#3 in the top 10 CIG Guides


Jan 10, 2020
RSI Handle
So I was forced at electronic gun point to make a post on here. If you didn't know CIG started a new guide system and the month of December they counted the number and amount of time people preformed guide services and on January 1st they stopped counting and the top performers CIG said they would give them something special. I figured it would be something small like a badge or something and I participated because I remember just getting into this game a long time ago and having no clue how to do anything. During my time as a guide (I still do the guide thing) I realized people have a lot of the same questions and this is why I started making tutorial videos as well ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmOnOjqj7L2MKjqA8c3IzVA ) But anyways long story short I was number 3 in the top 10 CIG guides in the new CIG guide system and because of that CIG gifted me a free ship, I got the choice of a - Cutless Black / Vanguard Warden / Freelancer Max / Constellation Andromeda. I selected the Warden due to my enjoyment of combat. Below is the post from CIG if you want to read it .

Two months ago, we launched the first version of our Welcome Hub & Guides System, our new way of introducing new backers to the vast and ever-changing world of Star Citizen. We were so excited to see how you would step up and make the guides system your own, and you completely blew us away.

To date, thousands of guides sessions have been completed (Wow! Thank you!). We’ve loved seeing new player's stories on Spectrum & reddit, watching guides sessions pan out on Twitch, and even stumbling across sessions as we roamed through the ‘verse.

Thank you so much to everyone who has acted as a guide, it’s warmed our hearts hearing about your adventures helping out new players. You’ve generously donated your free time to make a new player’s experience better, and we wanted to give you something back. As we mentioned when the guides system was launched, we’re awarding our top guides with some in-game goodies as a thank you.

Each top guide will receive a ship of their choice tailored to their guide-session category specialties:
  • Basics: Drake Cutlass Black
  • Vehicle Combat: Vanguard Warden
  • FPS Combat: Anvil Valkyrie
  • Mining: Argo Mole
  • Missions: MISC Freelancer MAX
  • Trading: Drake Caterpillar
  • Touring: Origin 600i Touring Module
  • Miscellaneous: RSI Constellation Andromeda
Congratulations are in order for our winners, our top 10 most prolific guides to date, with a combined 196 unique sessions! We'll be reaching out shortly, please keep an eye on your Spectrum messages for news about your prizes.
  • @Cpt-Loups
  • @Norkaan
  • @Zatellia
  • @kylania
  • @Nikalin
  • @Kytora
  • @Buttons44
  • @Ellisor
  • @LotzoTheBear
  • @Plazmataz
Thanks again to everyone who has participated so far, you’re doing an incredible job making the ‘verse a friendlier place for new players.

Until next time, we’ll see ya in the ‘verse!

PS: We're hard at work on V2 of the system, making adjustments and improvements with your feedback in mind. We are still tracking all your sessions and are cooking up something pointedly cool for you to cash those hours in.


Jan 10, 2020
RSI Handle
That is awesome to see dude, congrats! Is it time to start touring to get a shot at that 600i?
yeah I kind of wish I did some of the touring... I would have loved the 600i, but there really isn't much gameplay when it comes to touring imo. I would think right now it would just fall under basic flight with maybe some Easter eggs that are thrown in the verse.

Thank you everyone. I didn't do it to be recognized and I was asked in discord to make this post about it. I did it because I enjoy helping and teaching and I wish something like this was around when I started to play. But thank you either way and please if anyone has any questions or needs help with anything don't be afraid to ask.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Thank you everyone. I didn't do it to be recognized and I was asked in discord to make this post about it. I did it because I enjoy helping and teaching and I wish something like this was around when I started to play. But thank you either way and please if anyone has any questions or needs help with anything don't be afraid to ask.
Are you kdding?

Im tweeting this out!
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