What motivates you to buy ships?


Grand Admiral
May 8, 2014
RSI Handle
Partly helping the game, wanting the shiny shiny and stark realisation that I am not as young as I once was so concern about having to invest a lot of time to get to a point others will see a lot closer than me pushed me into it. I know that reasoning will make some angry, but I want to maximize my enjoyment.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Star Citizen ships are like Lego. You buy one and you look at it in the hangar or on the shelf and you think it looks cool. But then you start looking at other ships and Lego sets. You think those look cool too and you want to get them so you do. But its not enough because you went and looked again and THOSE ships and sets look good and fit in with your general fleet and theme so you buy them too.

And you like these companies too because of their products and customer service level so one more ship and set couldn't hurt. Right?


Grand Admiral
Mar 12, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm curious as to what motivates the guys who buy tons of expensive ships? I backed Star Citizen at the lowest tier possible to get the game I think. I just have an Aurora. I'd like to get a ship like the Freelancer eventually I think based on what I've read about it. However, what I read about it and what it will actually be like in the game is up in the air. I could buy a Freelancer and then get in the game and completely hate it. Without the context of actually flying the ship and playing the game it's just a gamble.

I don't see the point in dishing out hundreds or thousands of dollars based on basically advertisements for ships that aren't complete and a game that isn't complete. All these ships will be able to be earned in game. Some of them probably within a few hours or tens of hours and the biggest ones probably in hundreds of hours. If I started the game in some OP ship I would be depriving myself of the game experience. I guess some guys just have a lot of disposable income to blow on these things.
Lets see....

Its a SPACE game.... My head has been in space along time.
Its Chris Roberts... Ahead of his time, even years ago, when he was ahead of his time. ..and he's due for a super big one.
Its a MMO space game.... Of the type I have imagined. Wow, have I been hoping for this for years.
I get to back it to an extent that maybe I can say... "It would have failed without me.." ;)
...and yes, now I have disposable income....yet even when I didn't, I rocked a cassette tape drive, and spent $400.00 upgrading from 2k ram to 4k ram just to chase Klingons from sector to sector.

Now, lets assume a $14.00 a month subscription value....That means, I damn well better enjoy this game till I die. lol

As for grinding/experiencing the game to get ships, I'll have enough accounts to do that on.

Finally, in then end, for me. It matches my dream game. If that means I have to pledge for ship after ship after ship to make it happen, I getting another ship.
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Dec 3, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm almost $2,500 in...

Main motivating factors? In no particular order:

- Supporting the development of the game (this game is easily going to need much more than 100 mil)
- Collecting ships (i'm a sucker for the entire Aegis lineup...own everything but the Redeemer, as i'm on the fence about how much it looks like a fish)

In reality, i've backed since the original Kickstarter in November 2012 (sold my Original Backer account after transferring my LTI ships off of it for a nice sum), so it'll be about $750-ish per year since, + 10 months' worth of subs ($200~). Come the anniversary this November, assuming I don't buy anything else by then (likely won't, I have 13 ships so i'll melt one or two lower ones to upgrade), that'll just be about ~$70 a month in support of the game. Not too bad in the grand scheme of things since i've had a decent, stable income the entire time. I'm pretty much done funding, though, except for the monthly sub.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
Star Citizen ships are like Lego. You buy one and you look at it in the hangar or on the shelf and you think it looks cool. But then you start looking at other ships and Lego sets. You think those look cool too and you want to get them so you do. But its not enough because you went and looked again and THOSE ships and sets look good and fit in with your general fleet and theme so you buy them too.

And you like these companies too because of their products and customer service level so one more ship and set couldn't hurt. Right?
Or you could go another way, You look at the shelf/hanger and with only one ship, it looks bare, so, you get another. Then another. And another, and another.....until your in for almost $500.
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