Photos, photos, we want photos of this new happy home! Is it a house, painted in lemon yellow colours? Or, or with a huge garden for big barbecue&beers sessions! And a even more huge kids room - for Owl and son? And a nice fireplace? And the biggest question: where (and how) is the corner for Owls Star Citizen TEST rig for long nights of pew pew and shitposting!? :smile:
1. It IS a house.
2. The house is yellow. True fact.
3. Not a huge garden, but a huge backyard. 3/4 of an acre.
4. I have a broil king BBQ...and a beer fridge. And a fire pit. Did I mention a huge backyard?
5. Two huge rooms in the basement for Owl and son. Our games rooms.
6. A real, honest to goodness wood burning fireplace. Check.
7. The gaming rig is in the corner of the "boys room" in the basement. Baby Owl and Owl have a TV, PS4, gaming rig, fireplace, and plenty of Lego. Booyah.
I'll get you photos soon. I promise.
Yeah, BBQ and :beers:
That also is very important
We have both. And room for you and Sam to come visit. Bring your families. :)
Yeah, can't let his shit posting rigg be sub standard!
Never my young Padawan. Never.