Let's talk explorers...


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
Heh heh- you said jump hole.

I know it's pretty, and there's no place to pee (just like long rout clearance missions, bring lots of water bottles) but the 315p, and even the mustang beta, would make great options for a small explorer. It's fast, small, and great visibility.

My main concern with the smaller ships is fuel capacity, which drives me to a DURp. I think the DUR, made to be manageable with a single person, high cruise speed, and extended fuel capacity is better suited for the task, even without the great visibility from the cockpit. Add to that the new ability to load a dragonfly in the back, and you now have a planetary exploration vehicle. I know that there's no comparison at this point, but I keep thinking about my Asp in Elite Dangerous that is currently thousands of light years from any support and a limited fuel capacity that's only augmented by a fuel scoop. I imagine that with the extended fuel capacity that the DUR offers, CIG is planning on implementing extended range into the game, and the smaller/ standard fuel cap ships will have a hard time coping w/ out some kind of added/external support. Your other option is to get what ever you like best and fix it up in game to be a suitable explorer.


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
My first steps as explorer will happen in a 315p, but the DUR is on my Shoping list, once i can buy it persistent with ingame currency, i will farm the shit out of SC...
The 315p may stay in my hangar, as it's propaly the single best ship to map jumppoints(small and agil, but with the necessary scanners)
But if it turns out, that my skills as pilot suck, so that mapping jumppoints isn't available for me, i may swap it with a Herald.

But for a solo explorer the DUR is one of the most versatile ships. It has the scanners and the range to explore in system, to map jump points and with a dragonfly, you can also do some planetary exploration. It might even be possible to fit it with the science module of the reliant sen, so you can further investigate, what you've discovered.


Space Marshal
Nov 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Endeavor with Telescope Array and Hangar holding 315s!
Will be interesting to see if the Endeavor is going to be a viable explorer ship. By what I've read it sounds like it is purely a scientific anomaly research ship, or medical, or farm vessel. Augmenting it with a couple of 315p's will definitely help but if u are limited to large jump points only it may end up not being a viable option. Who knows though. Super excited to learn more once CIG puts out more on this topic.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
My suggestion for deep space exploration of small jump points: Endeavor.

Equip it with a 315p, and use a Carrack in the group for mapping accessible points. When you "dead end" on a small jump point, park the endeavor nearby and send out the 315p.

Carrack, endeavor and 315p has lots of interplay potential.


Space Marshal
Nov 26, 2015
RSI Handle
I just hope they revamp the jump point sizes so a Connie and below are considered small. Medium size would fit all the way up to just shy of a Polaris. Large would allow Polaris and larger. Just my two cents cause why would a Cutlass fit through something a Connie can't. In terms of dimensions it's not a huge difference.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
why would a Cutlass fit through something a Connie can't. In terms of dimensions it's not a huge difference.
Interesting point. I'm wondering if the jump-tunnel size limitations are determined by total mass instead of physical dimensions?


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Interesting point. I'm wondering if the jump-tunnel size limitations are determined by total mass instead of physical dimensions?
I guess it's a bit of both. shure, your ship needs to fit through it, but if your ship is compared to your thrusters to havy, you may not be able, to stay on track (when you touch the "wall" of the tunnel, your ship will take damage, and such a tunnel may include tight turns.

And the size of a jumppoint only describes which ship can pass through such a jumppoint with autopilot assist.
By remapping a jumppoint, you may be able, to increase it's size, so bigger ships can also use the autopilot.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
By remapping a jumppoint, you may be able, to increase it's size, so bigger ships can also use the autopilot.
Man....I guess I don't know shit about how jump tunnels are going to work. We have to actively guide our craft through the winding wormhole? That's Turbo-Awesome.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Augmenting it with a couple of 315p's will definitely help but if u are limited to large jump points only it may end up not being a viable option.
That's what the 315 is for! Just park Endeavor on the other side and unleash the 315s, you'll have the crew onboard to man a few of them.

My suggestion for deep space exploration of small jump points: Endeavor.

Equip it with a 315p,
That's my idea! :p

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I'm waiting for scan stats for making any decision here. I did a ton of exploration with Ailon Nova Guard and I know that a large scan radius is super worthwhile, as is a good top speed if you can scan at that speed. I'm not sure the ships smaller than a Lancer will scan enough area to make them profitable. My general feeling at this time is that exploration is likely going to be a solitary activity, where lone wolf players and those who don't have reliable play schedules focus their solo time, but there is a lot of fun to be had in meeting with friends regularly. The Lancer can take friends or work well alone, whereas the Carrack probably needs several people aboard her and you cannot hide a ship that size for long, so she will be a target. The Lancer is a nice size so long as her scan area is significantly larger than the 300 series.

What we did at ANG was organize intense searches over large areas in operations that lasted several days at a time, but we were able to check huge swaths of space for new systems, which are worth a great deal and are very hard to find. In general we flew the uber-fast super scan ship the YT-5I0, but we flew support ships for them as well. It is a good strategy to fly a main support ship that has several fast, scanning ships fly off it, and organize on googledocs with some sort of spreadsheet so everyone in the group can update what has been searched and be directed where to search next. Also if you are working as part of a large group effort, you will be significantly safer should you run into trouble.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm waiting for scan stats for making any decision here. I did a ton of exploration with Ailon Nova Guard and I know that a large scan radius is super worthwhile, as is a good top speed if you can scan at that speed. I'm not sure the ships smaller than a Lancer will scan enough area to make them profitable. My general feeling at this time is that exploration is likely going to be a solitary activity, where lone wolf players and those who don't have reliable play schedules focus their solo time, but there is a lot of fun to be had in meeting with friends regularly. The Lancer can take friends or work well alone, whereas the Carrack probably needs several people aboard her and you cannot hide a ship that size for long, so she will be a target. The Lancer is a nice size so long as her scan area is significantly larger than the 300 series.

What we did at ANG was organize intense searches over large areas in operations that lasted several days at a time, but we were able to check huge swaths of space for new systems, which are worth a great deal and are very hard to find. In general we flew the uber-fast super scan ship the YT-5I0, but we flew support ships for them as well. It is a good strategy to fly a main support ship that has several fast, scanning ships fly off it, and organize on googledocs with some sort of spreadsheet so everyone in the group can update what has been searched and be directed where to search next. Also if you are working as part of a large group effort, you will be significantly safer should you run into trouble.
Yeah, sensor capabilities are a massive unknown.

In my opinion, the Freelancer Dur is an excellent choice for mid range exploration. Aquila is probably the most defensible ship of the industry with its parasite fighter. But the Carrack is the most versatile with its modular cargo bay slots.

Personally, I plan on using my Aquila as a test platform for ship mods, as well as a command vessel.

The Carrack also has a bay for a small ship, which could accommodate at most two merlins. In my view, the Carrack is going to require long term crews.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
In my view, the Carrack is going to require long term crews.
I was thinking about this last night and wondered how this might relate to the notion of building secret bases. I did this in SW Combine for several years and it can be fun, as well as fantastically useful. If for example you want to explore Krell space, you might first build a hidden asteroid base there where you disassemble a Starfarer of questionable origin, and store the fuel in the asteroid, so you don't have to have another Starfarer come in except periodically to drop off and vanish. From there you could run covert ops in Krell space and see what you can see, and your long term crews are much more manageable. Also you can then put purloined Bucks in long term storage so if you ever had a martial action, you have sufficient force as backup on hand. We could do this in a dozen place in the galaxy and it would provide for much more freedom of movement, and a cool storyline.

Soven Taliesyn

Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I skipped everything and came straight to the posting part.

I fully plan on exploration. There are plenty of opportunities with multiple different ships to be able to do this with. Yes, each will have its advantages and disadvantages. Some will require larger crews than others. All in all ship exploration should be fun.

That guys ship there would be fun to explore and maybe that guys over there. This one here is much bigger and will need a larger crew to wipeout...I mean...extend our greetings to those out among the stars and even assist those we meet along the way to help them see the stars in a way they never would have before.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
Honestly, my initial idea was to use a modded Cutlass Red. It already has a different sensor package on it. Also, the Cutlass is "supposed" to be one of the best ships for changing out equipment. But we don't know anything about how the sensors are going to work, or how the exploration mechanic is going to be implemented. But, seeing how they have handled it in lore so far might give us a clue.

As far as my ships, I might go back down from the Aquila to the Cutlass, cause I still love the Cutlass, and work on getting the Aquila in game. I should be able to pull out the Medi-Bays, and put in some living quarters and mapping equipment, and maybe a bar.... or is that part of the living quarters....


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I went a different route I guess, I want to do multiple things, I grabbed a DUR for exploration, Max for trade/hauling, still up in the air as to my escort ship I may go back and pickup my vanguard as I like the range on that ship. I have gone back and forth so many times its laughable, I would pick up a Carrack or a Reclaimer then get scared off by the crew requirements I have also had the Aquila several times but again I don't want to mess with NPC's or looking for people to man the stations, my schedule with work absolutely sucks so I foresee a lot soloing for me so I keep my ships small.

But that being said the Carrack imo is the ultimate explorer, if I had close friends or a lighter work schedule I would definitely have this as my explorer.
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