You can bet they're taking notice

Captain Easy

Nov 19, 2014
RSI Handle
For too long game devs and producers have pretty much just had their way. For whatever reasons games keep getting released in an unfinished state. Or in some cases the promises and advertising doesn't match the end product. Then of course the consumer (that's us) is rightfully disappointed and feels cheated.

The forums for many of these games are tiresome to read. They assure us that they hear our voice. In turn we think that they are listening to us. Which is pointless hope because by that time the profit model has reached it's goal. Why is it pointless? Because we keep seeing the same practice over and over. And we keep buying games from them because we want games. Sadly they know this. Not all games are this way but it is alarming how often this model of production is being repeated.

Star Citizen, in my opinion, will change how games get developed/produced in the future. Chris Roberts, CIG and the Backers (that's us) are sending a very loud and clear message; "We want a polished and finished game. And if you won't respect the money we spend on your product then we will just do it without you!"

For me, being a Backer for Chris Roberts is more than just helping to create the type of game I have dreamed of for a very long time, it's also about sending a message that can't be ignored. I'm not just talking about the 63 million dollars to date. I'm referring to the countless postings in the RSI and affiliated Star Citizen forums. I can't recall ever reading so much about a game that is so positive and supportive.


Space Marshal
Jul 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Totally agreed. This is one of the better things that have happened in the game industry, I sincerely hope the bigger publishers do take notice.
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2014
RSI Handle
I agree, if the responsibility of Chris Roberts is still a mission to bring a game that backers control by the time this game is actually released then he will have started a major turn of events for producers. They won't just look at CIG as another small time competitor, no, they will FEAR CIG and the people behind that company. They will be forced to make a decision but then the result of that decision leads us to another point of conflict. The decision that they will make is to keep up the cash cow mentality but under a guise. Many people will believe in this falsehood and CIG then will have to come up with another game breaking strategy that these producers cannot match up to.

A game is never truly complete if the imagination of dreamers is still captivated by the content of the developers. This means that the only object left standing in the way of big producers and CIG is the content after the trust. The quality content is what will break CIG away from people over at EA, and I really am sorry to say but SWBF will probably be that turning point in which CIG will have to keep on developing the truly best game ever to stay strong against the prime evil in the game industry.
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Captain Easy

Nov 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Many people will believe in this falsehood
You are spot on! We the consumer must recognize that we pushed a button that works. And make no mistake, it's a big button. Instead of going millions of dollars in the hole and hope you bring in enough on release to turn it into a positive, you don't go into a hole at all. That's what this record making crowd funded project is doing by creating a whole new model. A new way of approaching a project.

But even this kind of model can be abused, as I'm sure it will be. I'm just happy in the moment. I'm happy there is a Chris Roberts and his dream. I'm happy to be part of something so innovative and fresh. I am happy to share this with people from around the world. People from all ages and backgrounds. When I turn on the news they tell us we hate each other and our differences. That we can't get along. To them I say this, "Read all the input/exchange from the Star Citizen Backers and supporters and you will see that you are wrong."


Grand Admiral
Oct 13, 2014
RSI Handle
Other game houses can copy and make exact same game and try to make living. But in games like these if player base sucks no one will play those games long. I noticed meaning of good player base/community when i played Lineage 2 on many different servers, game was same but players different and on good server i played years..... and in bad from week to month. And what i have seen in this community i can say i will play this game loooong time :D
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Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Other game houses can copy and make exact same game and try to make living. But in games like these if player base sucks no one will play those games long. I noticed meaning of good player base/community when i played Lineage 2 on many different servers, game was same but players different and on good server i played years..... and in bad from week to month. And what i have seen in this community i can say i will play this game loooong time :D
A great example of a player base keeping a game alive is TF2. There hasn't been a major weapons update in the longest time, but the community keeps coming up with new game modes and fun stuff to do on servers.

And seriously, if your hyper-macho FPS community spends an entire day doing the conga with birthday hats and noisemakers, your game will never die.
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
You are spot on! We the consumer must recognize that we pushed a button that works. And make no mistake, it's a big button. Instead of going millions of dollars in the hole and hope you bring in enough on release to turn it into a positive, you don't go into a hole at all. That's what this record making crowd funded project is doing by creating a whole new model. A new way of approaching a project.
I imagine it as Chris going outside in a field of dirt, getting down on his hands and knees and scraping some dirt together to form a molehill. He then declared his molehill to be awesome and people took notice. Other people then came and put their hands in the dirt and made it bigger. Chris then declared, "OUR dirt pile is awesome!" More people started to take notice of the people making this dirt hill and before you knew it there was heavy machinery mining and putting more dirt on top of this hill making it even bigger. Chris then said "Our dirt mountain is awesome!" And then it began to turn into stone. Chris picked up a chisel and hammer and started carving it declaring "Isn't this awesome?". More and more people have joined him, more and more people piling on dirt that turns to stone and now steel as the project gets further along and truly begins to take shape.

Chris never started in the hole and has almost rewritten how a game can be made from the ground up if you have a vision people can believe in.
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Shar Treuse

Nov 24, 2014
RSI Handle
Shar Treuse
Most game publishers are far too stupid to learn anything from Chris Roberts' example. Can you see EA convincing 650,000 people that they are going to make a decent game...after they get your money?


Grand Admiral
Sep 24, 2014
RSI Handle
Why do I feel like this would be put to better use as a resdit response..?


Vice Admiral
Nov 4, 2014
RSI Handle
I imagine it as Chris going outside in a field of dirt, getting down on his hands and knees and scraping some dirt together to form a molehill. He then declared his molehill to be awesome and people took notice. Other people then came and put their hands in the dirt and made it bigger. Chris then declared, "OUR dirt pile is awesome!" More people started to take notice of the people making this dirt hill and before you knew it there was heavy machinery mining and putting more dirt on top of this hill making it even bigger. Chris then said "Our dirt mountain is awesome!" And then it began to turn into stone. Chris picked up a chisel and hammer and started carving it declaring "Isn't this awesome?". More and more people have joined him, more and more people piling on dirt that turns to stone and now steel as the project gets further along and truly begins to take shape.

Chris never started in the hole and has almost rewritten how a game can be made from the ground up if you have a vision people can believe in.
That is a very good analogy.
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