Which is a good couple of ships to start with.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The 315 is one of the worst "starter" ships for people interested in playing RIGHT NOW.

The increased cargo capacity is basically pointless because it's still a very small amount. The tractor beam isn't implemented and is giving up a SIZE 4 hard point. That's a ridiculous trade off if you want to play RIGHT NOW.
As Mich said, this is not the best ship for PVP, but it is certainly the best smuggler in game. The added 50% cargo is useful for smuggling, but beyond that would be superfluous since smuggling cargos are small. The added 40% range is always useful and the fact the 315 is faster and stealthier than the competition matters a lot. There is no better smuggler in game than the 315, and when salvage comes in game, it will be the premium solo salvager as well.

Solaric did not ask about replacing his 315. He knows what he bought. He asked about what to buy in addition, but he didn't say what he wants to do with it so there are no sensible answers. He didn't say if he wants enhanced trade, combat, mining, nor even if he plans to play solo or multi. Face it, there is no way to make sense of such a question. Why is a duck? Because one foot is both the same.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Choose an amount you're willing to give to CIG.

Look at ships in that price range that fit the look and gameplay you might interested.

Test them in-game.


There's too many options to get a 'meta' answer on this. It depends entirely on what you want to do, whether you enjoy a specific ship personally, and how much time and effort you plan to put in the game.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
You do know about Stock ship right.. most buy stock and don't change the ship at all..
Your focused on pwee pwee shine through and should not be a part of advice of what to buy.
Unless the person specifically ask for that or you are only projection your opinion as advice.

So what you can or can't upgrade the ships with now or what DPS they have is irrelevant..
Also not important for future of the game as those things change all the time at current state of game..
And the gear or upgrades you add to your ship is not what make your a ship or you better it is your skill to use it...

So to advice someone of what to buy based on how game is now is short sighted and a bad suggestion...
Advice on ship should be of future use and possible function it have to benefit the user playstyle, unless the person ask for specific use.

As most pepes don't melt and buy left an right like some of us do, they buy once and don't change or might upgrade...
and most fly with the ships as they are stock.

I would argue that since most players only have one, maybe two ships (per stats CIG has release) it is far more common for people to upgrade the components on their ship than running stock.
It is an extremely regular occurrence for me to see new players asking in General about upgrades for the Aurora, Mustang, or Titan, then being ecstatic to learn about Erkul.Games as it saves them so much time, trouble, and aUEC in figuring out their upgrades instead of just buying what happens to be available at their current location then hoping for the best.
Many starter ships while stock struggle to keep up beyond VLRT bounty missions, but once fully upgraded can handle Group MRT and HRT bounty missions depending on the skills of the pilot.

It is great that you have the option to just switch to a different ship when your current ship can't handle the situation being thrown at it, but most players don't have that option, so they either have to optimize their current ship to handle it as best as possible or work with someone else.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I would argue that since most players only have one, maybe two ships (per stats CIG has release) it is far more common for people to upgrade the components on their ship than running stock.
It is an extremely regular occurrence for me to see new players asking in General about upgrades for the Aurora, Mustang, or Titan, then being ecstatic to learn about Erkul.Games as it saves them so much time, trouble, and aUEC in figuring out their upgrades instead of just buying what happens to be available at their current location then hoping for the best.
Many starter ships while stock struggle to keep up beyond VLRT bounty missions, but once fully upgraded can handle Group MRT and HRT bounty missions depending on the skills of the pilot.

It is great that you have the option to just switch to a different ship when your current ship can't handle the situation being thrown at it, but most players don't have that option, so they either have to optimize their current ship to handle it as best as possible or work with someone else.
Yeah you're right and I might be a bit bios as I fly mostly with peps that have a bunch a ships.
And we switch ship back and forth like there is no tomorrow so upgrading ships is more a waste of time...
It might be true for general player with one or two ship to focus more on upgrading it.
But I wonder if it is a majority of player that bother with upgrading or a minority compared to the complete player base.

Well guess we can never know that for sure.. it would be a guess and that don't hold up ha ha ha...
But what you say make sense..

CHEERS! 🍻 🍻 🍻


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
After reading everything that has been posted here, my best possible suggestion is to look through the lists of ships, find some that both peak your interest & are currently flyable in game and then head over to the TEST Discord to see who's around. Enough of us have an assortment of ships that more than likely 1 of us there might have 1 or more of those ships & there's a possibility that the person can either let you TEST them out on your own or better yet teach you how to use it. So that you'll have a better idea of what you'll be looking for & instead of costing you anything, you'll have made new friends, gotten experience for yourself in those ships and be that much closer to deciding which ship you'd like next & if you're wanting to buy it in game with aUEC or with real money.

Just a word of advice though, in case you don't know from having taken the break, the best times to purchase ships that are not new concepts are the Invictus Launch Weelk (ILW) which is usually end of May and the Interstellar Aerospace Expo (Anniversary Sale) week, as both times the available non-new ships come with 10 year insurance instead of the standard 6 month - 2 year insurance amounts. The ILW always focuses on military / combat ships that it makes available, the IAE will have every ship available at some point along it.

Otherwise, you can also purchase a low cost new concept ship with new money, which would give it LTI & then upgrade it to a ship that you'd rather have instead. We have plenty of threads here to help you get the most bang for your buck in this regard. Either way & no matter what you end up getting, I hope that you'll have a wonderful time in the Verse & enjoy your selection as much as possible. Cheers!


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
So to advice someone of what to buy based on how game is now is short sighted and a bad suggestion...
Advice on ship should be of future use and possible function it have to benefit the user playstyle, unless the person ask for specific use.

As most pepes don't melt and buy left an right like some of us do, they buy once and don't change or might upgrade...
and most fly with the ships as they are stock.
I generally give advice on possible future ships to look into after asking & learning what sorts of ships they like as well as what sorts of game play they're interested in. Then point out what the most logical step for them to look towards, preferably not something that would break the bank, because thanks to how things have been globally lately, finances might be more tight than before.

I have a pretty large fleet of ships so I have a lot of option as such I tend to look more on what is coming and what is useful up the road than what we got now.
And I never upgrade my ship I fly them stock and never been a problem for me, in some rare cases I change ballistic to laser or vice versa.
I prefer to use the ships to its max potential stock so if/when I master that then I know what ever I upgrade with is going to be of use and a benefit.
And as most things are not 100% I avoid spending to much time working out the DPS and all that as tomorrow it could all been changed.
The only upgrades I mainly do for my ships currently, especially since CIG has been doing a lot of balance passing lately, is to swap from ballistics to energy weapons. Maybe I'm just a cheap furball, or maybe I simply really don't like the idea of ending up in a dog fight with a group of ships & then accidentally running out of ammo, but that's it for me.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I posted this is completely the wrong thread lol.

I think the Avenger Titan is the best overall beginner ship. However if you do want to take the next step and fork out a bit more - Freelancer is really good all rounder, it's got good guns, you can do bountys with it, box missions, investigation missions, cargo running, participate in server events like ninetails, etc all in the same ship!


Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I generally give advice on possible future ships to look into after asking & learning what sorts of ships they like as well as what sorts of game play they're interested in. Then point out what the most logical step for them to look towards, preferably not something that would break the bank, because thanks to how things have been globally lately, finances might be more tight than before.

The only upgrades I mainly do for my ships currently, especially since CIG has been doing a lot of balance passing lately, is to swap from ballistics to energy weapons. Maybe I'm just a cheap furball, or maybe I simply really don't like the idea of ending up in a dog fight with a group of ships & then accidentally running out of ammo, but that's it for me.
Yeah ha ha ha.. that is currently the only change I make to a ship so ammo is not a problem..
But I usually keep the same size as the stock and as I said in some rare cases I could put on a bigger for some testing but it's short term.
The stock size works fine and if it don't then you learn to stay out of trouble.. ha ha ha...
It is such a mess now with balance and all changes and new stuff coming, so I focus on playing and having fun.
If I get get in trouble and get shot to pieces, I got better things to do than let that bother me, that is a coffee break ha ha ha..
Reclaim go get coffee stretch the legs, do some gymnastics ... eeh Ooh.. maybe not the gym thingy thing.. ha ha ha

CHEERS! 🍻 🍻 🍻


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
I think the Avenger Titan is the best overall beginner ship.

For 10 years running my opinion on this has never waivered:
1.) Start with an Avenger Titan. Hands down the best all-rounder solo starter ship. Nomad is probably a close contender, but especially for the price : capability ratio, the Titan can't be beat.
2.) Once you've done some of everything with the Titan AND decided you want to dabble in multi-crew play, then the Cutlass Black is the best starter multi-crew ship. Again I'll give a nod to the Freelancer as another viable option, but the Black does everything the base Lancer can do, it does it cheaper, and has fewer annoying QoL drawbacks.
3.) Once you've mastered both the Titan and the Black, you'll have a much better idea of what you do/don't like doing in the 'Verse, and you'll know better what more purpose-specific things you're interested in having in a ship. At this point you *should* also know if you want to upgrade either of those into something more dedicated, or if you're hooked enough that you just want to, ah, increase your fleet size rather than upgrade.
4.) No hope left, time for the CCU Game plugin!!! :D

*Disclaimer: Seeing that you have a 315p, I will admit to a personal soft spot for the 325a which I just LOVE to fly, and would be a cheap/familiar upgrade from your 315. That's subjective though, and objectively the Titan is still just as good if not better than either of the Origin ships, in addition to being cheaper!
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Yeah you're right and I might be a bit bios as I fly mostly with peps that have a bunch a ships.
And we switch ship back and forth like there is no tomorrow so upgrading ships is more a waste of time...
You can afford to do that with the 315 because it comes stock with stealth gear. That's not true of the Titan, and another reason to prefer the 315. There are very few ships in game that come equipped for what they're best at. If you want a fast, stealth smuggler you can live out of, the 315 will do that right out of the box.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
You can afford to do that with the 315 because it comes stock with stealth gear. That's not true of the Titan, and another reason to prefer the 315. There are very few ships in game that come equipped for what they're best at. If you want a fast, stealth smuggler you can live out of, the 315 will do that right out of the box.
Yeah so far IMO I have not seen any other ship in that size that come close to how useful 315 is as a stock ship no upgrade.
Sure Titan is more a bulldog okay fighter with a bed and a bit of cargo space but you need to upgrade it for it to be good enough.
With the 315 you just use it stock and sneak past the drama then collect the cash instead of wasting it on ammo or upgrades ha ha ha..
🍻 🍻 🍻

White Lando

Grand Admiral
Nov 25, 2021
RSI Handle
You can afford to do that with the 315 because it comes stock with stealth gear. That's not true of the Titan, and another reason to prefer the 315. There are very few ships in game that come equipped for what they're best at. If you want a fast, stealth smuggler you can live out of, the 315 will do that right out of the box.
Wasn't sure if he wanted to focus on stealth smuggling. Didn't see that listed on his interests in his introduction thread or this thread.

It's possible (probable in my opinion) that the 315 isn't currently capable of performing any of the tasks he'd hoped it could when he pledged for it years ago. If he wants to play now (and stealth smuggling isn't an interest), a 315 probably isn't a great ship to make up 50% of your fleet. That's why I offered an alternative.

What's in the game for smuggling? Is there a quest line I should focus on? I wouldn't mind doing some stuff with my MSR. How much does it pay? I'm legitimately asking. I've never looked into it.


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
He did say what his goals were:
Since I am just starting up I am not sure what play style will be the best for me. I know pure PVP will take awhile to train up. So maybe some hauling to make money or mining and some quests. Try it all out and see what sticks.
This screams starter/all-rounder, not smuggling specific, ergo the many suggestions of Titans/Nomads/Blacks/Lancers. I even admitted my bias for the 300 series while still recommending the more all-rounders until one has played enough to figure out their own playstyle. I think that qualifies more as sound objective advice based on the question asked than pushy opinions.

White Lando

Grand Admiral
Nov 25, 2021
RSI Handle
I think he was pretty clear he wanted a ship in addition to the one he has. It's a shame we can fill an entire thread with our opinions about a ship he never said what he'd do with it. An entire thread for pushy people. Meh. How embarrassing.
I want anyone reading this to know that I'm always open to suggestions even if it might change something I didn't explicitly say I was thinking of changing.

There are a lot of things I don't know about in SC so any advice is welcome.

Sorry if I derailed the thread with my vehement support of the Titan over the 315p (for a new player with a two ship fleet in the current state of the PTU) but I feel no shame in my zealotry. I'll freakin' do it again. 🍻 :o7:

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
That's a pretty eclectic mix. I doubt it takes more time to learn to PVP than it does to mine. Anything you want to do well requires serious effort. Miners are not slouches. If you don't care what you do then it doesn't really matter what sort of ship you fly. Stick with the Aurora.

Personally I think the baseline distinction you want to draw is civil or martial career. If you want multi-purpose civil that can be handled solo: get a Nomad, Lancer or Cutty depending upon your cash and need for cargo. If you want a multi-purpose martial ship that can be handled solo, get a Sentinel and focus on learning dog-fighting, stealth missile technique, and EMP use. If you can't decide between civil and martial just fly your 315 and do both until you find out what you like. There are great tutorials online.

Ignore everyone who tells you to ignore stealth. Seeing without being seen is the first art of every kind of conflict. Players who ignore the finer points of sensor and stealth use are sheeples, waiting to be shorn.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I watched a video and did some reading. There's a mission giver at Grim Hex and it looks pretty profitable. The thing that kept me away is I try to avoid crimestats. Probably not an issue if you know what's what, though.
Nothing that really justifies having a special ship geared towards that gameplay though (ie. MSR). I don't think the whole 'hidden stash' mechanic on that ship works. Great speed though!
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