waiting in the dark of space

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
"Down and dark, Tank" came Cap's command, and dutifully the shadowy Frostwolf settled onto the floor of the asteroid crater as ordered. Frosty vaguely resembled a slice of the UEE's favored comfort food, triangular with circular ballistic turrets spotting the hull and reminding of pepperoni when you could see the ship properly. As it was, in that dark you could not see your hand in front of your face, since the crater rim blocked almost all starlight, and only the mighty S10 tubes and bridge sat out available to put the hurt down. As the Corvette settled the standard bridge lighting switched to crimson, reminding they were in stealth mode and all eyes watched separate monitors as the reactors shut down one at a time, leaving just the smallest to power minimal systems aboard, plus the launch tubes. Even the scanners were down, making Blind Bird their only eyes.

"Take Toy's position until he gets back, Tank. They may not know we're here but then again. . ." Cap trailed off as he considered their predicament, four jumps from safe-space in the Vanduul territory, in the middle of clan war contested space.

"Is he still brushing ovals? It's a little much, don't you think Cap?" Tank offered as he quickly hopped from Nav to the Big Gun station.

"He should be done soon." Cap offered. "Birdy, what's on scope?" Cap queried, despite he had it in front of him. . .a bunch of nothing. "I thought you said there'd be eats here?"

The radio cracked "I dunno, Cap. You know I'm blind. Can't see a thing without a bottle of Corona in front of me. SandMan told me they'd be here." Blind Bird was aboard the Spent Load, a little turtle spotter waiting out in the void for Vanduul to happen by and feeding Frosty and the waiting Sabres under Sandman all their view news. "If I could just knock back a cold one I'm sure we'd have better luck."

NaffNaff their Xi'an missileer, chirped "all tubes loaded, one fast sapper and three chunks, doors shut". The others on the bridge all wondered why he'd made the announcement, and decided he just liked to be thorough, but hearing that alien voice was always a little jolting.

"I'm done Cap" came the call over the intercom. It had a distinctly tinny sound compared to the ship to ship communications so it was obvious to everyone Montoya was indeed aboard. "Can I come back up?"

"I dunno, Toys; are you done pushing all the red buttons?" Montoya had been pushing buttons at random on the bridge and especially liked the BioAndroNegator, or "BAN" button. That's what had gotten him in trouble with Cap.

"Oh, I'll never push another red button, Cap. I swear it. If I have to brush another oval, I'll just die." They all hated latrine duty, but there were times to push red buttons. Still, Cap figured they'd have less trouble in the future.

"Next time Toys, you'll be brushing them with your tongue. Come up to the bridge and take the big gun from Tank." With that came a single roger and the intercom went quiet.

In the dark of space, when even the stars are not visible, the mind can play strange tricks. One of those tricks seemed to focus on red buttons and Toys had to learn not to give himself to such things.

"Standard EM and IR says nothing, but I have a blip on the analysis station. Could be a cloaked ship at bearing 237-43-16, mark 621. Blip is in motion."

"Log and stalk, TK" Cap ordered. Kain went back to his arcane science of detecting the undetectable at Frosty's EM Warfare station, and they all settled in for what promised to be a long wait.


Write a short scene, but edit it at least once before you post. The characters on the bridge of the Polaris class Corvette, FrostWolf are:

"Tank" on navigation, the pilot's seat
"Toys" on the big chin gun
"NaffNaff" the Xi'an Missile and Torp station commander
"TK" on the EM Warfare suite
"Cap" in the captain's chair

Aboard the Terrapin class Spent Load:

"Blind Bird" the scan station operator and only eyes for the current operation

Aboard the small wing of Sabres hiding in the asteroid field:

"SandMan" commanding a small wing of Sabre class

Available characters are the pilot for the Spent Load, any additional pilots flying the Sabre wing, and anyone aboard the Frostwolf but not on the bridge.

The only necessary requirement is to make fun of Toys, for playing with the BAN button.
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