You may call me... Cata. <insert big band jazz>


Mar 28, 2015
RSI Handle
How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
Let me start off with the most important question.

Gather around one and all for a riveting tale of hilarity, of discovery, and most importantly liquor. I happened to come across a chap by the name of Modeeper a couple of weeks ago. You've probably seen him: glasses, wine, and with a respectable beard to boot. While streaming one fine night several weeks ago, he had been playing that good 'ole Star Citizen game that all the cool kids just can't shut up about. What I had failed to spot was that he had been drinking a fair bit of his favorite pinot noir and thus, he was getting quite tipsy. I was looking at other streams while his was muted (but still playing, mind you) and decided to check back for anything interesting in Mod's stream. And what I found was glorious.

At first glance I saw a black chair. Seemingly empty, I decided to stick around in case he got back from whatever he had been doing. However, he was there the entire time. What had been just an empty chair was actually a slumbering Modeeper, stooped over his desk. Now being the sensible person I am, I decided to rally a couple of fellow Twitchers to raid his channel. As the viewer count grew, so did the laughter. After several minutes had passed, one guy (can't remember who) had decided to take some screenshots to see if our beloved streamer was breathing or not. Alas, it did not look good as he did not move an inch. Whilst preparing the RIPerinos and the Good Night Sweet Prince's, a miracle had happened before our eyes. The phoenix had been reborn.

Erm... I said a phoenix right? Well, try to imagine a sloth instead. Our bright-eyed hero, bless his soul, had woken up and was as hammered as a certain golden parachute-pants wearing aficionado. In his stupor he blankly stared at the LCD glow of his monitor, unaware of the fact that he was still streaming. After a quick scan of the screen, he got up and stumbled off-screen for a moment before coming back to unknowingly entertain his audience. His feline companion who had been resting in the background had demanded his attention. After satisfying his cat with a pat on the head, he then proceeded to play with his belt. At this point everyone was freaking out, expecting a lewd Modeeper to dominate the stream. Thankfully though, it was only an adjustment. Satisfied with the comfort, Modeep took one last look at his computer (still not realizing he was LIVE) before going off-screen, turning off the lights, and disappearing for a couple of hours.

Never stop Modeeper, you glorious bastard! Thanks for bringing me to TEST Squardon!

Where you from stranger?
I come from Alberta of the Great White North, eh?

What drew you to Star Citizen?
Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace. Seriously though, I love the stuff.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
I think playing with pals who know how to have good time would be great. :D I have a dream to cross-stream with the crew of a Connie or an 890 Jump via Multitwitch.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Super Metroid for the Super Nintendo. I'm actually working on trying to speedrun it.

What other games do you play?
I used to play a crap ton of CS:GO until I started to get into streaming. Unfortunately the winternet here in Canada is utterly terrible so I can't do both. :mad::(:mad:

Picard or Kirk?

Kirk gets the ladies, but Picard has class. Picard for Pres.


Vice Admiral
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
:,) the damn best introduction I've seen and a beautiful story to compliment it. A perfect story of a True Testie. Welcome Catatonic glad to see you be with us.


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
You didn't happen to get a highlight of that did you? Welcome to TEST!
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