Your Ships. The Why and Future Purchases - Revived!


Space Marshal
Mar 17, 2015
RSI Handle

Aurora LN - I wanted an all around ship that I could farm REC with if I needed to and do the starter missions after Squadron 42. Extra thrusters and guns are a plus.

Mustang Omega - Price for performance. I discovered SC during PAX East so I was able to try all the ships for pretty much two weeks thanks to SXSW. The Gamma and Omega were a lot of fun for me and easy with the Logitech 3D I'm "renting" from Best Buy. The M50 and 350r were too much for me to justify and to be honest pretty hard for me to control at the time. I'm going to REC an m50 after I use up all the stuff I got to prepare for the Captain's Cup but so far this is my favorite racer. Plus I used to be on TeamATi and have to represent.


Freelancer - They are just beautiful and I want to feel like Mal Reynolds. Still debating on the MAX and its extra engines and space or the DUR and its extra jump capabilities.

Avenger - Really enjoyed it during Free Fly Weekend and seems all around good ship to have. Only $5 more if I can find another Cheap Omega package.

Hornet - It's either this or the Gladius. One thing I'm concerned about when the PU hits is if any of my fighters will actually get used. As far as I've read we don't really have too much idea on what PvE missions will be like and as far as Arena Commander stands at the moment I'm a middle range fighter and will probably have to make a lot of insurance claims if I attempt open world PVP. I may be better suited for gunner in one of your guys' 2 man ships. Also not a bad upgrade if I can find a cheap Omega package.

Gladius - See above

Cutlass - Once again just another beautiful ship and also a lot of fun in Free Flight. In FPS games I'm generally a Medic class and also IRL work for a health care company doing IT so there is a high chance this will get upgraded to a Red. I believe it's been discussed the ship is still pretty modular and I can take out the equipment if I want to do some pirating or hauling that I may not want to do in my MAX. Another great Omega upgrade, btw.

ORION - Come on! Serious though this will probably not get earned until the PU through hardwork and sleepless nights working as a crewman on one of your guys' mining ships. When I've finally earned the rank of peer to any mining captain I hope to fly alongside you guys for faster mining and reducing the risk of getting pirated. At least I hope multiple mining ships will do that. It'd definitely have to be a pirate swarm to take out multiple mining ships and their escorts.

That's it for now. I'm sure I'll pick up another racing ship or two and something for exploring if I don't get a DUR.

Willem Default

Space Marshal
Apr 2, 2015
RSI Handle
UnderSc0re, we're Aurora/Mustang buddies!


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Here is what I have.

Digital Scout LTI - was part of my original Kickstarter pledge. At some point, I had it melted, but then I un-melted it when I decided I wanted to upgrade it to a Gladius LTI package. So there it is. The Gladius, I chose specifically for the future use as a carrier fighter and for local militia contracts in the PU.

Rear Admiral LTI - Long story. I had not really paid attention to Star Citizen's development for the first year, and when I started gaining some interest, I decided to try to raise money for a Rear Admiral package so that I could fly a constellation. So I started offering my skills to Star Citizen/RSI users to create avatars for them. Someone by the name of Andromeda (then a member of Blue Horizon) thought I was awesome, and gifted me the Rear Admiral LTI. By that point, I already had a list of clients whose requests I had to fulfill. All in all, I ended up making a pretty significant amount of RSI credit off of that, and was able to purchase the following ship below. Eventually, I upgraded this to an Aquila.

Why? Because I wanted a good all-around ship to use, and the Constellation was a perfect example.

MISC Starfarer LTI - Earned this off of the work mentioned above. You can see examples of my art here: - but this no longer reflects my current skill level. :)

Why? I chose it for its value in fleet operations and logistics. Mid-flight refueling is valuable, yo.

Aegis Retaliator LTI - I still had a little bit of cash left over from the above work, and used it in conjunction with some money from another income source (which has now dried up), to purchase the Retaliator.

Why? I wanted a platform that was guaranteed to strike terror into anyone flying a ship larger than 90 meters.

Banu Merchantman LTI - I actually received this ship's purchase token as a favor, and I purchased it with money I earned/saved up.

Why? Speed, cargo capacity, and exoticia. It's attractive as a trader and as a logistics hauling vessel.

Anvil Carrack LTI - When this ship came out for the concept sale, I had to think carefully. I was low on income revenue, and I couldn't just up and borrow money. So instead, I shopped around for someone I could strike a deal with, and found him. I agreed to create multiple illustrations for his writing project in exchange for a Carrack LTI.

Why? Because, dammit, it's sexy and it's useful for my long-term plans in TEST Squadron! I see myself commanding this ship very often.

Aurora MR Anniversary Starter, Upgraded to Mustang Delta, non-LTI - I don't know, this is probably going to be the only non-LTI ship in my entire stable, and I intend to use it as a short-range runabout for localized defense. The Mustang Delta is something you do NOT want to mess with as an opponent without being prepared, and I can see it being tremendously useful in the Nyx System using the asteroids to scramble cross-section signatures (in addition to its own cross-section reducing armor treatment). This ship will likely serve as my backup to the Gladius.

Future Ship Acquisitions

I will not be buying any new ships from now on with actual money, nor will I be striking any "credit deals". Instead, I plan on using that Aurora MR package at the top of that image, to melt and purchase an MISC Reliant LTI package. In addition to that, I will earn new ships in-game in the Persistent Universe. Ship choices include, in order of priority: Corvette, Idris Frigate, Vanguard, Orion, Reclaimer, Hull C.

Any questions? :P


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
The Mustang Delta is something you do NOT want to mess with as an opponent without being prepared, and I can see it being tremendously useful in the Nyx System using the asteroids to scramble cross-section signatures (in addition to its own cross-section reducing armor treatment).
I can see this being a really good ship for that. Surprise negates the most of the disadvantage from the fragility of this craft, and the Delta can offer up a massive alpha damage strike with the rocket pods and 4 hardpoints. Maybe even strip the shields off all together, downgrade the reactor, go for a full-kinetic loadout, and keep your EM and IR signature as low as possible for maximum surprise when you sneak up on someone.
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Space Marshal
Feb 27, 2014
RSI Handle
Let's peek at the last thread:
Some bimbo said:
Avenger: if the aurora is a jack of all trades then the avenger is a queen. Everything the aurora does the avenger looks to outclass it. I intend this to be my cargo runner/bounty hunting/starter ship.
Aurora marque: I had $50 credit from melting my 'lancer into my avenger, so i decided to spend it on something that is currently flyable. The intention would be to melt this at first opportunity. Though I have to say it is growing on me.
Gladius such a gorgeous ship, I like light fighters as a rule. Unfortunately I didn't get an lti one when I had the chance. I doubt I will get a non lti one so this is probably something I'll get in game (ps if someone is about to melt an lti gladius please come to me instead!)
Bulldog: if I cant get an lti gladius then this will probably be what I get instead. So long as I like the design, I like the idea of a 2 pilotfighter for bro-op gameplay. Note I want lti on either of the fighters I'm looking at, I expect to crash a lot!
Retaliator: Testies; you have my express permission to tie me up away from a computer when this next comes on sale! I love this ship, I love sci-fi bombers (y-wings ftw) and the tali is simply gorgeous. That being said its going to be expensive and I really want it to be my long-term PU objective... on the other hand, sooo pretty! Want!
So my current fleet:

Avenger For exactly the same reasons as before, cargo running/bounty hunting/general mooching around

LTI Vanguard Exactly as I predicted I ended up getting one, only thing I got wrong was that it was re-named. This ship is going to be my ship for TEST military endeavours. I plan on brushing up my flying skills a lot and using the vanguard to be a hero to the squadron

The aurora got melted for the vanguard, just as I said it would, and I did manage to avoid buying the tali. However now I have a ship I could potentially CCU LTI from at a very similar price point... Yeah there may be some risk at future sales. I really do think that I'll get one in the PU rather than before release.

As for other future ships, the plan is none... but time will tell!


Oct 11, 2014
RSI Handle
My ships... hmmmm...

Current ones:

Constellation Andromeda - 'Coz We all need a Constellation~ (starts to sing)

Cutlass Blue - Because its so neat to start drinking in one and lock myself up after that....

Drake Herald LTI - I wonder why i got this.. Oh! Its to spy for more drinks.

Xi'An Khartu-Al - Those sleek lines - that smart bow - that lady-like look. Isn't that just what you've been wanting? - The Telegraph - Mar 29, 1971

Super Hornet - I got it at the anniversary after i melted my Hornet for it... Moar Gunz!

Carrack LTI - To explore the Great Unknown!

Vanguard LTI - That is one...shiny....ship....*salivate*

Future ones

I guess the only one other ship I would wanna get is the Orion. To chump some rocks with it. And to play some space snow ball fights with it~


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2015
RSI Handle
Aurora LN - Crash TEST Pilot #1837.

When I start making surplus money again:
315p - to pick up chicks and take them to my bachelor hangar.
Freelancer (DUR?) - For exploring the deep black space.

Eventually gather a crew of intrepid explorers to crew a Constellation Aquila or Carrack to fulfill my dream of being a space explorer/archaeologist and partying with all the sentient species of the galaxy.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Eventually gather a crew of intrepid explorers to crew a Constellation Aquila or Carrack to fulfill my dream of being a space explorer/archaeologist and partying with all the sentient species of the galaxy.
Space Indiana Jones! Including the backstabbing by the people around him? Hmm you may want to think this through.


Mar 23, 2015
RSI Handle
I've currently got:
  • Aurora LX: My first ship from my original backing way back in 2012, could never melt if for sentimental value.
  • Aurora LN: TEST standard, had to be in my fleet.
  • 315P: Liked the idea of a light explorer, plus i just think it looks cool.
  • Super Hornet: Started with a Hornet as my main ship and couldn't resist upgrading it last week when the chance came up.
  • Gladiator: Always loved the look of this ship, plus missiles and torpedoes.
  • Constellation Andromeda: Wanted a big ship for more serious missions. Thinking of turning it in to a missile boat.
Future ships:
  • Looking at getting a MISC Reliant when they come out
  • Might get a Freelancer in a weaker moment somewhere down the line because they are tempting


Space Marshal
Jun 28, 2014
RSI Handle
I can't tell you how many changes that have been made of in my fleet since my original pledge which was for a connie andro I no longer own.

Current Hangar

3 x Super Hornet -i just have always been passionate about this fighter
2 x Gladiator-Nice Bomber, reminds me a lot of the snow speeder in SW, and I'm really looking forward to flying this one
1x m50-Had to have a racer, plus I think this will one day fit in the 890
1 x 890j-Impulse buy, can't get rid of it though.
1 x Retaliator-Sexy large multi-crew ship and replace my wants for a Connie
1 x Vanguard-Support ship, and really cool looking
1 x Starfarer-Gas Station
1 x Reclaimer-Going to need a clean up crew for my fuck up's
1 x Idris P(UEE BACCHUS)-something to carry stuff in.

Future Purchases

nothing planned unless they offer something that would enhance my current fleet.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
I think I might keep the 2 ships I have right now, because I can rent the others, but who knows.....

1x Cutlass Red
1x Freelancer DUR


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2015
RSI Handle
Space Indiana Jones! Including the backstabbing by the people around him? Hmm you may want to think this through.
All risks I am willing to take. Of course I'll usually be the only one to return from the perilous journey, but I'll always get the babes. Cause space archaeology is extra sexy. Anyone willing to sign up for the crew?


Space Marshal
Mar 30, 2015
RSI Handle

Freelancer MAX (Main) - Cargo runner!
Vanguard LTI - For when I wanna shoot stuff
315P- For luxury exploration


Hull C or D - For when I will be running convoys with people and we need a lot of stuff to move
Anti Fighter Corvette - If they ever make one :(


Vice Admiral
Mar 10, 2015
RSI Handle
Mustang A
Mustang B
Cutlass Red
Vanguard(for the promotion of democracy)
Later on
Constelation Aquila
a Repair ship


Space Marshal
Mar 14, 2015
RSI Handle
Won't go into past ships since I buy a cheap package every paycheck in order to melt them for fewer, more expensive ships.

LTI Vanguard: My first LTI ship and I agonized over it for a bit because it is rather expensive but several points (LTI, face-to-face power, low crew requirement) convinced me to melt my non-LTI Redeemer for it
Gladius: Current step on the way to getting my Redeemer back, definatly worse steps out there

315p for my cruising/personal warp transport
Redeemer: My favorite ship! Hope to make this my main ship for it's firepower, storage space (although modest), and appearance (Zoidberg is shiny and shiny is sexy), even if I have to man it with Bots due to my schedule, still cool with that
Meltbait: This will eventually include cheap LTI (hiya Reliant!) ships to hopefully give my Redeemer LTI

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm trying to keep myself from purchasing the Freelancers while I'm writing Ship Talk. :) I may get one or 2 later on this year.
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