I just realized I didn't answer the questions... at least some of them, and not in the Q&A format...
well here they are!:
Where you from stranger?
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
What drew you to Star Citizen?
Mainly, space, ships, sci-fi, flying, etc. I'm a huge car nut, and planes... and space, technology, future, etc.
What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
A bit of everything I guess, don't really have a goal/objective, although I try to avoid the PvP in most games, I don't mind the occasional rage quit... I DO play online PvP games however, like War Thunder... just not my favourite genre, and I easily rage quit when the matches are always against me... (I also played some Battlefield 3, but how long I stay depends on how well I play... If I spawn, and die, spawn and die, without getting much kills, I quit...)
What was the first game you remember playing?
Super Mario on NES... it was a new thing back in China when I was ~5 and I was so fascinated... when moved to Japan, I bought a Famicom of my own, but don't really remember what games I had... some really crappy ones... I did go to my friends' houses to play Super-Famicom (Japanese SNES) and played a lot of Bomberman and Street Fighter II, and some other stuff... Once I got to Canada I remember getting into PC games, with C&C Red Alert, Need For Speed III, and MANY MANY MANY other games since...
What other games do you play?
As of this moment, War Thunder, GT6, GRID2, The Last of Us, SWTOR, X-Rebirth, and whatever else that pops up into my mind, or feel like trying out (like Hawken yesterday). I also want to go back to replaying Mass Effect series but can't really find the time to sit down and concentrate on that 1 game alone recently =( I've not had the chance to play ANY of the DLCs for ME3 because I lost my save and I refuse to simply start a "fresh game" without a previous "perfect" save...
Picard or Kirk?
ehhhh... I'm not much of a Trekkie to be honest... but I'll go with Kirk, because William Shatner's actually from Montreal! ... of course, I have all the respect in the world for Patrick Stewart