TSMC Training - Ground Assault
COMMANDING OFFICER: Marcsand2, ChromeNinja
Date/Time: SUNDAY, March 28th at 19:45 UTC / 15:45 EST
Start Location: ArcCorp - Baijini Point
Gathering time: 19:45 UTC
Start time: 20:00 UTC
COMS: TEST Guilded, Main Hub, Star Citizen Comms, TSMC Training channel
Personal Equipment Required:
- TEST armor (YELLOW/BLACK) model: Inquisitor
- TEST armor (BLACK) model: Inquisitor
- Multiple Weapons
- Med-pack
- effective coordination
- effective comms
- Both teams will have vehicles to defend their base (carrack or other large ship)
- Op will change based on the number of people that show up
During the briefing, everybody makes sure the he is at the required start location and needs to go to the main menu.
When everybody is at the start location and in the main menu, the party launch will start.
Further instructions will be given in TEST Guilded, Main Hub, Star Citizen Comms, TSMC Training channel.
Check your local time:
Guilded Post:
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