What made you join the worst org in the 'verse?


Spreader of Truth / Master of Hamsters
Staff member
Oct 30, 2013
RSI Handle
Its nearly our 3rd anniversary and now I lie awake at night wondering what horrible deed I did to deserve the bunch of you all.

For me it was the glorious promises of @Montoya in creating the "best" (read: worst) org in the verse. I was just browsing my dank subreddit /r/EVE when a bunch of star citizen fanatics were trolling the new EVE Valkyrie concept released. I was who are these fools and discovered /r/StarCitizen. As luck would have it, Montoya's call for help in creating TEST resulted in forums being installed on a spare server I had that very same day and TEST (read: plague) was unleashed to the masses.

So....What was (or wasn't) going through your mind as you clicked on that "Apply" button on RSI? (Or if you are an old timer (made you register on our private professionally maintained and run forums)?

Floating Cloud

Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Personally, I was pottering around Youtube and came across some content created by Test Squadron members. That was the trigger that made me look at this org specifically, and the irreverent, light hearted content on the forum sealed the deal.

If I can ever remember whose Youtube content pushed me in this direction I will track them down...



Space Marshal
Apr 12, 2015
RSI Handle
Personally, I was pottering around Youtube and came across some content created by Test Squadron members. That was the trigger that made me look at this org specifically, and the irreverent, light hearted content on the forum sealed the deal.

If I can ever remember whose Youtube content pushed me in this direction I will track them down...

I got you.



Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
My friend looked up some stuff about you and started talking. I later looked it up myself and found an org that seemed to just want to have fun. I like fun, and being a part of organizations big enough that you always will find someone fun to group up with and help out in sticky situations.

I haven't been a part of many guilds/org ect. (only the "Praetorian Guard" in Galaxy on fire Alliances) But I really like the banter and shit-posting going on, so I decided to stay :)


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
After spending hundreds of dollars on digital spaceships I woke up hung over with an account created and over 100 posts on test forums..... I did not join Test as much as I was evolved into it....

But enjoyed the videos and the humor of Test. The idea of a organization of like minded people who may have different desires from SC.... Besides I was deployed and lonely and Montoya (with some minor photoshop) did the trick.


Space Marshal
Mar 16, 2016
RSI Handle
After I discovered the organization part of SC I started looking at orgs. I would ask my self questions like

"What kind of org do I want to be part of in this game?"
"What aspects of this game will be most appealing to me?"
"What will my character be like in the game?"

after pondering the answers to those questions and trying out the game to discover what I imagine game play will be like based on the limited game play available, I started looking at the different orgs available.

I first joined a small org as I do not like people in general and usually stick with a small group. I then realized that the org I had joined had no one on it's TS. So I kept looking.

I then ran across SGT_Gamble on Twitch one day, up to no good, but making me laugh nonetheless! I looked up his org, and found out it was rather large. At first I thought, Nope to many people! For some reason I decided to give it a try, and so far I have met several intriguing glorious idiots that I may one day call friends! :-)

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
For many years, I have tried to live my life according to the example set down by Peter Griffin. When you live your life that way, there is only one organization in the universe that will accept you and allow you to thrive in absurdity! To paraphrase Forrest Gump, "me and TEST is like peas and carrots"!
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