So it seems that the following convos you see below are becoming more and more common as TEST grows in size and renown (for our amazing ability to fly while drunk).
Just wanted co clear up some misconceptions here:
1) The only official groups working within/with TEST are the groups listed here:
2) At this early stage in game, we have always stressed that diplomacy/alliances are too premature. We have 0 such official ties to any other org although we are friendly with all the groups (but fuck that org in particular).
3) All affiliates are welcome, but please don't recruit from our pool or I swear I'm gonna ram Auroras up all your buttholes.
Just wanted co clear up some misconceptions here:
1) The only official groups working within/with TEST are the groups listed here:
2) At this early stage in game, we have always stressed that diplomacy/alliances are too premature. We have 0 such official ties to any other org although we are friendly with all the groups (but fuck that org in particular).
3) All affiliates are welcome, but please don't recruit from our pool or I swear I'm gonna ram Auroras up all your buttholes.