Star Citizen hits $700M in funding

  • 1,450
  • 19
Is $700M a lot for a game? Lets discuss:

Respawn mechanics change! Good or bad?

  • 2,814
  • 42
You guys miss me???

State of the Squadron 55!

  • 1,475
  • 4
I miss you too!

Star Citizen wins Worst MMO Business Model from Massively OP. Again.

  • 2,013
  • 10
As is tradition, here is this year's same old boring take from the "journalists" at Massively OP.

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Totally forgot TEST had a separate web page just happened to stumble on it in my buried bookmarks!
I'm gonna herd a bunch of those Egg-Titty-Cows onto my C2 and open an omelet bar...
Howdy ,
Contrary to my name, i am a good boy, i do not crime... But i will.
I'm pretty new to SC and looking for friends to chat and hang with and some guidance on what to do on my space journey.
I've been grinding the Delivery missions and some Mercenary Jobs but I'm looking to make some big $$
Also looking for more FPS fighting & Group missions.
Sixth anniversary with TEST Squadron! Yay! 🍻
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