Things we may have missed about the MISC Odyssey

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Both great vids. Thanks for this. Some things to note about comparisons to the Carrack. . .

The Odyssey has Cap powerplant, cooler and shields. The Carrack has all Large. In general, Cap components cannot be swapped out, but are superior to Large components.

The Carrack has about 40% more cargo, and a Drone station. No note of drones on the Odyssey yet. No note if the Carrack will get a quantanium refining module. No note if the Carrack still maintains its best in class stellar anomaly scanning for wormholes, etc. No noted stellar cartography room on the Odyssey--guessing this is handled from the bridge, which could turn out to be a functional improvement, but seems to lack the fancy holo-viewer.

The Carrack is BLAZING fast for a ship its size. Expect the Odyssey to be more on par with the Hammerhead and Perseus. . .groaningly slow.

No notion of these turrets. . .one suspects they'd be purely defensive, but they sport S5 guns. We were told all the S5 guns track slowly and fire slowly, and are really for use against larger ships. Does this mean these can't defend against fighters except with missiles? CIG needs to rethink the S5 weapons nerf or not only this ship has trouble, but others. Yes, I know players are shooting fighters with the S5s on the Redeemer, but we're told they're less than optimal for that. So what is the story there?

It looks like a beautiful ship, and I totally agree the elevator is shiny (reminds of the Railen) but I am not convinced the Odyssey is necessarily better than the Carrack. Certainly it depends what ships you need to fly off it. If the work you're doing is primarily cartography, and the Carrack gets a refining module (pretty reasonable expectation I think), the Carrack's speed could easily be the deciding factor over which is more effective as a pathfinder. Bear in mind, that the volume of space that a ship can scan is a linear function of its SCM speed. If both ships have the same Large scan radius, and the Carrack is three times faster in SCM, it will scan 3 times as much space in any given amount of time. This is extremely important if the thing it is really doing is scanning.

If hangar space is important because your mission calls out specific ships, consider adding a Liberator to either of these. If you really want to keep things simple, forget tenders. So IMHO, the difference in hangar size is not of first importance. Speed and scan rate are generally more important.
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