When CIG raises the price of a ship does it affect my buyback price?


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It has not in the past, it as we all know, CIG changes things without notice, even when they said they would provide notice.

So, it’s a risk. Some day, they might very well change the buyback price, or they might very well end buybacks altogether.

Here is my philosophy. Stop shopping/chasing the meta and put the ships you really want in your physical inventory and keep them there.

If you want to play around with other ships, rent them or ask others to show you theirs.

I would highly advise you keep a mix of starter, small, medium and then, any large or capital ships if you want to go that route. Always have some sort of ship you can fly to make money. Do not rely on getting a crew every session, and you may not even be the captain/pilot of your own ship for some capital ships. You might be a gunner or even red shirt security. Instead, make sure you have a prospector, vulture, freelancer max, F8C, or other ships that will allow you to do what you want to make money by yourself. Otherwise, you might waste your entire gaming session waiting for a group that never forms…


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
on top of what @Thalstan said, I would (at this point) recommend *not* buying any ships, unless you absolutely know you are going to fly it now and in the future.

The game (SQ42 at least) has been developed (pretty much). It is going to get released, and SC is (eventually) going to be released. CIG's need for money is not as crucial now as it was in the past (cough) 12 years ago.

What we have now is a large number of people buying game-breaking ships, or end-game ships that are going to potentially limit your enjoyment of the game. Plus, how many ships can you fly at a time? 1 ...

When I look back at games that I loved, the best part was when I was starting off and scrambling to stay alive. Starting SC day 1 with a Polaris, or a Reclaimer, or (not yet released) Orion is just going to limit your fun.


Space Marshal
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
Fair point, but this is still a good question. My half-remembered answer would have been different to @Thalstan 's above, but what he said is correct.

After a bit of searching (e.g.: About ship price increases and buybacks. : r/starcitizen ) the buy back price for something that has increased in price since it was melted is different depending on what you are buying back:

Currently ship buybacks are at the original purchase price. You just bought the whole ship outright, or you're buying back the starting ship from an upgraded one you melted.
Unapplied CCU buybacks are at the current store pricing.
Applied CCUs used to upgrade a ship, which you then melt, are lost forever (well, you already got their melt value in store credit) and those won't be in your buybacks anyway.


Vice Admiral
Nov 6, 2022
RSI Handle
Stop shopping/chasing the meta and put the ships you really want in your physical inventory and keep them there. If you want to play around with other ships said:
Alllll RIGHT DAD ! ! ! I'll quit being a happy return-shopper on amazon and start keeping the ships I really like.... Thanks for the reply.

I don't know who I quoted myself....
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Vice Admiral
Nov 6, 2022
RSI Handle
on top of what @Thalstan said, I would (at this point) recommend *not* buying any ships, unless you absolutely know you are going to fly it now and in the future.

The game (SQ42 at least) has been developed (pretty much). It is going to get released, and SC is (eventually) going to be released. CIG's need for money is not as crucial now as it was in the past (cough) 12 years ago.

What we have now is a large number of people buying game-breaking ships, or end-game ships that are going to potentially limit your enjoyment of the game. Plus, how many ships can you fly at a time? 1 ...

When I look back at games that I loved, the best part was when I was starting off and scrambling to stay alive. Starting SC day 1 with a Polaris, or a Reclaimer, or (not yet released) Orion is just going to limit your fun.

With how they are threatening to do the insurance and how they get rid of thing players like on a whim, you may get to start day 1 with a Polaris but that 1st pirate crew with 2 or 3 fully crew Polari (?) will blast you out of the verse. Oh lets not forget the invisible rocks in space and on every planet, the hanger that destroy your ship you so loving landed the night before.

I really like the Pioneer and honestly it and the BMM are why I stay with this game. I have no interest in squadron 42. I feel it is going to be just a long tutorial for the grand theft auto 5 . . . wait I men star citizen PTU.

Thanks for you replay


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle

What does get affected when buying back is any CCUs - those reflect the final value of the ship so the longer you leave them the more they are likely to be to buy back.
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