I love Canada

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
PM at will.
It would indeed be cool to meet you someday Blind Owl.
It's impossible for me to get to Kingston for a while.
I need new wheels bad. Mind you a snowmobile or dog team would be required today.
It is going above zero later today with rain expected on top of the foot of snow I got here.
I'll have to get out early so the blower can throw it instead of clogging the chute.
Then the freezing rain will come. Eastern Ontario is the freezing rain capital of the world I think.
The home I live in had a foot of water in the basement in the ice storm of '98.
Here's hoping my mailbox is still there. They have knocked it off with the plows as much as 8 times in one year.

Haha, the gift that keep on giving eh? The plows clear the road and you get to continually rebuild your mailbox. Life is grand.
Here is a handy link to bookmark for you Blind Owl.
You should see what I am seeing right now.
Just a wall of snow at 5 below and rising.
Time to get at 'er before the rain this afternoon. What a crazy province.
Between the snow and cutting down, cutting up, loading, bringing home the wood, chopping it up, piling it, hauling it indoors, lighting the fire, and generally breaking my back, it's looking like a typical day in the neighbourhood:

I'll keep that bookmarked. I hear the snow can be fun in Eastern Ont. That being said, I was still wearing shorts in later October when I was there, and that sure as shit doesn't happen in Edmonton. I'l looking forward to less than 6 months of winter, and a little less blasted prairie landscape, haha.
I'm sure we'll find a way to meet up. You're not too far from Kingston at all, if my reckoning is right. 120-130km, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Enjoy the snow. We're dealing with as deep freeze and wind chill here in Edmonton. -28C yesterday, with the windchill pushing it well below -40. Damn prairies.

Cheers, and Merry Christmas


Space Marshal
Jul 22, 2016
RSI Handle
"hoser" went out decades ago.
Myself and my friends used to go skiing in Vermont back in the day and we'd yell Koo roo coo coo koo roo coo coo.
They don't call us "Crazy Canucks" for nothing.

I thought I was going to get pummelled wqhen I was in the bar at a Vermont ski hill (Jay Peaks) when I cheered the Crazy Canucks as they won the downhill at one of the olympics.

In the line up for the 60 person Ariel Tramway where the landing zone up top was embedded into the mountain I overheard someone say that they could not deface a mountain that way. I piped up and asked "What about Mopunt Rushmore?" I swear I felt hammers being cocked. 59 very angry looking faces turned to me. *gulp*

Same hill. I was booging down a run which was a good 50 feet wide and I passed a guy and he yelled at me for passing him. Unbelievable. I just yelled back. " I won't be here LOOoooonnnng..."

American Women are similar to Canadian Women. They both slip out at last call after a night of free drinks. ;)
Free Drinks? ....i'm all about equality,.... women buy their own drinks


Jun 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Haha, the gift that keep on giving eh? The plows clear the road and you get to continually rebuild your mailbox. Life is grand.

I'll keep that bookmarked. I hear the snow can be fun in Eastern Ont. That being said, I was still wearing shorts in later October when I was there, and that sure as shit doesn't happen in Edmonton. I'l looking forward to less than 6 months of winter, and a little less blasted prairie landscape, haha.
I'm sure we'll find a way to meet up. You're not too far from Kingston at all, if my reckoning is right. 120-130km, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Enjoy the snow. We're dealing with as deep freeze and wind chill here in Edmonton. -28C yesterday, with the windchill pushing it well below -40. Damn prairies.

Cheers, and Merry Christmas
Indeed, we are far south of Edmonton. 100 kms north or south makes a huge difference.
It's actually the warmer winters here that are the worst. That is snow and freezing rain weather.
I'll take cold and dry over that freezing rain any day.
I put the skis away at -30 although we have played tackle football on skis, on the hill in the freeziing rain when everyone else is inside huddling by the fire. One toque over top of another helps. I have seen a month and a half straight of sub -30c weather.
My old work boots are rated to -100c. My winter gear is too hot at anything above -20.
We are 2-3 weeks behind Edmonton for the cold snap and 2-3 weeks earlier for greening up in spring.
-18 expected Thursday night. We'll get there. Wait for it. My sister is in Whitecourt and her daughter in Edmonton.
We huddle together by the fire via Skype. ha ha.
Yeah we only have 5 months of winter here often followed by 2 months of rain.
Be patient, you'll be sweating by August and bundling up again in September just like old times.
If you're a hunter, you are gonna get real pissy. They will give a doe tag to people from Toronto while local folks can't even get a tag.
Hunters come to my door regularly since the deer come play in my yard. "Can I hunt there?"
"No,. Leave my freakin' bambi alone". I have hit 3 on my road. I Love watching them raise their young and welcome the big buck knowing he is about to have some fun. ;)

psssst. I always play up the bad weather to make sure there isn't a mass rush to this little slice of heaven but shhh don't tell.

Check out my usual morning coffee place. No traffic. No barking dogs, No sirens, No neighbours, No nonsense, No need to even lock your doors, no need to yell "Get off my lawn".
A walk down the road causes every single car driver to wave at you.
I Love the sound of wolf howls in the night and coyotes fighting for the alpha spot.
I live in a dilapidated old shack. Be it ever so humble it is a slice of absolute heaven for me.

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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I live in a dilapidated old shack. Be it ever so humble it is a slice of absolute heaven for me.
That's gorgeous. Reminds me of growing up on the farm in northern BC. I'm envious.

psssst. I always play up the bad weather to make sure there isn't a mass rush to this little slice of heaven but shhh don't tell.
Yeah, I hear it's just the worst in Eastern Ontario. I reckon everyone should just focus on moving to Alberta, especially all you city folk. I hear Rachel Notley is doing great things there. And the weather is phenomenal, especially in Northern Alberta. Just sunshine year round. ;)


Jun 27, 2016
RSI Handle
My sister begs me daily to move to Whitecourt.
After living in 22 places across the Province, I am not moving ever again.

My Doe with her 2 Bambis:


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
My sister begs me daily to move to Whitecourt.
After living in 22 places across the Province, I am not moving ever again.

My Doe with her 2 Bambis:

I love nature. It's the best. Yeah man, if you don't have to leave where you are, don't. I wouldn't leave unless you were looking for work. And even that is scarce right now, out here at least.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
My sister begs me daily to move to Whitecourt.
After living in 22 places across the Province, I am not moving ever again.

My Doe with her 2 Bambis:

I love nature. It's the best. Yeah man, if you don't have to leave where you are, don't. I wouldn't leave unless you were looking for work. And even that is scarce right now, out here at least.


Jun 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I do miss the North. They only allow moose hunts here every 20-40 years.
I could turn a blind eye for a couple moose steaks and a 2-4. ;)
One deer hit a day is the average on many highways up here.
I had to rig up a winch and ramp for the highways folks to haul in the road kill.
Motorcycling at night here is suicidal. Watch for those glowing eyes in the dark.

My neighbourhoods theme song:


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I never did get into hunting as an adult. Life just kept turning the other way, and I never made the time. It's a pity really. I reckon I may have to make the time once I get out there. I'm keep the most steak and 2-4 in mind moving forward. ;)

Wildlife complained eh? Haha. They do that. Silly wildlife. ;)


Jun 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I gave up guns in the seventies when I moved south here.
These people are dangerous in the bush.
I heard one group discussing how many "sound shots" they got off one day. (non-Canadian hunters), I won't mention where they were from.
I moose hunted with a group once and they paired me with an old guy who unloaded his whole rifle at a rock half a click away and insisted it was a moose.
I won't mention what caused me to give them up in total. I am still dealing with it 40 years later.
I was not present for the event. I had to do the cleanup. No more guns for me.

Wildlife does complain. Often I sit on my crappy worn out yard swing a play a bit of guitar.
The birds come closer when I do that and feed within 5 feet of me.
When I hit a wrong note, 5 bird heads turn to me and they chirp "wtf was that?" True story.

I toss my apple cores near the chipmunk and he feeds without fear of me.
The rabbit munches clover while I have my morning coffee.
The early morning deer turn sideways to the sun warming themselves at the west side of my yard and occassionally munch my balsam trees.
I have gotten to the point that I no longer throw rocks at the crows that wake me way too early in the morning.
Smartest birds I ever saw.
Bambi got caught in a page wire fence on my daily walk one time. The story ended well.
If I cross the yard at night, I growl as I come out of the house just so the coyotes and wolves don't startle me or me them.
Mother nature and I are very tight.
Shoot one bird in your yard and it'll be a long time before you see another bird. They talk. in perfect tune...
I was playing paintball with a bunch of militia buddies one time and a squirrel ran in front of our group.
They turned it into a multi coloured squirell. I didn't shoot and I know it was bad but you just had to laugh.
Darn those guys were good. On minute you saw them and then you blinked and they were gone.
The next thing you knew, you got one right in the temple. They did not follow the rules.
I won the day though.
There was myself and one bad guy left. I was at our flag defending poking out from behind a tree when I ran out of ammo. All the eliminated guys were off to the side and when I ran out they yelled for buddy to bring it home.
I popped the cap off a new tube of paint balls, poured a few in and chk chk in the breech, leaned out and got him right in the gut. No arguing there with 10 folks watching the whole thing.
I was well hidden behind another tree during the day and they got my hand that was hanging onto the tree and out front a bit. That hood. Paint ball is a hoot.
I sold my guns in '73. I used to run home from school at lunch for moose steak which only dad and I would eat.
Dad used to take the head off a partridge with a 30 30. (open sites) Every single time. He taught me well.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I gave up guns in the seventies when I moved south here.
These people are dangerous in the bush.
I heard one group discussing how many "sound shots" they got off one day. (non-Canadian hunters), I won't mention where they were from.
I moose hunted with a group once and they paired me with an old guy who unloaded his whole rifle at a rock half a click away and insisted it was a moose.
I won't mention what caused me to give them up in total. I am still dealing with it 40 years later.
I was not present for the event. I had to do the cleanup. No more guns for me.

Wildlife does complain. Often I sit on my crappy worn out yard swing a play a bit of guitar.
The birds come closer when I do that and feed within 5 feet of me.
When I hit a wrong note, 5 bird heads turn to me and they chirp "wtf was that?" True story.

I toss my apple cores near the chipmunk and he feeds without fear of me.
The rabbit munches clover while I have my morning coffee.
The early morning deer turn sideways to the sun warming themselves at the west side of my yard and occassionally munch my balsam trees.
I have gotten to the point that I no longer throw rocks at the crows that wake me way too early in the morning.
Smartest birds I ever saw.
Bambi got caught in a page wire fence on my daily walk one time. The story ended well.
If I cross the yard at night, I growl as I come out of the house just so the coyotes and wolves don't startle me or me them.
Mother nature and I are very tight.
Shoot one bird in your yard and it'll be a long time before you see another bird. They talk. in perfect tune...
I was playing paintball with a bunch of militia buddies one time and a squirrel ran in front of our group.
They turned it into a multi coloured squirell. I didn't shoot and I know it was bad but you just had to laugh.
Darn those guys were good. On minute you saw them and then you blinked and they were gone.
The next thing you knew, you got one right in the temple. They did not follow the rules.
I won the day though.
There was myself and one bad guy left. I was at our flag defending poking out from behind a tree when I ran out of ammo. All the eliminated guys were off to the side and when I ran out they yelled for buddy to bring it home.
I popped the cap off a new tube of paint balls, poured a few in and chk chk in the breech, leaned out and got him right in the gut. No arguing there with 10 folks watching the whole thing.
I was well hidden behind another tree during the day and they got my hand that was hanging onto the tree and out front a bit. That hood. Paint ball is a hoot.
I sold my guns in '73. I used to run home from school at lunch for moose steak which only dad and I would eat.
Dad used to take the head off a partridge with a 30 30. (open sites) Every single time. He taught me well.
Sounds like it was a traumatic experience. I'm sorry to hear that.

The wildlife sounds amazing. Reminds me so much of the farm in Quesnel. The animals were always out and about. Love those little buggers.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
My sister begs me daily to move to Whitecourt.
After living in 22 places across the Province, I am not moving ever again.

My Doe with her 2 Bambis:

Years ago when I was living in the woods (had 5 acers) we had a doe that would hit our apple tree every morning seeing what she could find. she was so old that she was mostly grey. So Being the respectful hunter that I am, I posted no hunting signs put salt and mineral blocks and a small grain feeder out by the tree. she stayed there for a few years. would see her every morning. I figured that if she has lived that long best thing I could do was make sure she had the food to live as long as she could.
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