Okay, thats a reason for not voting her - but "hate"...? Seems to me like a little bit too much emotions for simply not fitting into personal playing references ;)The retaliator is far superior due to it being modular, but it seemed limited when I had one cause it needed a full crew to be capable of any real survivability. I had one and traded it out for the starfarrer. If a person has a full crew I could see the retaliator as being a super fortress like the B29. There is nothing wrong with the ship when I had it. I am just not a bomber pilot per say. that said though, I would crew up on one in a heartbeat. I just wont own another one or pilot it. just not my style.
I also owned a Tally - and she has become a Carrack...well, before I melted her and bought the Explorer Mega-Package instead :D But that said, yeah, I agree: the Tally is a multi-crew-only ship. But nevertheless, IF you are into multi-crew, I think shes pretty awesome due to her modular layout plus I like the design. I presume that this ship will become one of the most feared opponents within SQ42. Looking to my history of playing Wing Commander & Co. I always feared and hated (there it is - and these are real emotions based on multiple "load savegame" operations) those missions where you had to dogfight plus keep an eye on bombers and incoming torpedos to keep your mothership alive.
The Gladiator, hm...don't know she not a good dogfighter nor a frightening bomber; don't know what to do with her.