Industry What about building?


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
I have seen chats about different professions, divisions, subdivisions (but not a list), etc, but I have not seen anything about building.

I have a Pioneer in my buyback list and I will try to have enough credits to have it, and if it is the case I would like to give use to it... ;-)


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
There have been discussions, but nothing really heavyweight yet. We might have something like 30 or 40 Pioneers in total, maybe more. Maybe a lot more, who knows. We pretty much lost count around 25 or so during the first day of the initial sale. And there are quite a few TESTies that don't really participate in here at the moment. Compared with the overall numbers of people in TEST, that's not a big group of builders though. But ultimately this smallish group is going to leave quite a mark in the game. Hopefully not the mark left by Pioneer crash sites.

I don't have a lot of it worked out in my own mind yet, let alone how it's going to work with other professions/payers. The part that is clear is that it is going to be dependent on almost every other profession. I'm not even sure if the whole mechanic won't involve fairly sizable Org operations, not just for crew of the Pioneer. My bet though is that an un-supported or under supported Pioneer is going to be a gigantic red and gold colored rectangular sliding door, with "Aim Here" painted on top.

I'm not too worried about that - I have LTI on the pioneer JPG in my hanger. What I'm trying to work out, and I think it would be better if we knew a little more about the other professions, is how to coordinate a Pioneer with the Org? How much of an Org is TEST going to be able to be, and this is not an insult at all. We're HUGE and there is a tremendous amount of support available. It's just that I think org logistics are going to be very demanding - and we may not be able to do anything concrete about that until more of the game becomes something.


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle

Hmmm, is there specialized software to help manage and synchronizing an org?

I am going to look for info about game apis or something...
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