Vanilla WoW nostalgia


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I play when WoW when I can afford the time. My main char is a Blood Elf Prot Pally. How about any of the rest of you who still play?


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Yea, saw that part from Blizzcon. Was about time. A little too late though.
Honestly, I would like to see them come out with tiered servers across the spectrum. They announced the vanilla server, but the BC server is where it would be at for me. Not the final version of the BC server though, the original version of BC where they had attunements and keys to unlock different tiers.

I started playing during BC, so that's where my most fond memories lay. It was also the beginning of the end for me when they started softening the skill requirements. When they removed the need for keys, it was the first step toward where it is now. Once upon a time you needed to have skill and actually try if you wanted to see all the content. Now they have dumbed it down so that even the most casual afk player can see every stitch of content in the game. It follows the trend of participation trophies and adheres to the ridiculous belief that "everyone's a winner". It drives me nuts.

Back in BC, my wife and I had an outstanding group of players with us. We were raiding Black Temple just before they nerfed it. People wanted to be in our guild because we were getting the good stuff. They would stop to inspect our gear. We could be proud of our achievements because it wasn't handed out like food stamps on the welfare line. Now, everything is easy mode and I can't stand it. There is no incentive for long term play because you can experience everything new on an expansion in about 2 weeks. I spent longer than that just trying to attune to one heroic mode dungeon in BC.

That being said, I still spent a very long time playing that game with my wife. She still plays it in fact. If I were to be honest, it still is one of the best MMO's out there. Not necessarily because it is that good, but because there really isn't much out there right now. You have WoW, Archeage, Final Fantasy, Guild Wars 2, and Black Desert in that genre. That's pretty much it. If you're into raiding though, the list drops to just WoW. No other game offers the same level of raiding content. Next year the list should look much better though. At least I hope so.

Maybe I'm just a bitter old WoW player though... "Back in my day, you had to earn your epics!"


Vice Admiral
Mar 3, 2016
RSI Handle
I've played WoW since it was in it's Vanilla Beta back in June 2004. Stopped playing a few months ago in Legion. I still complain about how they messed up the talent tree system and dumbing it down. I miss the 40 man raids and being one of the very few guilds to hit Naxx40. I still wish they never took it out of EPL. With all the announcements at Blizzcon, not sure I could force myself to play on a Private server now.


Nov 2, 2017
RSI Handle
Honestly, I would like to see them come out with tiered servers across the spectrum. They announced the vanilla server, but the BC server is where it would be at for me. Not the final version of the BC server though, the original version of BC where they had attunements and keys to unlock different tiers.

I started playing during BC, so that's where my most fond memories lay. It was also the beginning of the end for me when they started softening the skill requirements. When they removed the need for keys, it was the first step toward where it is now. Once upon a time you needed to have skill and actually try if you wanted to see all the content. Now they have dumbed it down so that even the most casual afk player can see every stitch of content in the game. It follows the trend of participation trophies and adheres to the ridiculous belief that "everyone's a winner". It drives me nuts.

Back in BC, my wife and I had an outstanding group of players with us. We were raiding Black Temple just before they nerfed it. People wanted to be in our guild because we were getting the good stuff. They would stop to inspect our gear. We could be proud of our achievements because it wasn't handed out like food stamps on the welfare line. Now, everything is easy mode and I can't stand it. There is no incentive for long term play because you can experience everything new on an expansion in about 2 weeks. I spent longer than that just trying to attune to one heroic mode dungeon in BC.

That being said, I still spent a very long time playing that game with my wife. She still plays it in fact. If I were to be honest, it still is one of the best MMO's out there. Not necessarily because it is that good, but because there really isn't much out there right now. You have WoW, Archeage, Final Fantasy, Guild Wars 2, and Black Desert in that genre. That's pretty much it. If you're into raiding though, the list drops to just WoW. No other game offers the same level of raiding content. Next year the list should look much better though. At least I hope so.

Maybe I'm just a bitter old WoW player though... "Back in my day, you had to earn your epics!"
I played WoW from beta on, through every f* addon and they made it worse one after the other addon. I'm not sure about that classic comeback, as Blizzard clearly runs behind time.


Aug 13, 2017
RSI Handle
Honestly, I would like to see them come out with tiered servers across the spectrum. They announced the vanilla server, but the BC server is where it would be at for me. Not the final version of the BC server though, the original version of BC where they had attunements and keys to unlock different tiers.

I started playing during BC, so that's where my most fond memories lay. It was also the beginning of the end for me when they started softening the skill requirements. When they removed the need for keys, it was the first step toward where it is now. Once upon a time you needed to have skill and actually try if you wanted to see all the content. Now they have dumbed it down so that even the most casual afk player can see every stitch of content in the game. It follows the trend of participation trophies and adheres to the ridiculous belief that "everyone's a winner". It drives me nuts.

Back in BC, my wife and I had an outstanding group of players with us. We were raiding Black Temple just before they nerfed it. People wanted to be in our guild because we were getting the good stuff. They would stop to inspect our gear. We could be proud of our achievements because it wasn't handed out like food stamps on the welfare line. Now, everything is easy mode and I can't stand it. There is no incentive for long term play because you can experience everything new on an expansion in about 2 weeks. I spent longer than that just trying to attune to one heroic mode dungeon in BC.

That being said, I still spent a very long time playing that game with my wife. She still plays it in fact. If I were to be honest, it still is one of the best MMO's out there. Not necessarily because it is that good, but because there really isn't much out there right now. You have WoW, Archeage, Final Fantasy, Guild Wars 2, and Black Desert in that genre. That's pretty much it. If you're into raiding though, the list drops to just WoW. No other game offers the same level of raiding content. Next year the list should look much better though. At least I hope so.

Maybe I'm just a bitter old WoW player though... "Back in my day, you had to earn your epics!"
You'll be in luck. Elysium is going to be releasing a TBC server as well.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Ah, the "good old days" of WoW when you could actually screw up your talents, or mix and match them for a more fun, although not perfectly optimized build. Back when getting the gold for a mount was a real goal/issue, not 5 minutes of random clicking on the nearest few mobs. When doing an instance required human interaction! They expected you to say Hello to your group mates! Insane, I know!

I played for 10 years on official, after trying a cracked version on some lame ass server for like an hour. I just had to go out and buy the real one the next day lol.
My wife played since BC, and we had by far the most fun together in WotLK. I'd be down for a wotlk server, but I really didn't like the look of BC. My main was a dwarf pala, cos it started in a mountainous region, I like dwarfs, and I like the look of plate armour, and that I could heal. Vanilla was fun, I didn't mind it being slow paced and quiet hard sometimes. I had talent points all over the place so it was a real slow grind, but it was an involving experience.
Memories are great and all, and I would love to experience that awe and immersion again, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have the time and patience for it. Starting up a dwarf pala again, just to experience the starting zone, visit Ironforge for the first time and such, yeah. But I think most ppl will loose interest after the magic fades and the grind sets in.

Anyways, I might take a look at this Elysium thingy, but I've never seen a server that was even 50% close to the official ones. They always change things, like drops, mob locations and levels, talents and anything they please or just couldn't code right. Most of the time they claim to "just make it more playable" but actually it totally ruins the game.

I wonder if Blizzard will ever actually make it happen with the original talent systems and such, or just create servers with the scenery changed around to how it was in vanilla, without changing all systems back to original. They seem to have lost all focus (and talented staff, partly thanks to CiG lol) on WoW development, and just go for the money in HotS and Overwatch.


Aug 13, 2017
RSI Handle
I wonder if Blizzard will ever actually make it happen with the original talent systems and such, or just create servers with the scenery changed around to how it was in vanilla, without changing all systems back to original. They seem to have lost all focus (and talented staff, partly thanks to CiG lol) on WoW development, and just go for the money in HotS and Overwatch.
Blizzard is bringing back Vanilla/Legacy servers, so no easymode/welfare epics. No LFG etc. The level grind was real!

As far as Elysium, its pretty good. They keep drop rates rather close to Blizz standards, and have a certain progression. Darkhaven is the newest server opening tommorrow around 1600 GMT+1. It will be a PvP server starting at patch 1.2 and will gradually work towards a TBC release.

So, get to play the portal opening events again for real!


Oct 30, 2017
RSI Handle
I was excited to see the announcement, but I know that my Goggles are rose tinted. I sank so much time into vanilla WoW and I have so many fond memories of that era, but a true Vanilla WoW would be so outdated play wise now that I can only see it being fun for a small percentage of old timers.

MMO gaming has changed so much in the last decade or so. Im worried that it would be a chore trying to reaquiant people with the concept of crowd control, tiered abilites, slower progression, 40% mount speed only after level 40 etc. The other option would be to release a "vanilla lite" version of the world, but with modernized mechanics which would defeat the purpose.

I guess time will tell since per recent interviews even Blizz has no idea how they are going to implement it yet, but Ill probably end up throwing money at it anyways just to explore the pre-calaclysm zones again


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Blizzard is bringing back Vanilla/Legacy servers, so no easymode/welfare epics. No LFG etc. The level grind was real!
i was there from the beginningXD since day one i loved it althoug i twinked so much that i only made it to lvl 50 with my "main" char before the first addon XD (truth be told i shared a account with my brother and got my own maybe a year before the first addon).... so yeah the grind... man.... but damn was i happy when a lvl45 epic randrom dagger dropped that my main could use XD.
there was lfg but way more primitive then now.... you just had to stand in the capital city of your faction and SCREAM in the traid channel: LFG group for thingx i am dotlock (yes my main was a dotlock) etc. and hope someone would answer XD


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I loved WOW.... every day, all day, all night... Had multiple guilds, multiple servers... Ran Molten Core every night. GUI upgrades... even ran a twink training service. Oh man........ Those addons!
She broke my heart, I tell ya. I'll never go back. It's like I met this really authentic gal with a lot of heart, and she liked D&D and dice, and thinking, and math... and then she started listening to Nickleback and going to Shambhala.


Space Marshal
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
Give it a try mate. Or just go to some private server and have some fun.

I never played on a private server, but after the Nostalrius events, I got curious enough and tried Kronos. Man, shit got real really fast... Just running the game and listening to that soundtrack again was a blast.

Of course, I wont play on the official servers as I lack the time and money to pay for a subscription, but I bet they will fill fast. People were craving for the real thing. I can already see all the 40+ years old veteran players, that didn't touch the game after The Burning Crusade, coming in droves...


Space Marshal
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
I've never seen a server that was even 50% close to the official ones. They always change things, like drops, mob locations and levels, talents and anything they please or just couldn't code right.
I recommend you take a look at Kronos. IMHO, they've done a superb work. Everything is as close to Vanilla as possible, and have a very professional and hard working staff.

Also, they have servers for every expansion, so you can directly jump to BC if that's your thing.


Sep 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Quite a few of us have started playing World of Warcraft on the private Elysium server that is running vanilla wow. Lots of us older people who fondly remember playing WoW when it came out back in the day, and hate how live has destroyed the game. We'd love to get more TESTies and friends involved.

We're on the Elysium shard, which is the newest, and most populated shard. It is the one that started up after Nostralius was taken down, and it has all the code. I've personally tried numerous private servers and this is the best one, hands down.

We're playing dirty Alliance scum.

Please, PM me on the forums or Discord.

See you in Azeroth, komrades.
Well... Back on time i was playing quite a lot WoW... But after Lich King had to stop cuz you know... New stuff killed interested to play it. But now i would like to try and play it again! Thanks for a server mate, will be there soon!


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I see lots of people complaining about how easy the game is now, etc.

Thing is, WoW was always supposed to be accessible to the average player. Not sure how many of you came from Everquest, but I heard the same things said about Vanilla WoW as you are saying about the current expansions.

WoW was less of an exp grind than Everquest, you did’t need a separate website to help walk you through the conversation needed to start a quest, just click the person with the exclamation mark. You could not accidentally attack friendly guards. You could play solo with every class and not need a full group, or even a group at all. While not always the best, trash mobs you were fighting had a chance to drop equipment that was actually level appropriate. You might even get a blue drop on occasion. You could buy back items from vendors if you accidentally sold the wrong item, instead of trying to buy out the entire inventory of the vendor in hopes your item actually was added to their list of items but was just not showing up. You could SEE in a cave/dungeon if you were human and didn’t have a light source. Levels took hours, not days or even weeks of work. Death was some money lost, not 4 hours of xp grinding lost even if you got a 96% rez. You could not lose a level if you did die. The list just keeps going on.

Yes, WoW has dumbed things down a bit, but it was always in line with their original, SUCCESSFUL, philosophy of providing a game that was easy and fun to play, provided for groups but made the majority of the game solo friendly, and provide ways for the majority of players to see most of the content instead of having the content only accessible to a small group of people that could actively work to block others out of content.
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