to do.

There are indeed people doing whatever in the game just because that's all there is and that's great but there are some actual finished games to play if you know you want that.


Sep 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Yesterday i was playing in night time. 4+ o'clock from Spain. So, i read a chat and understand that some guy, using his Freelancer was hunting people outside and destroying their ships. Can't remember his nickname to be honest, but one time he tried to kill me as well, but i managed to fight back him a little and escape. That whas epic by the way. So, we have decided with a group of people to hunt him down. Fight was tough, cuz 2 people of the group was new players, with starter pack mustang and another one had hornet + me with avenger stalker. So gues what... After a tough fight against him, we lost this 2 guys with mustangs and i with hornet guy could damage him enough so he decided to retreat and escape, so he did. After a while he writed us and told us, that he is on Kareah and waiting for us. We group up and atacked him, using some basic tactiks and other stuff. He had good heavy armor that's costs 20k. We had pistols and 1 rifle :D. But anyway, we managed to take him down. That was kinda epic, cuz normally only thing you do, is repairing array's and flying around.

So yeah, don't know why i told you this mini story, maybe because even if Star Citizen still is not a game, but at least you can do something like this, make little story and enjoy your stay.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Yesterday i was playing in night time. 4+ o'clock from Spain. So, i read a chat and understand that some guy, using his Freelancer was hunting people outside and destroying their ships. Can't remember his nickname to be honest, but one time he tried to kill me as well, but i managed to fight back him a little and escape. That whas epic by the way. So, we have decided with a group of people to hunt him down. Fight was tough, cuz 2 people of the group was new players, with starter pack mustang and another one had hornet + me with avenger stalker. So gues what... After a tough fight against him, we lost this 2 guys with mustangs and i with hornet guy could damage him enough so he decided to retreat and escape, so he did. After a while he writed us and told us, that he is on Kareah and waiting for us. We group up and atacked him, using some basic tactiks and other stuff. He had good heavy armor that's costs 20k. We had pistols and 1 rifle :smile:. But anyway, we managed to take him down. That was kinda epic, cuz normally only thing you do, is repairing array's and flying around.

So yeah, don't know why i told you this mini story, maybe because even if Star Citizen still is not a game, but at least you can do something like this, make little story and enjoy your stay.

Great story ha ha been doing same thing literally hundreds of times by now, for there is always some butt-brain that like to try and destroy others fun I love to chase them down and give a taste of their own medicine back and that is great fun indeed ha ha ha ha...

@spectre44 Great post.
Yes, SC is not a game but basic practice can be, and should be, done as often as possible. Also, it is a lot of fun.

@PrimeCronus Terrific story.
I agree and I come back regularly and fly but mostly I do swarm or racing on my own but some time I fly in PU but lately only when I can fly with TESTies... for I been flying 24/7 every day between 6-10 hours some time even more since 2.5 was released and I've done the ICC mission so many time I can do them now in my sleep. I visited every red and green beacon there is on the ICC missions and most asteroids as well, I have visited as I know every asteroid around Yella that have a beacon of some sort or scrap from crashed ships as in the two starfarer and then some more.

I can fly/jump blind to HEX from multiple directions without being a criminal or Benny's Hedge and I have bought everything there is to buy in all stores both in PU or in Area 18 arc corp and still have around 100.000 aUEC. I've messed around with every possible glitch and such you can find in Area 18 and then some.

So yes I am taking little break when it is summer now and I mostly fly swarms and racing or free flight every now and then and as I said some time I fly in PU if I can team up with TESTies or some of you who need some practice I'll gladly post as human target drone in a private dogfight practice or if you need help finishing any of the swarms.

BUT if you REALY want to HELP THE DEV.. then go through all ISSUE council reports and try reproducing bugs others have found..

I've contributed to 500+ issue council reports and made some my self and this is what really help the dev.
Try to reproduce the bugs others have found and if you can then contribute with proper answer to the issue and if you find a bug that is not reported the make a issue report.
But DO MAKE SHORE there is no report that is similar first before you post a new report for dual report of same issue do not help at all.

CHEERS! :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: !


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
BUT if you REALY want to HELP THE DEV.. then go through all ISSUE council reports and try reproducing bugs others have found..

I've contributed to 500+ issue council reports and made some my self and this is what really help the dev.
Try to reproduce the bugs others have found and if you can then contribute with proper answer to the issue and if you find a bug that is not reported the make a issue report.
But DO MAKE SHORE there is no report that is similar first before you post a new report for dual report of same issue do not help at all.
Excellent advice..............
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