Regular type dude...

Tyrone Alfonso

Grand Admiral
Jul 4, 2016
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger? From IL and live in CA... not sure which I prefer to claim.

What drew you to Star Citizen? I played the first WC as a kid and reread the included "Tigers Claw" book that came with it over and over again. Plus loved the cartoon. Hoping SC recaptured that magic (in this lifetime)

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) I'm newish to PvP coming from DayZ so I am looking forward to that but I really want to find a small likeminded group that is jack of all trades.

What was the first game you remember playing? Super Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt... but first real PC game was Doom.

What other games do you play? DayZ/Arma 3, Kerbal Space Program, GTA

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? I saw the Beginners Guide to 2.4 by Pharoh S who recommended joining. Definitely like how it TS is all-inclusive.

Picard or Kirk? I grew up watching TNG but gotta go with Kirk. It's a good trait, but Picard is too level-headed for me lol.
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