[WTB] CCU's - BIS 2950 Cutlass Black, BIS 2950 Valkyrie, "Valkyrie Liberator"


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I realise that it's a long-shot, but I was wondering if anyone may have a spare of any\all of these CCU's that they would be willing to part with?

Having started with the game relatively recently, It's dissapointing to see all the nice skins\paints (and items) which I missed out on.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
I've been wrong about CCU's before, but if you want the 'Liberator' skin you'll need to find someone willing to part with their OG purchased Valk. It was a one-shot at the CitCon 2048 release. I passed on it for lack of available funds at the time... and still get a chuckle over the drama about how the "Valkyrie makes the Cutlass obsolete".

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Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I've been wrong about CCU's before, but if you want the 'Liberator' skin you'll need to find someone willing to part with their OG purchased Valk. It was a one-shot at the CitCon 2048 release. I passed on it for lack of available funds at the time... and still get a chuckle over the drama about how the "Valkyrie makes the Cutlass obsolete".

I figured all 3 are long-shots at this point in time, given their age... But if you don't ask, you don't find out.

Of the 3, the Valkyrie Liberator skin is probably one I'd least mind missing out on, but would still aprreciate it if I could get the skin.

As to the Valkyrie Vs Cutlass argument: The Valkyrie is, in many ways, simply a larger version of the Cutlass Black, where instead of wasting space raising the pilot's seat when flying, they added a little height to the ship and made the space useful by fitting an extra floor.


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Those are now very rare and ultra expensive.
I traded some 2950 ccus at cost with other stuff to Doc Flannigan last year for a notebook. That was before realising some of those 2950 like the eclipse CCU are worth at least 500$ on the grey market nowadays. The valkyrie being quite expensive also.

I am hanging on my 2950 CCU stock as you already know, and because of their current market value, but I have the standalone BIS 2950 versions of those 2 ships, only 120 months insurance though if you are interested. But that will probably defeat the potential saving you can do with a CCU at cost (if you can ever find one).

Right now you can almost only find the standalone versions on grey market like StarHangar or Reddit. The CCUs are like impossible to find.
The standalones BIS 2950 on grey are also way overpriced. But I will do them at cost (plus my vat) if you are interested, and because of our history you and me.
(And if anyone else is pm'ing about them, this offer is for Brictoria only, they aren't for sale but for him).
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Doc Flanigan

Mar 27, 2021
RSI Handle
Those are now very rare and ultra expensive.
I traded some 2950 ccus at cost with other stuff to Doc Flannigan last year for a notebook. That was before realising some of those 2950 like the eclipse CCU are worth at least 500$ on the grey market nowadays. The valkyrie being quite expensive also.

I am hanging on my 2950 CCU stock as you already know, and because of their current market value, but I have the standalone BIS 2950 versions of those 2 ships, only 120 months insurance though if you are interested. But that will probably defeat the potential saving you can do with a CCU at cost (if you can ever find one).

Right now you can almost only find the standalone versions on grey market like StarHangar or Reddit. The CCUs are like impossible to find.
The standalones BIS 2950 on grey are also way overpriced. But I will do them at cost (plus my vat) if you are interested, and because of our history you and me.
(And if anyone else is pm'ing about them, this offer is for Brictoria only, they aren't for sale but for him).
Indeed, I searched for a long time for those CCU's as well. @vahadar was very gracious to me for reasons I cannot explain. I am sincerely grateful, and tried to repay a portion of that gratitude with a very rare gift a while back. :)

I have applied the Eclipse and Valk CCUs to build my Eclipse and Valk during the last IAE saving 57% on the Eclipse and 53% on the Valkyrie. These are amongst my most cherished in my hangar.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Those are now very rare and ultra expensive.
I traded some 2950 ccus at cost with other stuff to Doc Flannigan last year for a notebook. That was before realising some of those 2950 like the eclipse CCU are worth at least 500$ on the grey market nowadays. The valkyrie being quite expensive also.

I am hanging on my 2950 CCU stock as you already know, and because of their current market value, but I have the standalone BIS 2950 versions of those 2 ships, only 120 months insurance though if you are interested. But that will probably defeat the potential saving you can do with a CCU at cost (if you can ever find one).

Right now you can almost only find the standalone versions on grey market like StarHangar or Reddit. The CCUs are like impossible to find.
The standalones BIS 2950 on grey are also way overpriced. But I will do them at cost (plus my vat) if you are interested, and because of our history you and me.
(And if anyone else is pm'ing about them, this offer is for Brictoria only, they aren't for sale but for him).
Thank you for the generous offer... While it is very tempting (Particularly if I had the funds for the 2950 Valkyrie at present), following a recent addition to my hangar from another member here (which I have a feeling you may have been interested in as well, at least in part), I'd feel guilty buying these from you.

I had realised before starting this thread that these are some of the few CCU's I want which I'm never likely to find at (or even close to) cost, with the Cutlass CCU in particular to almost certainly increase any potential chain above the normal ship's "melt" value[1] (and, if no CCU's exist, than the Valkyrie Liberator with LTI would certainly be more than "melt" value), but I feel that, for me, this paint scheme on the ships is worth spending a little extra on - My current Valkyrie CCU chain is $160, so there's a bit of room there, at least...

[1] I had been contemplating applying a "Gladius - Cutlass Black BIS 2950" CCU (If I could find one - They seem the most "common" version) to the referral Gladius (2 referrals to go, so I'll have it by the end of the year) to keep it's "price" down, but after finally deciding to try the bounty hunting evaluation mission a couple of nights ago in a Gladius (which I found in my hangar for some unknown reason), that plan is being reconsidered... I finally managed to "shoot down" an AI ship that wasn't the reinforcement Cutlass for one of the outposts that was landed to unload (The main part of my ship's hull was red afterwards, to give an idea of my flying\combat ability - Keyboard\mouse and flying don't work too well for me). There's a possibility that I may have more than a 5% chance against VLRT's after all.

Doc Flanigan

Mar 27, 2021
RSI Handle
Thank you for the generous offer... While it is very tempting (Particularly if I had the funds for the 2950 Valkyrie at present), following a recent addition to my hangar from another member here (which I have a feeling you may have been interested in as well, at least in part), I'd feel guilty buying these from you.

I had realised before starting this thread that these are some of the few CCU's I want which I'm never likely to find at (or even close to) cost, with the Cutlass CCU in particular to almost certainly increase any potential chain above the normal ship's "melt" value[1] (and, if no CCU's exist, than the Valkyrie Liberator with LTI would certainly be more than "melt" value), but I feel that, for me, this paint scheme on the ships is worth spending a little extra on - My current Valkyrie CCU chain is $160, so there's a bit of room there, at least...

[1] I had been contemplating applying a "Gladius - Cutlass Black BIS 2950" CCU (If I could find one - They seem the most "common" version) to the referral Gladius (2 referrals to go, so I'll have it by the end of the year) to keep it's "price" down, but after finally deciding to try the bounty hunting evaluation mission a couple of nights ago in a Gladius (which I found in my hangar for some unknown reason), that plan is being reconsidered... I finally managed to "shoot down" an AI ship that wasn't the reinforcement Cutlass for one of the outposts that was landed to unload (The main part of my ship's hull was red afterwards, to give an idea of my flying\combat ability - Keyboard\mouse and flying don't work too well for me). There's a possibility that I may have more than a 5% chance against VLRT's after all.
I think I know which addition that you're talking about. I was interested in that particular one as well. If it's the OC one with TEST colors paint and special suit. :)

I sent you a message on Discord, but will offer here as well... I don't get much time to play lately due to work and family commitments, so if you're interested I'd be happy to meet you in-game and give you the Cutlass, Eclipse and Valk paints for you to use until the next wipe (and again after the next wipe). If you're interested, let me know.


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
I bet you guys are talking BUKs ;) ("at least in part" is the hint I guess)
Or maybe not :)

But Brictoria if you want me to reserve it for you, this year, or in the future years let me know.
I will open a Reddit shop sometime in the future to recoup some of my expenses, and I plan to offer my Bis stock there little by little. So I would need to know in advance, as I have less than a handful of those ships as standalones (2-3 each iirc for the cutlass and valk 2950).

If your chain for the Valk is at 160, you have indeed some room to find a CCU for the 2950 and stay around the standalone ship price.
Last time I checked in 2022, the Valk CCU was going for 200-250. Might be more though now.
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Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I think I know which addition that you're talking about. I was interested in that particular one as well. If it's the OC one with TEST colors paint and special suit. :)

I sent you a message on Discord, but will offer here as well... I don't get much time to play lately due to work and family commitments, so if you're interested I'd be happy to meet you in-game and give you the Cutlass, Eclipse and Valk paints for you to use until the next wipe (and again after the next wipe). If you're interested, let me know.
Thank you for the offer - I was in the office earlier, so didn't have access to Discord to reply.

I'd certainly be interested after the incoming wipe, but it's possibly not worth worrying about before then.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I bet you guys are talking BUKs ;) ("at least in part" is the hint I guess)
Or maybe not :)

But Brictoria if you want me to reserve it for you, this year, or in the future years let me know.
I will open a Reddit shop sometime in the future to recoup some of my expenses, and I plan to offer my Bis stock there little by little. So I would need to know in advance, as I have less than a handful of those ships as standalones (2-3 each iirc for the cutlass and valk 2950).

If your chain for the Valk is at 160, you have indeed some room to find a CCU for the 2950 and stay around the standalone ship price.
Last time I checked in 2022, the Valk CCU was going for 200-250. Might be more though now.
That was a lucky guess :)

I'd had my eye on the 3 pack for a while as I figured it was cheaper than buying multiple Vanguards, particularly as I can only fly (for a given value of "fly") one at a time - I do know the BUK's don't do anything yet, though. The recent discussions about them forced my hand and so I decided I should just bite the bullet and get them. If something changes and I decide I don't need the pack (I acquire a pack with an LTI Sentinel, for example, or I decide I don't reallly like flying the Vanguards), I'll let you know.

I'd certainly be interested in the standalone BIS 2950 Cutlass and Valkyrie in the future (I'll need to see how Invictus treats me, to get an idea of how soon I may have funds for one or both), particularly as I'd like to hold off from applying any CCU's until much closer to the game releases, in case I need the CCU's in a chain for another ship and\or the "credit" for other purposes than filling gaps in the chain (such as a CNOU complete pack with LTI, should they ever release one). While I like the colour combination, the white and yellow\gold, without much black for contrast means the Eclipse (and to a lesser extent, the Carrack) don't really look as nice. Having said that, if the black on the paint was substituted with light grey, and the white with blue (keeping the gold\yellow as-is), I would love the Carrack - Those colours would give it a Lego "classic space" appearance, which I think would suit it.
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