What's all the whine about LTI on the official forums?

Gstar Nova

Vice Admiral
Dec 11, 2014
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Gstar Nova
If this is cig's only indiscretion so be it no harm done but if cig continues to slowly degrade past promises or implied promises as he has done with the lti business I will dump the 4,8K I have in the game. I have seen great, out standing games go to sh_t just for this reason just happy i didn't have much invested. Their are many possible scenarios where this could happen with SC.. No consoles is one that comes to mind. A trend or pattern of behavior starts some where.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle

Seriously though I don't give a SINGLE shit about LTI. Let everyone have it for all I care. It doesn't devalue my pledges or melt my special snowflake at all if someone else has LTI on their ship.
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Space Marshal
Feb 10, 2015
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Seriously though I don't give a SINGLE shit about LTI. Let everyone have it for all I care. It doesn't devalue my pledges or melt my special snowflake at all if someone else has LTI on their ship.
Same, I really don't give a shit about other people having LTI.
I payed a lot of money for my LTI ships and so did they.
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Vice Admiral
Dec 6, 2014
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I only want ships that have Life Time Insurance, to me I don't really own the ship unless it has LTI. This mindset forced me to buy the battle pack full of ships I don't want, so I can cross chassis upgrade them to ships I do want. (when they become available to CCU). I believe behaviour follows financial incentive and CIG is well aware of their ability to capitalize on LTI. Most subscribers have the takuetsu origin M50 stinger. Expect gnashing of teeth to happen with this LTI sale :)


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
So, after reading pages upon pages of people screaming about LTI, it seems to me that there are 2 types of people who are really upset about LTI, not actually going back on their promises, but the LTI itself. Both of them are the ones dealing in the grey market, the sellers, and the buyers. And for obvious reasons, putting LTI on new inexpensive ships will cause the LTI grey market to crash, cause I got a ship I'm selling, and I'm charging a premium cause its got LTI, or on the other side, I bought these ships from some guy, and I paid a premium cause its got LTI. Now they are both screwed cause I can buy my ship, with LTI, at cost....

Well tough. Its life, get over it.

Now back to the real issue, seeming policy changes at CIG. The LTI issue has brought to light something that could bite us all in the ass. As the saying goes, there are two sides to every story, either they don't care about previous statements that they made, or this, to them, falls into the ever-changing "gameplay mechanics", in which case WHO CARES!!!!

Seeing as they are still balancing the ships we have been flying around for a while, and we still have only had a few second glimpse of what the PU, and the FPS could offer, there doesn't seem to be any reason to get your panties in a bunch. Its a minor tweak to the system, they changed their mind....IT HAPPENS. So far, the only thing that could shake my faith in CIG, right now, would to say that after looking at the books, we are going to start charging a subscription fee of $19.99, so that we can afford to put the entire executive team on a plane to Fiji so we can pick out our new island headquarters, from where we will be working on bringing you the most realistic drunk effects ever. For immersion. The PU will drop as soon as we have that done.....;)


Space Marshal
Jul 21, 2014
RSI Handle
At this stage everyone who pays real money should have LTI, CIG need to give it to everyone and then give original and vet backers something else that's cool and exclusive but has no game play effects.
That would be quite sensible.

I would recommend to give them something with a minor game play effect for the early days, like:
- one week head start in the PU
- a crew mate (Gunner) that works for free on multi crew ships.
- a unique black personal armour skin that is account bound.
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