How much will you spend this anniversary sale?

How much will you drop to support your fav game?

  • $0-$50

  • $51-$100

  • $101-$200

  • $200-$300

  • More than $300

  • What is money? I have beer.

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Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
Because I'm incoherent and can't put all my ideas into a single post, I'd like to add this:
Although I won't shove any more $ into CIG at this particular time, I sure as hell will juggle my CCUs and melts-unmelts around and end up with a totally different fleet (depending on what ships they make available).
That is assuming the *big anniversary sale* isn't a 10% discount on Freelancers for new backers only or something underwhelming along those lines.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
When I first pledged I was Happy with my Aurora. And then I was happy with my Taurus and Aurora... Then I was happy with my Taurus and Warlock... Then I actually got to play the game when I ws given a friends old gaming rig... And then I was happy with my Taurus and Ghost... And then I Rec'd a 350R and have had more adventures in AC taking a trip to the far side of the Broken Moon in one week than i did in a month in the Ghostie, which is still a fine ship...

So I'll be getting a 350R to go fast in the PU with a bit of speed exploration. It was the ship I wanted when I was attracted to the game, but I could not justify buying that one as i am pants at racing and I was not able to play the game when i pledged originally to realise you can fly it here there and everywhere in the PU... Yeah, I want one.

No idea how much it'll be as the cost when not on sale does not show on RSI, combine that with the ever changing exchange rate... so i chose $50 to $100. Don't really want it to go much over £60 but when did wishful thinking get anyone anywhere.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I am trying to stop myself from buying to many ships. Feel like it will break the game when it comes out. Nothing to work for. I want to have a goal of buying a large capital ship the hard way in the game.
I am saving the Herald for that, or whatever other ship becomes the ultimate sub-quantum speed-machine. Might even be able to upgrade my Taurus in to it depending on what happens with that mechanic - I think owning a ship is just the start of what you can do with it. Bigger/more engines, more hard-points, better shields, thicker armour, fatter hull for more cargo, external cargo/fuel pods etc etc etc.

As things to work toward, I am hoping Synthi-World is an in game project i can do some hauling in my Taurus to complete, so although I won't be grinding to buy a bigger cargo ship I hope there are other things in the 'Verse that I can have a part in achieving.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Probably not spending anything. Might melt stuff for the Prowler, but knowing next to nothing about it, including the price, that's doubtful. Maybe I will melt for various CCUs depending on what's coming out soon.
Not that I wouldn't spend more real cash as a rule, just kind of waiting on ships and game mechanics to be revealed.


Space Marshal
Sep 24, 2016
RSI Handle
This is my first anniversary sale. I intend to fill some gaps with stuff I'll want to use before the game goes live (provided the content updates remain the same as the citizen con slide show). Availability depending, I'm thinking about a prospector, a herald, an aquila, and maybe an Aurora, just to have something to drink and drive in :)
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