Javelin funding complete. TSS Murderer acquired.


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
As much as I like the offer of him gifting the org a Javelin, as you said @Montoya we have a lot of them.

Especially if he needs money, I'd rather see him sell it and make a profit. $4k is probably a low figure for a Javelin, it costs $17.5k to buy one from CIG.
why doesnt he just sell it and we give him our money anyways?


Minister of Propaganda
Staff member
Oct 5, 2014
RSI Handle
The math needs updated. Montoya is slow.

If we can pull more than 1500, I would like to see us pay closer to sticker price. The guy needs every penny.

Then as offered, we make a org wide field trip and get that lad another in game.

Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
Don't think I quite understand this as I am in the UK and benefit from the NHS... so in the USA you have to pay to give birth??

If he can get big money for the craft, I say he go get it... but if its a balance between sell to the ORG and safely deliver a baby or keep it and have to put his kid on credit, well, I just would not be able to live with myself if they repossessed his child.

If it goes ahead for ORG, I'll donate £20gbp which at todays rate is $29.4020usd. Come the donation stage it may be more or less than $29.4020 but we'll cross that when we get to it. :confused:

Edit count for this post: 1 GBP = 1.47016 USD
It's worse than that in the US....

Not only do we have to pay around $2000 (after insurance, for which I pay $700/mo.) just to get a baby into this depressing world but many people also don't have maternity leave or any sort of time off if they have to be on bed rest prior to giving birth. My wife, for example, had to go on bed rest a month and a half before my second child was born. She had just gotten her job a year before, so she had no time off to use... so we didn't get any sort of paycheck and she is the primary "bread winner" in our house. This lead to us having to look for charity just to pay our house payment. Also, since there is no guaranteed maternity leave, she was only able to be home with our baby for 3 weeks (unpaid) before she had to go back to work. THEN we had to pay for childcare, which for our two kids at the time was about $1,400/mo. Did I mention that she is a registered nurse and works at a hospital??? Yeah. --- This is America... America is broken.

That being said, I have no money to give but would be totally up for helping him get one in-game. I will donate all the time I have to give for the cause.


Feb 27, 2016
RSI Handle
It's worse than that in the US....

Not only do we have to pay around $2000 (after insurance, for which I pay $700/mo.) just to get a baby into this depressing world but many people also don't have maternity leave or any sort of time off if they have to be on bed rest prior to giving birth. My wife, for example, had to go on bed rest a month and a half before my second child was born. She had just gotten her job a year before, so she had no time off to use... so we didn't get any sort of paycheck and she is the primary "bread winner" in our house. This lead to us having to look for charity just to pay our house payment. Also, since there is no guaranteed maternity leave, she was only able to be home with our baby for 3 weeks (unpaid) before she had to go back to work. THEN we had to pay for childcare, which for our two kids at the time was about $1,400/mo. Did I mention that she is a registered nurse and works at a hospital??? Yeah. --- This is America... America is broken.

That being said, I have no money to give but would be totally up for helping him get one in-game. I will donate all the time I have to give for the cause.
It is very broken yes. Hope everything goes well for you and your family as well!

I will also dedicate as much time as I can in game to help him get a javelin in game. I may not be able to offer money but I can at least help him get his ship back!


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
@Murderer apreciate your offer, to sell it to us for 1500, really I do, but i don' think it's worth it, to play this gamble, when you need the money for medical care.
I will totaly help you, to gain a Javelin ingame, but the Javelin you own right now, is not made to be owned by TEST.

As mentioned above, just sell the Javelin in the Grey market, and take some additional Money from us,
maybe do us a favour in return, like painting your Car all black & yellow, or name your Cat Aurora...
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