Congratulations UbEcLoWn!
Krystal LeChuck Meme Meister Staff member Officer Jun 10, 2014 594 888 1,420 RSI Handle Krystal Dec 3, 2015 #22 Congrats man! Wish you and your baby girl all the best!
CitizenDad Space Marshal Donor Nov 3, 2014 955 1,067 2,400 RSI Handle CitizenDad Dec 6, 2015 #23 Welcome to the Club! (On Day... uhhh.. shoot I have no idea? 30 something? 40 something? It is all a blur hahaha Congrats and lets see some pics Clown!
Welcome to the Club! (On Day... uhhh.. shoot I have no idea? 30 something? 40 something? It is all a blur hahaha Congrats and lets see some pics Clown!