Bare as you Dare....Official Invite

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Why do you think it is okay to try and belittle people that do not have the same views as you?

How does that fit into your "higher morals"?
I'm not belittling anyone. I'm standing up for the vast majority who think nudists need to keep their nakedness to themselves. We draw a distinction between public and private for good reasons. That is the law and will remain so for as long as there is anything remotely resembling civilization.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I knew the answer I just did not want to come off like a know it all here you go buddy this the Oregon law stating Public Indecency -

Public indecency
(1)A person commits the crime of public indecency if while in, or in view of, a public place the person performs:

(a)An act of sexual intercourse;

(b)An act of deviate sexual intercourse; or

(c)An act of exposing the genitals of the person with the intent of arousing the sexual desire of the person or another person.

The object words here being "intent of arousing the sexual desire"

There is no intent when protesting nude therefore they are allowed to exercise this right to protest nude as a freedom of speech, right to protest and freedom to assemble, how they do this is open to discussion, burning flags? Dead animal carcasses? Blood? Nudity? Obscene pictures of death?

Many protests take on many different topics each have validity to the people that care about them, the Oregon nude bike ride by their own words are -

"A lighthearted protest against our dependence on fossil fuels.

A commentary on the vulnerability of cyclists and other less protected users of the road. That's the naked part!

A celebration of positive body image for all and an expansion of our social boundaries."

So I say if their protest is legitimate and genuine then by all means exercise your right to do so.

And I did not want this to become personal but your post was rude and ignorant so I am done here, done posting anything about politics, religion or any other topic people like you can't handle with respect to others who have differing opinions.

No hard feelings to anyone, see you in the verse! :)


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
There is no intent when protesting nude therefore they are allowed to exercise this right to protest nude as a freedom of speech. . .
Anyon can find a definition they like and form an argument from it, but what you are doing is called "assuming the consequent" and it is a form of logical fallacy or mistake in reason. I recommend any freshman critical thinking class to correct the problem. Most people learn not to do this by the time they're teenagers.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
That definition is in the Oregon public indecency law. Prove 10,000 people riding bikes are doing it with the intent to cause arousal then come back. :)


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
Anyon can find a definition they like and form an argument from it, but what you are doing is called "assuming the consequent" and it is a form of logical fallacy or mistake in reason. I recommend any freshman critical thinking class to correct the problem. Most people learn not to do this by the time they're teenagers.
Again, you resort to trying to step on those you feel are below you. It's okay, though. I know that you feel like you're being a good person, and that's all that really matters.

I know that you will have something more to say, your kind always does. I, however, am done in this thread. Have a good day, naked or otherwise.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
That definition is in the Oregon public indecency law. Prove 10,000 people riding bikes are doing it with the intent to cause arousal then come back. :)
As stated above by you, no one believes that is the issue. And just use some common sense. Laws never reflect hidden intent, they judge behaviors. If this argument were on it's face fruitful, one could make the very same argument for any reason they liked. "Oh, I'm protesting how the government has hidden knowledge of UFO's so I'm nekkid" and such. No thinking person can believe that sort of nonsense, and that's why I say Oregon is crazy.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
This topic has become quite heated and I suggest you both calm down a bit.

@Shadow Reaper you may disagree with the OP due to ethical or moral reasons, but there's no reason to insult specific people or those who agree with them in general.

@Just Jake both of you believe you are right and I'm sure nothing on a forum post will make either of you change your beliefs, but you did start the name calling with your reply to him. Don't you both think it should probably end?
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, or an overbearing dick.
Please don't force your vacant ethics on me. Your measure for right and wrong is that of a 6 year old, and this forum is supposed to require you be an adult.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
This topic has become quite heated and I suggest you both calm down a bit.

@Shadow Reaper you may disagree with the OP due to ethical or moral reasons, but there's no reason to insult specific people or those who agree with them in general.

@Just Jake both of you believe you are right and I'm sure nothing on a forum post will make either of you change your beliefs, but you did start the name calling with your reply to him. Don't you both think it should probably end?
Well said Sir Grimbli.
Gentlemen, we come from all walks of life, all corners of the globe, and we all have vastly different morals, ethics and values.

The ties that bind us together are the game, and this community we've created.

Let's not taint that with petty grievances and disagreements over shit that has nothing to do with our purpose for being here.

No one needs the last word.
I say agree to disagree, crack a damn cold beer, and cheers one another.

Cheers Gents.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
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Space Marshal
May 22, 2014
RSI Handle

2011 ORS
Vol. 4
Chapter 163
Sexual Offenses

§ 163.465 Public indecency.

(1) A person commits the crime of public indecency if while in, or in view of, a public place the person performs:

(a) An act of sexual intercourse; or

(b) An act of deviate sexual intercourse; or

(c) An act of exposing the genitals of the person with the intent of arousing the sexual desire of the person or another person.

(2) (a) Public indecency is a Class A misdemeanor.

Now if the bikers riding nude do not break any of the above it is within the state law. Please not however that county and forestry department laws supersede state laws and vary from place to place from nude beaches to resorts to forest camp grounds where its not allowed. However hiking any trail in the nude is completely exceptable according to them.

Just my 2 cents.


Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Now if the bikers riding nude do not break any of the above it is within the state law. Please not however that county and forestry department laws supersede state laws and vary from place to place from nude beaches to resorts to forest camp grounds where its not allowed. However hiking any trail in the nude is completely exceptable according to them.
Just so people aren't confused and get themselves into trouble by walking around naked. City, county, and or federal laws supercede Oregon state law if you are in those jurisdictions. Portland for example is actually a bit more strict on indecent exposure in its city code:

14A.40.030 Indecent Exposure.
It is unlawful for any person to expose his or her genitalia while in a public place or place visible from a public place, if the public place is open or available to persons of the opposite sex.


However, there are exclusions for protesting in Portland, as long as the protesting party has the proper permits and follow the rules set out for legal protesting.

Either way... You'll never catch me riding around naked on a bike...


Soven Taliesyn

Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
It's actually a protest (against oil dependancy) so it's protected under Oregan law. It's not *technically* just a bunch of naked people on bikes as far as the law is concerned, but I'll admit that the organizers advertise it as such to increase publicity (and it honestly might be nothing more than a clever way to get to be naked in public).
There have actually been events like this to promote public nudity.

Also, when I have more time I want to get into this discussion about public nudity. There a TONS of places in the world that aren't controlled by religious power hungry groups misusing their scriptures for their own purposes. Studies have shown that kids that have grown up in that kind of environment have no body or public image issues when they reach adulthood.

More to come later....


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Its a moot point, the city of Portland and the people who organize the protest came to terms a few years back, this allowed the police dept to block off streets and pick the route the bikers would take with stipulations on pre-drinking and such and avoid conflict between police and protesters since this agreement from what I understand there have been no issues. I don't even know why were having an argument because the city of Portland clearly accepted the protest lawful or they would not assist with the blockade/motorcade and route.

But ultimately this is why we have to refrain from having these discussions now a days, people can't respect other peoples opinions, there used to be a time when people could disagree and be respectful, maybe because back in the day it was a face to face discussion now people can call you names and belittle you because there is no human interaction or reaction.
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