Violent video games make you violent?


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
The Game Theorists just posted this video on the subject of videogame violence focused around Fortnite and PUBG, I found it very interesting. what are your thoughts?

I think the finding are not surprising to us gamers.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
I really just blame myself for thinking we could have a reasonable conversation about this on Test Squadron.
Okay, if you want a reasonable reply, here goes:
It's a hobby. Reading that much into it probably won't tell you much you don't already assume to be true or false. Of the possible hobbies out there, probably better for teenagers to play video games than huff glue. As far as I can tell, reading too much into things as a hobby can be just as bad for you as 360 no scoping n00bs.
Finish your vegetables and your homework, youngsters, you will be glad you did later.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Okay, if you want a reasonable reply, here goes:
It's a hobby. Reading that much into it probably won't tell you much you don't already assume to be true or false. Of the possible hobbies out there, probably better for teenagers to play video games than huff glue. As far as I can tell, reading too much into things as a hobby can be just as bad for you as 360 no scoping n00bs.
Finish your vegetables and your homework, youngsters, you will be glad you did later.
I seem to recall the same question being asked of TV in the 80-90's....2000's, 2010's etc etc etc
and Comics.
Oh, and DnD in the . . .80's, I do believe.

The pointy is, there are always going to be people who want to cast the blame for bad things onto something or someone (Sum1? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :gun::owl:) . "There just HAS to be a reason that these people do this stuff." It's just too damn hard for these people to accept that some people just do bad things. And God forbid the blame and responsibility actually fall on the doers of said evil. No no, it HAS to be something else.

And that, my friends, is called stupidity.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
I seem to recall the same question being asked of TV in the 80-90's....2000's, 2010's etc etc etc
and Comics.
Oh, and DnD in the . . .80's, I do believe.

The pointy is, there are always going to be people who want to cast the blame for bad things onto something or someone (Sum1? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :gun::owl:) . "There just HAS to be a reason that these people do this stuff." It's just too damn hard for these people to accept that some people just do bad things. And God forbid the blame and responsibility actually fall on the doers of said evil. No no, it HAS to be something else.

And that, my friends, is called stupidity.
Don't forget Elvis's pelvis corrupting the youth!

But, just to clarify, I don't believe @sum1 was approaching this from the position that video games r bad, m'kay. Think he was just bringing up the topic for discussion.
Which we derailed.
Which is our nature.
TEST Squadron, BEST Squardon!


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Okay, if you want a reasonable reply, here goes:
It's a hobby. Reading that much into it probably won't tell you much you don't already assume to be true or false. Of the possible hobbies out there, probably better for teenagers to play video games than huff glue. As far as I can tell, reading too much into things as a hobby can be just as bad for you as 360 no scoping n00bs.
Finish your vegetables and your homework, youngsters, you will be glad you did later.
I seem to recall the same question being asked of TV in the 80-90's....2000's, 2010's etc etc etc
and Comics.
Oh, and DnD in the . . .80's, I do believe.

The pointy is, there are always going to be people who want to cast the blame for bad things onto something or someone (Sum1? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :gun::owl:) . "There just HAS to be a reason that these people do this stuff." It's just too damn hard for these people to accept that some people just do bad things. And God forbid the blame and responsibility actually fall on the doers of said evil. No no, it HAS to be something else.

And that, my friends, is called stupidity.
Did you guys watch the video? I am guessing not, because the point it makes is very clear about video games being a correlation, not causation meaning that people who play violent games do so because it fits within their preconceived self. and just for clarification, violence is not bad. for example, if a person attacks another person is any violence committed by the defendant bad? I would say no, I believe in the non-aggression principle, but if someone breaks it by doing harm to another the one being harmed has every right hurt, or kill the person attacking to preserve their own life. And it is part of the reason I don't like games like GTA, or I don't plan on being a pirate on Star Citizen but do plan on being running security, bounty hunting, and merc work. When I have a cause I believe in, or a reason I feel right, I have no issues with violence in games, or in real life (when necessary) It is why I liked Watch_Dog but not GTA. It is why I hope North Koria and Syria are stopped, and Kim Jong-un and Bashar al-Assad are brought to account for their actions but don't think we should go to war with France, even though they are really weird. And your line in the sand maybe somewhere else, and that is fine, but you can see that the games I play, and the way I enjoy playing a game directly relate to my morals and the way I live my life. and that is the correlation that is too often mistaken for causation. WATCH THE VIDEO!


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Did you guys watch the video? I am guessing not, because the point it makes is very clear about video games being a correlation, not causation meaning that people who play violent games do so because it fits within their preconceived self. and just for clarification, violence is not bad. for example, if a person attacks another person is any violence committed by the defendant bad? I would say no, I believe in the non-aggression principle, but if someone breaks it by doing harm to another the one being harmed has every right hurt, or kill the person attacking to preserve their own life. And it is part of the reason I don't like games like GTA, or I don't plan on being a pirate on Star Citizen but do plan on being running security, bounty hunting, and merc work. When I have a cause I believe in, or a reason I feel right, I have no issues with violence in games, or in real life (when necessary) It is why I liked Watch_Dog but not GTA. It is why I hope North Koria and Syria are stopped, and Kim Jong-un and Bashar al-Assad are brought to account for their actions but don't think we should go to war with France, even though they are really weird. And your line in the sand maybe somewhere else, and that is fine, but you can see that the games I play, and the way I enjoy playing a game directly relate to my morals and the way I live my life. and that is the correlation that is too often mistaken for causation. WATCH THE VIDEO!
I did watch the video, and I didn't intend to suggest your opinion on the topic for you. I apologize if that's the impression I gave.

Still, I think it's a stretch to guess Jungian archetypes or whatever depending on what kind of games you play. The video was using a self reported internet survey to support a position, but before citing it, the video went on about Apache helicopters and 2,000,000 year old people. It undermined it's own source of evidence, so it's argument of correlation is as flawed as the argument for causation it was refuting.

I like 40k. I don't actually want to purge mutants, heretics and xenos. I want mutants, heretics and xenos to paint up armies and roll the dice against me! But further, I don't think there's much more to read into it about my personality regarding something as trivial as a escapism. I hobby to get out of my own head, not to reassure myself of what's going on in my head. I also don't go fishing because I'm hungry (good thing about that too, I'm a terrible fisherman!).

Not that it's wrong to get something different out of your hobbies. Just that there's a bit of perspective to keep.


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Did you guys watch the video? I am guessing not, because the point it makes is very clear about video games being a correlation, not causation meaning that people who play violent games do so because it fits within their preconceived self. and just for clarification, violence is not bad. for example, if a person attacks another person is any violence committed by the defendant bad? I would say no, I believe in the non-aggression principle, but if someone breaks it by doing harm to another the one being harmed has every right hurt, or kill the person attacking to preserve their own life. And it is part of the reason I don't like games like GTA, or I don't plan on being a pirate on Star Citizen but do plan on being running security, bounty hunting, and merc work. When I have a cause I believe in, or a reason I feel right, I have no issues with violence in games, or in real life (when necessary) It is why I liked Watch_Dog but not GTA. It is why I hope North Koria and Syria are stopped, and Kim Jong-un and Bashar al-Assad are brought to account for their actions but don't think we should go to war with France, even though they are really weird. And your line in the sand maybe somewhere else, and that is fine, but you can see that the games I play, and the way I enjoy playing a game directly relate to my morals and the way I live my life. and that is the correlation that is too often mistaken for causation. WATCH THE VIDEO!

I believe this is the point that sum1 is trying to express.
Click Play...



Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I play lots of games and many of them are violent, as I'm male and we like competition. However, the only games that have ramped up my violence are the ones that are frustrating. Those are the ones that make me angry and curse and yell. Pretty much, that means PvP, so I don't play PvP anymore, it's not fun it's just frustrating to play as hard as you can and either get overrun because some loser drowned himself or you get shot in the back by someone who thinks it's funny to team kill. Now I'm pissed. I have to go out for a walk and cool off.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I did watch the video and I happen to pretty much agree with his opinion. Pretty much. Not totally. I don't like the "study" he conducted for one. He didn't "prove" anything, he validated his opinion. Problem though, is that it's pretty hard to argue that no violence has ever been done BECAUSE of video games, when it's been in the news, and I've witnessed it myself. Sometimes it's just a game controller being thrown across a room. But I also saw a guy throw a cup of coffee at someone's head because that person's guild beat his guild the night before. Sometimes it even goes to murder.

Sure it's kind of an outlier, but this is the kind of thing that starts to feed public perception, and right or wrong, in most countries public perception often becomes the law of the land. Including the US. That is the thing I'm kind of worried about.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I believe it's been found that video games don't cause aggression, but aggressive/psychotic people tend to gravitate towards violent games.
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