This is a funny read


Space Marshal
Jun 17, 2018
RSI Handle
FIRSTLY AND HONESTLY, I give Luminous753 credit for the effort and research. Now-:
Have we sent him/her an invite? S/he would be a valuable addition to our research department, maybe even put 753 into our spy training program and pay them thousands of dollars to infiltrate a company like amazon to give us an advantage in the final game/slip subliminal recruitment messages into the alpha and beta. Or put 753 on our leadership program, then when as prophesied Montoya buggers off to get a real job 753 could be our leader, no one else would want the job, clearly too much Machiavellian thinking in it for most Testies.
I concur. Given that half of his links to "sources" lead nowhere I think he's the best kind of researcher Test could ever wish for. That's my honest opinion. I think @Montoya you should write him a personal invite to redeem yourself. Only if Luminous confirms that there is in fact no secret Test universe you and CIG withheld from us once you subjected yourself to his inquisition I will ever trust you again!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
View attachment 10935


TEST infiltrates the automobile industry
Well obviously, why else would some cars be yellow? That time machine where we went back to the early 1900's and influenced all car tyres to be black also really helped the plan. There was that patch in the 50's where the walls went white in some parts of the wold but we fought back for the GLORY of TEST and now almost 100% of car tyres are black.
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