Will we be able to create safe spots in a system?


Space Marshal
Nov 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Answer: We don't know.

My Theory: We know that beacons will be an asset that we will deploy from our ships and possibly are hand carried. In my mind there will be five settings for beacons. They will be General, Distress, Private, Organization, and Fleet.

General: All players can pick up on this signal and see the title you gave it and lock on to later quantum to it.

Distress: Same as general except it will auto title your character name and say distress on it. Used if you need help obviously and will probably be on a keybind so u can quickly drop one.

Private: This is a beacon that sends an encrypted signal out detailing its name and location. Only you have access, however, a Herald or ship that is suited for e-warfare and possibly exploration should be able to decrypt it after so much time and eventually find where the beacon is.

Organization: Same as private except your Org mates and possibly org affiliates have access as well.

Fleet: Same as private but only people in the fleet that you are in have access.

I also think that beacons should persist until either picked back up or they are destroyed either by someone else or you send a self-destruct signal to it in order to clear it off your list o' beacons. This persistence also should only apply to ship deployed beacons and/or maybe planetside constructed beacons at outposts as long as they have power. Hand-carried beacons should operate on a battery so limited life for them as well as possibly limited range and they should operate however long that battery lasts and then they despawn. This is how I would want the beacon system to work as it should be simple to use for the player as well as leverage certain ship features like those the Herald is supposed to have. In the end, we will see Soon tm.

Edit 1: For Fleet beacons, when the fleet is disbanded then the beacon despawns in order to clear up assets.

Edit 2: Deploying an encrypted beacon while doing stealth ops shouldnt give away your position but I think that ships might pick up on the presense of an encypted signal. This in a way should give people some forewarning that someone else is around but they don't know where. Think of this as looking at gen chat in EVE. We shall see how this plays out because I am also very interested in stealth gameplay.

Edit 3: Apparently I'm promoted to Vice Admiral with this post. All I gotta say is somebody screwed up. :)
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May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
I recon so but not in the way you might want. Maybe you can hire a bunch of NPCs and have them stationed around your personal asteroid port in ships but I don't think an area could be considered "safe".

I hope it's more risk/reward based depending, like Kareah Vs Olisar Vs Area 18 where Kareah is unsafe, Olisar is safer but you get idiots smashing into you and Area 18 where you can't die.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Safety is relative. The more guns that you are sitting BEHIND, the safer you generally are. On the other side of the coin, safety can mean being undetected/undetectable. So being alone and killing all of your systems in the middle of nowhere will make you look like a random bit of debris. Safe, but not doing much. If CIG wants to build a living and breathing universe, there has to be SOME aspect of risk/danger everywhere. I want it to be possible to be sitting unarmed, at a cafe on Terra, when the Duul or pirates suddenly start attacking. The fact that I THOUGHT I was safe, but wasn't, adds a whole new level of excitement and engaging gameplay.

tl;dr: Safe spaces are for millennials.

(Okay, so I was born in 1990 and have grumpy old man syndrome. I berate my fiance for being such a goddamn millennial all the time. I'm only a hypocrite if i take 40 pictures of my food before eating, which I don't. Cuz I'm fat.)


May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Safety is relative. The more guns that you are sitting BEHIND, the safer you generally are. On the other side of the coin, safety can mean being undetected/undetectable. So being alone and killing all of your systems in the middle of nowhere will make you look like a random bit of debris. Safe, but not doing much. If CIG wants to build a living and breathing universe, there has to be SOME aspect of risk/danger everywhere. I want it to be possible to be sitting unarmed, at a cafe on Terra, when the Duul or pirates suddenly start attacking. The fact that I THOUGHT I was safe, but wasn't, adds a whole new level of excitement and engaging gameplay.

tl;dr: Safe spaces are for millennials.

(Okay, so I was born in 1990 and have grumpy old man syndrome. I berate my fiance for being such a goddamn millennial all the time. I'm only a hypocrite if i take 40 pictures of my food before eating, which I don't. Cuz I'm fat.)
Yeah this is kind of what I wanted to say, no where is really safe, look at the Whitehouse, how many threats has it faced over the years and it's got some incredible defense but it's always the little dude who jumps the fence with a knife and runs across the lawn who is considered the threat so the safer you feel the smaller the threat needs to be. You couldn't launch a ICBM aimed at the Whitehouse from North Korea because it simply won't get within a thousand miles of the target.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
If we do get to deploy our own beacons for various means, I would like to set 1 on the edge of a cluster of black holes' gravitational pull zones (think MAW Cluster from Star Wars) with the message "TEST Squadron Base Alpha" to sucker rival Orgs to waste ships & drones by trying to find out how to infiltrate our "Safe Space HQ" while instead we would be relaxing in some space bar having a lol at their attempts. Maybe we would start a drinking game of taking a shot of alcohol each time somebody tried to sneak into the supposed base only to lose it all needlessly.

Obviously, my stating this here & now will hopefully prevent any of us from falling into that trap ourselves. With my luck, I'll be the 1st to forget though. LoL


May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
All Test members can find safety and solace within the various space pubs around the universe.
I endorse this effort, if there's a pub then there's a TESTIE! It's like an unspoken rule and a security measure all in one, no one will mess with TEST in a pub unless they know what's good for them.

I've on 8 pints and my typing skills are still sharp, you wanna mess? Then bring it on, you aint got a hope in hell unless you have at least one friend and I doubt you do.


Space Marshal
Aug 13, 2017
RSI Handle
I guess what I want is a set of coordinates, that only I can jump too. The only way to find me would be by scanning down my location. And if I was in stealth mode or cloaked, you would not be able to scan me down at all.

tl;dr: Safe spaces are for millennials.
Your right, lets not call it a safe spot. more like a hiding spot, that you could attack from.
Like this?

What about this?


It's definitely this!!

No, Not like that.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I intend to get a BMM and turn it into a safe space with booze and blackjack and hookers and I'm gonna call it the
Disque Noir et Or.
Hey, I plan to do the same thing with my Merchantman; The Millennial Fulcrum
Perhaps we can pull into the same system and throw a rager one of these days!


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Hey, I plan to do the same thing with my Merchantman; The Millennial Fulcrum
Perhaps we can pull into the same system and throw a rager one of these days!
If the 2 of you are going to link up to throw an Org rager, then perhaps I'll periodically convert my BMM into an intersteller Hooters since We are OWL & while we party we're going to get hungry.
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