basic flight school for test dummie's

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Get the HORNET FLASHFIRE SPECIALTY MOUNT for the Hornet and mount a Revenant on it. I like to use 3x 11-SERIES BROADSWORDs on the wings and nose. They are good to bypass shields and the fire rate is medium. For lighter targets like NPCs 3x CF-227 PANTHER REPEATERs do a good job. Don't rely on long range shots against fighters. The Revenant does a very good job at short range.

Euhm, above config works fine for flightstick and fixed weapons. I don't know how to fly with mouse and keyboard :blush:
I like my gimbals and turret with laser cannons. But I'm also using M+K.
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Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
I broke down and melted my Aurora into the Death Penguin (Avenger). Throw a couple of Badgers on it, in conjunction with the Tigershriek and it can put a hurt on things. Just cannot take hits well. Maneuverability is your friend with it.

Float like a penguin and sting like a bull nettle....or something like that.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I broke down and melted my Aurora into the Death Penguin (Avenger). Throw a couple of Badgers on it, in conjunction with the Tigershriek and it can put a hurt on things. Just cannot take hits well. Maneuverability is your friend with it.

Float like a penguin and sting like a bull nettle....or something like that.
Death penguin. Ha!


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I like my gimbals and turret with laser cannons. But I'm also using M+K.
Aiming with mouse is much easier than aiming with your ship. Why don't you use the Sledge II Mass Driver Cannons or the Tarantula GT-870 Ballistic Cannon instead of laser cannons? Ballistics don't have to eat the shields before they can do damage. I tried them on my Gladius, but it is much harder to aim with your ship then aim with your mouse.


Jun 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Throttle back when making turns. You will turn much quicker and not blackout.
When your sheilds are down and your weapons are hot run away and regen for a bit mabye uncoupled and facing backwards moving at a high rate.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Throttle back when making turns. You will turn much quicker and not blackout.
With G-Safety enabled you will turn faster when flying slower, G-Safety limits your turning speed to prevent blackouts. If you want to turn fast full speed, then you must hit boost and enjoy the blackouts. This can be minimized by rolling into your turning direction and strafe down.


Jun 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks Marc. I'll have to mess with that more. What about look ahead mode? Can one hit anything with it turned off?
I haven't found out how to turn off look ahead mode to try it.

With the new speeds, we may be in close quarters more. It is about to get interesting.
I Love the feel of my enemies exhaust buffetting my ship when I strafe around it's ramming attempt and turn to face it's exhaust while I ram one up it's chute and quickly strafe around it's explosion.
Never underestimate the power of the strafe binding. Keep it close and learn it well.
I avoid circle straffing. It's not all it's cracked up to be. Don't get sucked into a circle strafe battle.
Boost away. Make them fight your fight.
Don't go in like a bull in a china shop.
Pull the "top gun movie" move. Pull, regenerate your shields and then get back in the fight.
One must always be willing to give up life and ship for the greater cause of protecting multi crew ships though.

Use roll to orient your ship to give better visability to help avoid obstacles like asteroids.
I tend to often orient my ship so it has the closest crash danger to my side which gives the best field of view.
Turning down is often suicidal in an asteroid belt. You are flying blind.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
What about look ahead mode? Can one hit anything with it turned off?
I haven't found out how to turn off look ahead mode to try it.
I checked it out, you must bind it in keybindings / targeting. I didn't notice any difference so I checked it out on google.
Look ahead mode only has effect when flying gimballed with mouse. Look ahead off: if you fly straight, then you can aim without turning your ship. Look ahead on: if you fly straight and aim with your mouse, then your ship also will turn to your mouse pointer.

Never underestimate the power of the strafe binding. Keep it close and learn it well.
I always fly with strafe. With NPCs you can go head on, when in firing range you start to strafe to the safe side (the side without asteroids or enemies) thus avoiding direct fire while keeping your guns in the right direction. Keep your aim slightly in from or on your target. Your target will fly into your bullets. If you make a tight enough strafing circle then you will end up at your targets tail. When doing this manoeuvre on a wave of multiple targets, be sure to pick the last target of the wave, otherwise you will have one or more targets on your tail.

Use roll to orient your ship to give better visability to help avoid obstacles like asteroids.
Roll also gives you a better hitting chance, unless you fly the Vanguard with all guns concentrated on your nose. Your fire always will go on a parallel course, no convergence zone said:
Clustering all the armament in the nose was unusual in U.S. aircraft, which typically used wing-mounted guns with trajectories set up to crisscross at one or more points in a convergence zone. Nose-mounted guns did not suffer from having their useful ranges limited by pattern convergence,
Best hit chance is when your wings are parallel to your targets cross section, your targets flight direction.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I checked it out, you must bind it in keybindings / targeting. I didn't notice any difference so I checked it out on google.
Look ahead mode only has effect when flying gimballed with mouse. Look ahead off: if you fly straight, then you can aim without turning your ship. Look ahead on: if you fly straight and aim with your mouse, then your ship also will turn to your mouse pointer.

I always fly with strafe. With NPCs you can go head on, when in firing range you start to strafe to the safe side (the side without asteroids or enemies) thus avoiding direct fire while keeping your guns in the right direction. Keep your aim slightly in from or on your target. Your target will fly into your bullets. If you make a tight enough strafing circle then you will end up at your targets tail. When doing this manoeuvre on a wave of multiple targets, be sure to pick the last target of the wave, otherwise you will have one or more targets on your tail.

Roll also gives you a better hitting chance, unless you fly the Vanguard with all guns concentrated on your nose. Your fire always will go on a parallel course, no convergence zone

Best hit chance is when your wings are parallel to your targets cross section, your targets flight direction.
So much wisdom
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