What are your desires for The Anniversary Stream / Sale?


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
In all seriousness, I'd love to have a crack at the Prospector as I missed the go around. I'd want to see 2.6 go to the Avocados, if not go live. And I'd like to see one or two new entry level ships for new members to give them more options. Or at least one or two new sub $100.00 ships. But I know that won't happen as nothing new is in the pipeline. BMM sale with out a price bump would be nice but I duct taped my wallet shut and tossed it on to the roof so that won't matter. A working demo of SQ42 and a progress report on 3.0

Oh and some good ale and fish tacos.
Yes ale and tacos. Ben has to bring those, if not the noodles.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
2.6 hurry the fuck up so I can feed my addiction that is star citizen.
What happened to
  1. 1.
    the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
    "you can find bargains if you have the patience to sift through the rubbish"
    synonyms: forbearance, tolerance, restraint, self-restraint, resignation, stoicism, fortitude, sufferance, endurance;
    calmness, composure, even temper, even-temperedness, equanimity, equilibrium, serenity, tranquillity, imperturbability, unexcitability, understanding, indulgence, lenience, kindness, consideration;
    rarelonganimity, inexcitability
    "she tried everyone's patience to the limit"
    perseverance, persistence, endurance, tenacity, diligence, assiduity, application, staying power, indefatigability, doggedness, determination, resolve, resolution, resoluteness, obstinacy, insistence, singleness of purpose, purposefulness, pertinacity
    "a task requiring patience"


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm getting pretty impatient with SQ42 as well, but I have other games to play so it's not the end of the world.

As a side note: I do have quite a few ships in my buyback if people are interested enough. They'd require fresh funds though. I may do a thread for them if people want enough.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I was hoping for some SQ42 and the PTR of 2.6, but I don't think either will happen. I can do without more weapons, ships, concepts, and other filler content. Content can be created endlessly, whenever you want it. They know how to make it, and I think we already have a lot of half-ready/old content that should be brought up to current standards. Maybe the only content I'd want to see are the original starter ships brought up to date.
Getting the underlying system to work is way more important for me, as it's still 90% broken and not there and in flux all the time. Without that done, you shouldn't even build and add content, because you'd have to keep going back and changing everything. Come to think of it, they did exactly that for years now, as they kept changing the tech. It's great that they did that, and it's one of the reasones I backed SC, but I think this anniversary should be when they stop inventing new ways, and start finishing what they already come up with.
So an announcement that they got X number of systems working and are almost finalized would make me really happy. But with the total overhaul of the flight model, I doubt they are anywhere near "done" with anything. Imagine the impact that will have on all the missions, AI, and balance of SQ42! I highly doubt that we will get to see anything other then the usual jpg shipssale. If they put up a basic Aurora package with SC or SQ42 included for around 20-30usd I'll buy one for my wife, otherwise I won't be spending money this year.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I can do without more weapons, ships, concepts, and other filler content
I agree with this. We need substance, not promises. It's time to start making leaps in "in game" assets and less jpegs.

Maybe the only content I'd want to see are the original starter ships brought up to date.
I could do without this. It needs done, but it's not really adding anything other than aesthetics.

Without that done, you shouldn't even build and add content, because you'd have to keep going back and changing everything.
Hopefully their tech is almost complete, as I'd hate to see everything need a rework this late in the development.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
My one desire is the announcement of planet Montoya, the Test home world. where there are rivers of beer, auroras grow on trees and some lakes of coffee just for Sam.
I have seen this while reflecting upon the Keg of Knowledge. the beer goggles of truth say to check back later. Its coming my fellow brothers and sisters. A pure utopia, Untainted by the unclean hordes of other organizations. We just have to find it, as is my mission.
As it is written, so it is said.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
My one desire is the announcement of planet Montoya, the Test home world. where there are rivers of beer, auroras grow on trees and some lakes of coffee just for Sam.
I have seen this while reflecting on the Keg of Knowledge. the beer goggles of truth say to check back later. Its coming my fellow brothers and sisters. A pure utopia, Untainted by the unclean hordes of other organizations. We just have to find it, as is my mission.
As it is written, so it is said.
It shall come, my Brother, we shall find The Promised Land!


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I agree with this. We need substance, not promises. It's time to start making leaps in "in game" assets and less jpegs.

I could do without this. It needs done, but it's not really adding anything other than aesthetics.

Hopefully their tech is almost complete, as I'd hate to see everything need a rework this late in the development.
With the starter ship rework I meant everything but the aesthetics :D

The way the original starter ships are implemented is a chaos of temporary fixes. This was stated before in multiple 10forthedevs and RTVs. At the moment the most bugged ships are the aurora and the 300i, the oldest ships in the game. Although there's always some free fly and I'm a sub so I get xtra stuff to fly, it pains me that every time I try to do something in my own ships, it breaks down.
The physics grid is totally broken, both on these ships and as a concept. Currently it relies on a ton of network traffic, and that just won't ever work. Packets will get dropped, and stuff will keep desyncing. It's a fact that is out of their control, they gotta design around it. This makes things bad in the PU to the point I can almost never re-enter my ship a 2nd time in a play session. Also with so many systems depeding on it, the current network code is so broken that those not sitting right next to the server in the US or UK have little chance of testing anyhting other then the way everything desyncs and crashes all the time. So yeah, these "background tech" things are the ones I'd like to see improved. If they didn't show a single piece of new fancy artwork, just some charts explaining the promised network code refactor, and showing where they are in the process would be enough for me to celebrate!
They've been telling us for years now, that they will make insanely cool new stuff happen that no one has done before. I fully believe that they can do it, and should do it, but I haven't seen any actual improvements to the basis this year, and it worries me. It's time to make it so, or admit that it can't be done with the current infrastructure, and move on to other cool new ways of doing things.

TLDR.: Adding more content should be a priority for release later in the process, adding a working stable backbone and systems should be the priority for this phase now. Network code refactor so the grid system would stay in sync and make the game playable online! Trading, Salvage, a playable (as in not laggy, broken and sickness inducing) fps part, effing Armor implementation on the ships that has been promised as "it's almost done" for at least 2 years now, and such gameplay mechanics would be nice to see as well.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
Endeavor CCU
To reiterate on this, I really hope they make the Endeavor available this anniversary. If they don't, maybe I can grab a CCU from one of you fine people.
Also, I think I might buy a Herald. My wallet doesn't feel safe at all.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I was hoping for some SQ42 and the PTR of 2.6, but I don't think either will happen. I can do without more weapons, ships, concepts, and other filler content. Content can be created endlessly, whenever you want it. They know how to make it, and I think we already have a lot of half-ready/old content that should be brought up to current standards. Maybe the only content I'd want to see are the original starter ships brought up to date.
Getting the underlying system to work is way more important for me, as it's still 90% broken and not there and in flux all the time. Without that done, you shouldn't even build and add content, because you'd have to keep going back and changing everything. Come to think of it, they did exactly that for years now, as they kept changing the tech. It's great that they did that, and it's one of the reasones I backed SC, but I think this anniversary should be when they stop inventing new ways, and start finishing what they already come up with.
So an announcement that they got X number of systems working and are almost finalized would make me really happy. But with the total overhaul of the flight model, I doubt they are anywhere near "done" with anything. Imagine the impact that will have on all the missions, AI, and balance of SQ42! I highly doubt that we will get to see anything other then the usual jpg shipssale. If they put up a basic Aurora package with SC or SQ42 included for around 20-30usd I'll buy one for my wife, otherwise I won't be spending money this year.
I'm unsure: was 2.6 containing only a rework of the flight model or did CIG want also implement parts of the new content structure (-> data is stored on server, not on local computers anymore) with this patch?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I'd like to see all four Vanguard variants flyable, all sharing the new Hoplite door and frame, and packages to turn any variant into any other. I'd also like to see them drop the nerf on the weapons they can load--make them all just as flexible as every other ship. It seems very unfair they have restricted this. Would also like to see the Redeemer and Carrack flyable. We've been waiting long enough for them.

For FPS, I want to see the personal mobile shields for sale the new modular armor with scan packages up and running and wouldn't it be nice to see the Vanduul NPC's running about, swinging their blades and dying in a sea of gunfire? Yeah, GIMME SOME OF THAT!
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