What is your current fleet?


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Actually, it gives people who want to hack accounts a target. You know there is a person in an org with X many ships worth Y many dollars. Which do you spend a lot of time cracking? The person where Y is the greatest value. Unfortunately, people share what they really shouldn't. I am thinking this is one of them....

Now that you've put your information out there, make sure you have enabled the two factor authentication that RSI puts out. Makes it a little harder to crack...


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Now that you've put your information out there, make sure you have enabled the two factor authentication that RSI puts out. Makes it a little harder to crack...
These are the wisest words stated here a while.
The pain in the ass that I sometimes have to go through with two factor authentication is well worth the safety of my account.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Its clear that we're not going to get enough people to post, as Montoya says only 1% of TEST posts here. But, we do have enough of a sampling to see some trends: too many Polaris's, not enough Argos, Redeemers, Prospectors, Endeavors, Reclaimers. SO is you ate thinking of buying Grey Market, then get one of those:

The reason it's too many Polaris's is because it has such a large crew, you'll never see more than 2 in an instance, unless they figure out a new way of handling it.
Worth keeping in mind we may be just 1%, but it's a fair assumption we're the hardcore 1% - hyped to the point where spending stupid amounts of money is pretty reasonable. As of posting, RSI has raised just shy of $130M, from 1.6M backers - that puts the average fleet value at around $80 - likely a lot lower than this when you account for the massive amounts some people have spent. I think this implies a majority of players (Around 70-80%) have probably gone for the much more reasonably priced ships/packages in the $45-$60 range.

We'll have to wait till release :D
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