Howdy Guy's
cant wait to fly with you all in the verse I'm a backer and subscriber
the ship's i own are the
Carrack, Gladiator, Avenger, Redeemer, Gladius, CuttlessBlack,
What drew you to Star Citizen? A true open sandbox ^.^
What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) PvP and Exploration
What was the first game you remember playing? Man Mario Bro's back in 1985 oh yeah that takes me back
What other games do you play? Eve Online for 5 Years as a pirate in tama system good times
Picard or Kirk? Kirk for sure! Grew up watching The old Kirk and the spock Miester for years
cant wait to fly with you all in the verse I'm a backer and subscriber
the ship's i own are the
Carrack, Gladiator, Avenger, Redeemer, Gladius, CuttlessBlack,
What drew you to Star Citizen? A true open sandbox ^.^
What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) PvP and Exploration
What was the first game you remember playing? Man Mario Bro's back in 1985 oh yeah that takes me back
What other games do you play? Eve Online for 5 Years as a pirate in tama system good times
Picard or Kirk? Kirk for sure! Grew up watching The old Kirk and the spock Miester for years