Is there any interest in an Org funded Redeemer? - FULLY FUNDED! $250!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
If there are a group of 10 or more individuals here that would like to crowd fund a Redeemer for the org, post here and let us know.

The Redeemer does not serve a critical role, but I can see how a group of FPS focused players may be interested in getting one for use early in the game.

Current pledges/donations

Dalarast - $75
ZeroKool - $75
Dortz - $45
KrillFriend - $40
Black Sundr - $35
Designated Drunk - $25
o-BHG-0 $20
Rogesh - $10
Crashman - $10
Krystal - $10
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
Montoya -

As a newer member of the group, and to the game funding, can you explain the benefits of funding an organizational ship? This may increase the amount of people who would be willing to back this.

From my understanding is that when we fund a ship as an organization the money goes toward (obviously) buying said ship and it would be placed in a community/organizational hanger that we could all access.

The questions that I have is what rules/guidelines on who can take the ship out (does it have to be organizational needed or can I just get the keys to go pick up some beers at the local space port) and replacement of the ship (obviously if we get it now with LTI we are covered... BUT is there deductibles or service fees involved does the person who took it out, rightfully, have to pay for it?)
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Grand Admiral
Sep 24, 2014
RSI Handle
Honestly, I feel that the Redeemer isn't really worth the money. It is single function with no other real options available. To look at it purely on how it's built, the turret coverage is purely forward, which means anything on it's tail/below. On top of that, there is no real option for cargo space. The engines are to the outside and expand in flight, making it not the best choice for a striker/assault ship into tight areas. It is purely a landing ship, I wouldn't even consider it a dropship or assault ship for marines. Yeah sure it has lots of seats and a hull cutter but you can do the same thing with a Cutlass for less and probably faster then a Redeemer.

That's my opinion though of course, if people want to fund it then go ahead it's always good to get things into the hangar, but I think it would be better to just earn it in game when PU launches.


Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
That's a good point, Dalarast. I'd rather earn it ingame if there's going to be restrictions or payments for use of the ship.


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
Correct me if I'm wrong though on this...

But the benefit of it being an organizational ship is that players who do not want to pledge it up front or do not want to spend the hard earned Earth credits can easily jump into a FPS focused game/match by taking Montoya's ship out for a spin. I see the benefit of having a ship like this as an organizational ship more so than almost all the other ships out there.

I'm still trying to figure the organizational stuff out; but if I was going to put money toward any ship for the organization the Redeemer would be my first choice due to its focused mission and ability to jump into FPS matches a bit more evenly. Followed perhaps by the NCC-1701D with functional 10-Forward bar.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
I would like to offer up $50. Let me know if you need more sir. The Redeemer is going to be useful as heck AND more importantly we are supporting the BDDVGE (Best Damn Video Game Ever). That will cover the cost of an Artist for an 8-hr shift. Imagine what they can do in 8-hours.

Not sure if you guys have seen this but it really makes me feel good about backing Star Citizen:

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Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Correct me if I'm wrong though on this...

But the benefit of it being an organizational ship is that players who do not want to pledge it up front or do not want to spend the hard earned Earth credits can easily jump into a FPS focused game/match by taking Montoya's ship out for a spin. I see the benefit of having a ship like this as an organizational ship more so than almost all the other ships out there.

I'm still trying to figure the organizational stuff out; but if I was going to put money toward any ship for the organization the Redeemer would be my first choice due to its focused mission and ability to jump into FPS matches a bit more evenly. Followed perhaps by the NCC-1701D with functional 10-Forward bar.
Yeah, that's pretty much it, which is why I hope there's no fee to use it.
The reason I'd spend money on this is to 1: help out new players lacking a ship and 2: because I don't have the full 250$ to buy a redeemer(spent it on a GPU).
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Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
Honestly, I feel that the Redeemer isn't really worth the money. It is single function with no other real options available. To look at it purely on how it's built, the turret coverage is purely forward, which means anything on it's tail/below. On top of that, there is no real option for cargo space. The engines are to the outside and expand in flight, making it not the best choice for a striker/assault ship into tight areas. It is purely a landing ship, I wouldn't even consider it a dropship or assault ship for marines. Yeah sure it has lots of seats and a hull cutter but you can do the same thing with a Cutlass for less and probably faster then a Redeemer.

That's my opinion though of course, if people want to fund it then go ahead it's always good to get things into the hangar, but I think it would be better to just earn it in game when PU launches.
I think that the Org Idris was something that we hope to get before the PU. I'm still curious how FPS component will be handled with permadeath of our characters. That would certainly make it very high stakes, high tension. It's definitely good that Montoya is determining interest in an a redeemer since we have so many members with so many interests, even though at this time Redeemer/FPS gameplay is not a high priority for me personally. Maybe it will be important for boarding/securing a Bengal wreck?

I think there will be a much greater interest in a Carrack or Banu MM for TEST use (for Exploration and Trading, respectively), and from the looks of things sales of those two ships are probably hitting very soon, possibly on the 14th!
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
The questions that I have is what rules/guidelines on who can take the ship out
We do not have any clear information of how the Org hangar will function in the game, but if there is an official org operation, then the most capable or highest ranked member will get dibs.

If there are no official ops underway and the ship is available, then it will probably be first come first serve, just try bring it back in one piece! :p

We will most likely be able to build our org hangar pretty quickly in-game and be able to have a lot of these ships within a few months.


Sep 18, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm not sure how org ships will work on the PU, if only one person will have access and can share it with others or if any allowed member can get it. Either way I can throw 5 or 10 bucks in your face to buy the Redeemer. I felt the FPS module demo was quite meh but it has some potential.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I would like to offer up $50. Let me know if you need more sir. The Redeemer is going to be useful as heck
The Hull C and Orion are going to be a lot more critical to the Org in the early days, but the Redeemer is something that a smaller niche group of players me be interested in.

Thanks for your interest and support!


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
Well I'm with Crashman on this... I would throw money at this easily since I spent my "allowance" this month on my new laptop. But I feel this is a worthy cause and gives me the ability to cras...errr fly the Redeemer in like a 160th SOAR dropping off marines and then providing close "space" support.... while sipping on a mojito as the marines take fire and me behind shielded viewscreens....

Can I add guac to my Redeemer fund?



Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
Honestly, I feel that the Redeemer isn't really worth the money. It is single function with no other real options available. To look at it purely on how it's built, the turret coverage is purely forward, which means anything on it's tail/below. On top of that, there is no real option for cargo space. The engines are to the outside and expand in flight, making it not the best choice for a striker/assault ship into tight areas. It is purely a landing ship, I wouldn't even consider it a dropship or assault ship for marines. Yeah sure it has lots of seats and a hull cutter but you can do the same thing with a Cutlass for less and probably faster then a Redeemer.

That's my opinion though of course, if people want to fund it then go ahead it's always good to get things into the hangar, but I think it would be better to just earn it in game when PU launches.
I think you're discounting the benefits of armor; the ships don't have their armor implemented yet, and the Redeemer is billed as being a hardy ship that can take a beating. Maybe not as much as the deep space fighter, but I get the feeling the redeemer is going to be a lot better for boarding actions than people are giving it credit for right now. As for comparing it to ther cutlass yes, I'm sure they will both serve well for ferrying boarding parties, but personally I'd rather be carted into a hot zone in a ship designed for the job than in a repurposed patrol craft.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Well I'm with Crashman on this... I would throw money at this easily since I spent my "allowance" this month on my new laptop. But I feel this is a worthy cause and gives me the ability to cras...errr fly the Redeemer in like a 160th SOAR dropping off marines and then providing close "space" support.... while sipping on a mojito as the marines take fire and me behind shielded viewscreens....

Can I add guac to my Redeemer fund?

I am pitching in an extra $20 on behalf of Dalarast, for posting best, most relative fucking meme ever. Paypal sent. This is a worthy cause IMO.


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I think you're discounting the benefits of armor; the ships don't have their armor implemented yet, and the Redeemer is billed as being a hardy ship that can take a beating. Maybe not as much as the deep space fighter, but I get the feeling the redeemer is going to be a lot better for boarding actions than people are giving it credit for right now. As for comparing it to ther cutlass yes, I'm sure they will both serve well for ferrying boarding parties, but personally I'd rather be carted into a hot zone in a ship designed for the job than in a repurposed patrol craft.
In addition the cutlass is cheaper and more needed for a player for more global missions. Just like some of the exploration and other ships.. the Redeemer is specialized hence why it would be a logical organizational buy. The redeemer is a bayonet designed for blood blood, blood red blood.. while the Cutlass is a gerber multi-tool. It can cause blood; but can also open beer bottles, screw broken "things" back together, and adjust a front site post of a weapon....but no blood blood, blood red blood.

(yes I just wanted to say blood, blood, blood red blood... DRILL SERGEANT!)
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Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
Ultimately, I think we're going to have to hold off in our verdicts of the redeemer until we get her in-game and can objectively evaluate performance. It'd be nice to have one in the org hangar with LTI, simply because one of our redeemer pilots, myself included, may not be available for combat drops when we need one. However, 250 is a lot fo scratch, and I can see why some members would be leery about spending so much on it. Personally, I'm willing to toss a few bucks at it, so I'll weigh the wallet this weekend.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I should also point out that there is another boarding craft coming, just announced today:

  • Espera Prowler – Named after the UPE military designation, the Prowler is a modernized version of the infamous Tevarin boarding craft from the First Tevarin War. With the recent discovery of the lost Tevarin planet in Kabal System, Espera’s engineers were given unmitigated access to examine the preserved ships found in several of the caches, before meticulously recreating the design choices. The Sentinel’s effectiveness as a rapid personnel deployment vehicle was mainly due to its silence. The boarding was constructed using a variety of techniques to minimize its signatures and get close to unsuspecting vessels before quickly deploying their boarders via EVA. With the updated Prowler model, you will find the perfect fusion of two culture: the elegance and effectiveness of the Tevarin war machine combined with the reliability of modern UEE technology. (While lacking some of the upgrades of the modern version, vintage Tevarin-built Prowlers restored for modern spaceflight are prized by owners lucky enough to locate them.)
If this turns out to be a better choice, we can melt down the Redeember for this ship when the time comes.
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