The Deadliest Fighter

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
. . .is?

How would I know? But just to nudge us into a friendly ruckus, I will own I think it may be the Hurricane. Sure you need to fly defensive, but it will be more nimble than the Hornet. Basically it is a light fighter with the weapons loadout past a heavy fighter.

So just saying, the two S4 are mounted on the nose where they don't need to be crossing in front of you but shoot straight (no paralax) so have longer focused range, and yet they are not right in front of you like on the Vanguard chin gun, so they won't blind you. Probably the guns could not be better placed and just the two of them can do more damage than most other fighters, out to far greater range and with fast weapon speed. Add to that the 4 S3 weapon in the turret--firepower equal to a Sabre--and I am just loving the whole notion. I'm about to say hey, put Void Armor on it and just fly to not get hit like you would in any light fighter.

It's Friday and I need entertainment so go right ahead and tell me how wrong I am. . .because you know the Deadliest Fighter is. . .?

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
This is a tricky question indeed. A craft's deadliness will depend on several factors including pilot skill, situational appropriateness, combat style, loadouts, and customizations. BUT, that being said; I would venture to say that the penultimate fighter would be the Hornet F7-a, which is the UEE's primary fighter craft (and unavailable to the public). One could generally assume that the military would reserve the best hardware for themselves. But who knows? Game isnt even close to out yet, so speculation abounds.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Truth is...
The deadliest fighter is then one with a pilot in that know exactly how to use the ship to the max of what it can do...
And that might well be a Aurora LN, Hornet, Hurricane, Sabre... etc.. or any other ship really.
The gear do not make the ship deadly the skill of the pilot does...
Then add great gear to great skill and you got a serious deadly fighter..

CHEERS! :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers:


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Truth is...
The deadliest fighter is then one with a pilot in that know exactly how to use the ship to the max of what it can do...
And that might well be a Aurora LN, Hornet, Hurricane, Sabre... etc.. or any other ship really.
The gear do not make the ship deadly the skill of the pilot does...
Then add great gear to great skill and you got a serious deadly fighter..

CHEERS! :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers:

I seriously hope this is the case. I have been very vocal on CIG's forums in the past about this involving one particular aspect, fly by mouse. Right now, it is extremely user friendly to use the mouse to aim your gimbals and have your ship sort of "auto-follow". So basically you're aiming the gimbals and the ship just autofollows to accommodate your aim.

Now, that's not particularly bad. It's just not what I personally was hoping for. I was hoping for a game that allowed for player skill specializations. I wanted to see a game that could be played almost exclusively from a skill perspective. If someone was really good at FPS, they could play almost entirely as a crew member and make their reputation as a combat specialist. If someone was a skilled pilot, they could play almost exclusively from the pilot seat and make their reputation as an ace. Likewise, if someone was amazing at racing, they could make their name in the racing tournaments.

Of course, they could be capable crossing over with a reasonable level of success. I just don't want to see a skilled pilot with a flight simulator setup (pedals, dual joy, etc) get outgunned by a mouse user with a mouse, keyboard, and gimbals simply because CIG is trying to make every aspect work for every person. So instead of the current meta of whatever has the biggest guns on gimbal with the best armor, I would like to see the final product allow for flight skill to take a major role.

Player skill should be rewarded, not nerfed. The world around us is dumbed down so the lowest common denominator can participate and feel like they won. I don't want to see that happen in this game. I think that participation awards and safe spaces are the most ridiculous ideas and have no place in SC. We're not playing "hello kitty: island adventure". We are playing Star Citizen. There be pirates...

Disclaimer #1: I have yet to try head tracker ir or get my Rift in on the action. It's entirely possible that head tracking with Hotas or dual joy might end up the new meta.

Disclaimer #2: I am also getting a head start on the angry old man statements like "back in my day...." and "get off my lawn!".

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I seriously hope this is the case. I have been very vocal on CIG's forums in the past about this involving one particular aspect, fly by mouse. Right now, it is extremely user friendly to use the mouse to aim your gimbals and have your ship sort of "auto-follow". So basically you're aiming the gimbals and the ship just autofollows to accommodate your aim.

Now, that's not particularly bad. It's just not what I personally was hoping for. I was hoping for a game that allowed for player skill specializations. I wanted to see a game that could be played almost exclusively from a skill perspective. If someone was really good at FPS, they could play almost entirely as a crew member and make their reputation as a combat specialist. If someone was a skilled pilot, they could play almost exclusively from the pilot seat and make their reputation as an ace. Likewise, if someone was amazing at racing, they could make their name in the racing tournaments.

Of course, they could be capable crossing over with a reasonable level of success. I just don't want to see a skilled pilot with a flight simulator setup (pedals, dual joy, etc) get outgunned by a mouse user with a mouse, keyboard, and gimbals simply because CIG is trying to make every aspect work for every person. So instead of the current meta of whatever has the biggest guns on gimbal with the best armor, I would like to see the final product allow for flight skill to take a major role.

Player skill should be rewarded, not nerfed. The world around us is dumbed down so the lowest common denominator can participate and feel like they won. I don't want to see that happen in this game. I think that participation awards and safe spaces are the most ridiculous ideas and have no place in SC. We're not playing "hello kitty: island adventure". We are playing Star Citizen. There be pirates...

Disclaimer #1: I have yet to try head tracker ir or get my Rift in on the action. It's entirely possible that head tracking with Hotas or dual joy might end up the new meta.

Disclaimer #2: I am also getting a head start on the angry old man statements like "back in my day...." and "get off my lawn!".

Well it shore seem like we are heading that way of skill is awarded in play, then some help aid to the not so skilled is added but not to the extent that the skilled player get nerfed.. I shore hope this is the way it's going or I might join you in the "get of my lawn!" fight!

Cheers! :beers: :beer: :beers:
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Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
I realize my last post never really gave my response to the OP's question. I would need to go with the Hurricane as well. However, that obviously could change at any moment. There are loads of ships that are yet to come out and balancing or reworking that is planned or inevitable. We all know that though.

So why did I pick that one? Well, for starters, it's still considered a fighter. Many of the powerful ships aren't. The definition of fighter leaves out getting mushroom stamped by the 26 missile kong dong that is the connie. It also, obviously leaves out the freelancer MIS and the Redeemer. So, we're into the smaller ships.

For the sake of being fair, I also took the liberty of reducing my choices to the fighters that could be flown solo. So the possibility of locking the turret on both the Super Hornet and the Hurricane left them in the running. So, that just leaves pilot skill to be determined and I figure if you considered all pilots to have equal skill in this question, it's not really an issue. A bad pilot in a Super Hornet will also be a bad pilot in an Aurora.

So, with all the definitions sorted out, it's simple math. Maneuverability, resilience, and damage dealing ability all play a role. It came down to a pretty close race between the locker room shaming nose gun on the tough vanguard vs the maneuverability and hitting power of the locked turret Hurricane.

They had a wicked fight in my head, but in the mental simulation that I ran, the Hurricane won. That's mainly because of the ease in which you can out maneuver a Vanguard. It's kind of silly actually. So, long story short, my money (given current iterations of all the ships) would be on the Hurricane.

Now, what would it be if I could pick it? I wish that would go to the Mustang Delta. I fucking love flying that thing. However, right now it wouldn't even threaten a pseudo-weaponized big benny vending machine... I can only hope that their rework actually makes it a decent option.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
To answer the question seriously. The deadliest fighter is the one a person has spent hours and hour flying and feels comfortable with. They have encountered many, many, many different situations and learned from them in death or in winning. They are comfortable flying this ship above all others. It isn't about firepower in particular but the pilot.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
To answer the question seriously. The deadliest fighter is the one a person has spent hours and hour flying and feels comfortable with. They have encountered many, many, many different situations and learned from them in death or in winning. They are comfortable flying this ship above all others. It isn't about firepower in particular but the pilot.
Yeah! what I said too, great gear don't make you great or the ship more deadly, ship and guns are just a tools. It's the way you master the gear/ship you have that make you and your ship great/deadly...
And... The Hurricane is really not a fighter it's a hit and run fast out a here fighter and not a ship you want to dogfight in.. To put it as said by dev. "Hurricane is not a ship you want to get tangled up in a dogfight with, you want to hit fast and as hard as you can and get away fast as posible"
Hurricane is a glass canon.. it hits hard but got no armor and weak shields to make room for big guns so that is a ship for really , really skilled pilots..

CHEERS! :beers: :beer: :beers:
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