Wanting a ship to carry a ship...


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
A very good point indeed - you are not helping to dissuade me from getting a Connie :)
My job currently pays very well, but leaves me with little time. So I bought a couple small ships and a Reclaimer. As well as a year subscribtion to help funding. So I've dropped quite a bit. But time is more precious to me now because of my job.

But I didn't go crazy and get all the ships I want. You need in game goals or else the game will get stale fast. You might want to hold off on the connie as your first ship you buy and save the money for upgrades to comp or a joystick. Or even bills...damn things get in the way.

Beef Squatch

Vice Admiral
Feb 20, 2015
RSI Handle
I still have only bought my aurora LN as I want to work my way to the hangar full of ships. I found REC very easy to acquire and have been renting ships taking out the extra assurance and beating the crap out outta them.


Rear Admiral
May 25, 2015
RSI Handle
I have spent quite a bit funding the game, but it's also a level I'm comfortable with. Although me from 5 years ago would die of shock at that amount, which is why I'm still a little stunned at what I've spent.

I made the mistake of looking at the total amount I have spent the other day. It convinced me I needed to pull back on the support. Then I went and bought a Gladius to Khartu-Al upgrade.



Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I made the mistake of looking at the total amount I have spent the other day. It convinced me I needed to pull back on the support. Then I went and bought a Gladius to Khartu-Al upgrade.

Hah, I actually caved and got the Khartu-Al. It looks amazing and a couple of the people working on the game have said it's their favorite. I just hope I get good enough to actually fly it.

I'm a very experienced driver as I do it for work. And have been very good at flying all aircraft in any game I play (usually not flight sims though). But I am just perplexed at the skill required to pilot these ships in 3d space. I need to take time to get down the basics. Combat has degraded down to a "jousting" type combat where I fly straight at the ship then turn around and do the same thing.


Rear Admiral
May 25, 2015
RSI Handle
I need to take time to get down the basics. Combat has degraded down to a "jousting" type combat where I fly straight at the ship then turn around and do the same thing.
Combat for me is flying in a circle sideways keeping my fixed weapons (I lock all gimbals) facing my target while they do the same. If they try to disengage they start flying straight and thus become an increadibly easy target for me to follow. If they fail to do so uncoupled I am also facing their ass.
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