Code red, code red, house move is next Friday!!!
I'm going to own property
I'm going to own property
The south of Germany currently seems to drown :(A village in Germany, where three small streams (in Germany we call it "Bach") are running through. These streams have destroyed the village in one night:
Forces of nature unleashed - madness prevails.
Un...The south of Germany currently seems to drown :(
And a brownie too! Thanks!With pleasure, dear:
Congratz also from my side @Lienna ! Hopefully everything goes alright when moving in :)
@MzHartz : something special planned within your vacation? Travel to the Seychelles or the like? ;)
Hm, there is no englisch word for "Unwetter". Wetter = weather in general, which has nothing to do if it is good or bad, sunny or rainy. But the syllable "un" which is understandable like "anti" makes this general word "weather" to a mean badass (thunder)storm. So the "UnWetterNetzwerk" could be basicaly translated as storm weather network; a game with words and syllables.Un...
Is the name UnWetter Newz a joke name?
Oh man, that would be lovely to wake up to.
YUM!!!! I want some!!!!I have a Brekkie to go to, a monthly gathering of mostly vegetarian aging hippies from around the world. I am usually the only male there but I go to allow my wife to be fashionable and enjoy the always interesting, usually tasty and sometimes very odd food we try to surprise each other with.
In the past we have made apricot chimichangas (Momma's recipe - something like this),
a goatcheese gingersnap-crusted cheesecake
and rice crackers with the amazing (and no longer available) chocolate cheddar cheese from England. The only cheese that ever made me moan in ecstasy.
Today Vibrant is making a simple, but yummy bread pudding with some artisan sourdough, vanilla (from beans we have soaking in dark rum - which means it's vanilla flavored rum... ), raisins, allspice, coconut sugar, milk, butter and eggs.
So I won't be in the Verse, but I will be happy none-the-less :)