What made you join the worst org in the 'verse?

Soven Taliesyn

Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Haha......I didn't actually apply. I was messing around on star citizen and doing extremely terrible in arena commander. Also floating around the RSI forums. Next thing I know I'm getting anew invite to join. I was skeptical at first. In true TEST fashion I said "what the heck" and dove in head first hoping all will end well. I know what you're thinking right now as you read this, "did it...ya, know...end well?" To that I respond......"I didn't do it and you can't prove. It was all @Blind Owl. It was his idea and he made me do it. Oh, you asked if it ended well."

I think to truely answer that I will have to tell you about


Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
it was the day that I realised the Org I *was* in was doing jack all and there's this group of people who take themselves oh so not serious at all yet being everywhere in content..oh, crap. This isn't REDACTED?

Seriously, too many awesome people. and beer. and Auroras. and beer or booze. did I mention awesome people?


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I was strolling the RSI forms and came across the org's most active, biggest, etc. and TEST had the most interactive and funny (if not more than anyone else) youtube videos. Also beer and friday night drunk roams, shenanigans and the like, did I mention beer as well?

Edit: Fuck I can't believe I left out the aroura crash flash game! (Not to mention the others that followed.)
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
my Eve Online experience taught me there are real advantages to being in a large org

but I didn't want any part of the drama that comes with srs bsns orgs

TEST leadership showed they knew how to laugh at themselves

so here I am with no regrets and no fucks given


Space Marshal
Sep 7, 2015
RSI Handle
hmmm what made me join TEST. Well it's a long story. It was April the 41st a quadruple leap year. I was in down town Atlantis. I was in a red stingray. My barracuda was in the shop. The mechanic told me I had blown a seal. I told him to leave my private life out of this.

Wait that's the wrong story. Oh yeah I got an invite and then saw something about beer. That's all it took.

Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
Well do i need to tell my story again??I hated atlas. the org has a bunch of military aholes in charge, went to xplor met cosmic for a day, than came to the best where i sadly met vines, no jk..Lot of good guys here..Even though some are grouchy..
You came from ADI? Man... I feel like we need to provide you counseling services to get over that experience. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

Side question: Did you have to get a certification to leave the Org?


Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
the Org page launched on the website, and I was looking for an org to join.

I was browsing the /r/StarCitizen with the "official" reddit orgs and saw ReddFaction. Out of those, they all seemed a bit too RP and too official for my taste, when I happen to stumble upon a page called Test Squadron.

I started browsing it, and started reading the recruitment poster. The more I read it, the more I loved every little detail, down to the mispelling in BEST SQUARDON. I just HAD to join, this band of misfits.

I believe I was one of the first 50? to join the Org... officially.

Then it grew... it REALLY grew. We were top 10, then top 5... then top 3!!!... Top 2! and last week(?) TOP ORG IN THE VERSE *******

*******This count only includes Main Members, which may or may not signify the true interest and activity in this Organization, which is not an unofficial number, and is calculated by Montoya, who is know to be drunk, and miscount ... sometimes. But not this time. Hopefully.
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