Haha, the gift that keep on giving eh? The plows clear the road and you get to continually rebuild your mailbox. Life is grand.PM at will.
It would indeed be cool to meet you someday Blind Owl.
It's impossible for me to get to Kingston for a while.
I need new wheels bad. Mind you a snowmobile or dog team would be required today.
It is going above zero later today with rain expected on top of the foot of snow I got here.
I'll have to get out early so the blower can throw it instead of clogging the chute.
Then the freezing rain will come. Eastern Ontario is the freezing rain capital of the world I think.
The home I live in had a foot of water in the basement in the ice storm of '98.
Here's hoping my mailbox is still there. They have knocked it off with the plows as much as 8 times in one year.
I'll keep that bookmarked. I hear the snow can be fun in Eastern Ont. That being said, I was still wearing shorts in later October when I was there, and that sure as shit doesn't happen in Edmonton. I'l looking forward to less than 6 months of winter, and a little less blasted prairie landscape, haha.Here is a handy link to bookmark for you Blind Owl.
You should see what I am seeing right now.
Just a wall of snow at 5 below and rising.
Time to get at 'er before the rain this afternoon. What a crazy province.
Between the snow and cutting down, cutting up, loading, bringing home the wood, chopping it up, piling it, hauling it indoors, lighting the fire, and generally breaking my back, it's looking like a typical day in the neighbourhood:
I'm sure we'll find a way to meet up. You're not too far from Kingston at all, if my reckoning is right. 120-130km, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Enjoy the snow. We're dealing with as deep freeze and wind chill here in Edmonton. -28C yesterday, with the windchill pushing it well below -40. Damn prairies.
Cheers, and Merry Christmas