Light/Heavy/Medium Fighters

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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I've seen this one before and I've been very interested in it but last I heard about it was that it was not going to be sold.(Maybe another marketing trick) I especially love the colors of the ship.
Thats a render @RiceMaiden did for me using the 2015 model that was leaked in that build. The colors are his.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
It's difficult for me to really zero in on Lt/Md/Hv with the game so out of balance. They keep changing everything looking at where things need to be for a harmonious symphony of space combat. With that in mind, though, I consider the Vanguard to be heavy, the Super Hornet and Saber to be medium and the Aurora LN and Mustang Alpha to be light.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Sorry lads, I got distracted by real life for the afternoon. The beach was calling to us. So naturally we had to answer. I spend the afternoon collecting all the very most important rocks ever for toddler Owl, and placing them oh-so-gently into an empty yogurt container for safe keeping. Twas magical.

So back at it...
We'll take Owl as an example because Sober Owl did all of the work for him
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These almost like up but as you can see, none of these really have a single role like heavy fighter or Medium fighter.

The Vanguard isn't just a heavy fighter because the Sentinel also does e-warfare like the Herald, which is a completely different ship. I don't thing that it's right to compare the two ships together because the Vanguard is inferior in almost every category but we can compare how well they perform a single role.
Vanguard inferior in every aspect? I think not. Haha.

But I see what you're saying about the roles.
I'd define them by the jobs they can perform.
Fighter is generic, so why not break that up some. Interception, bombing, attack, defense seems good. I'm sure others can do better.

Take a Herald (low number of jobs makes for a great example). It has data running, e-warfare (hacking?), and drag racing. Those are 3 jobs that the Herald does.

Freelacer is mercantile, defense, then depending on the variant missile boat, bulk cargo, exploration, or undeclared.

Vanguard is ... Difficult. Next!

Hornet is attack and defensive fighter with either stealth, mini hauler, or whatever the hell the tracker does.

Cutlass is attack, salvage, and either medical, bounty, or raider depending on what you have in the back.
Ok, so basically what I've done with the other ships is what I should be applying to the fighters as well. Define them more by the roles they are capable of being employed in. I should also be defining more clearly the roles of all my ships, rather than just the profession I see them fulfilling.
Yeah. Even if you keep the easiest distinctions between fighters and bombers, there are other categories that may or may not be included in "multi-mission". Wild Weasel EM Warfare like the Growler are "multi-mission", but in space you have other tasks you do not have in the air, such as mine-layers. Some of those ships may be small. No way yet to know what CIG has in mind for that. Could require a larger ship, like a Tally, or could happen off the back of a Gladiator. Who knows? And spy planes run a whole gamut of forms in shape and size. Should the Terrapin be on this list? I certainly don't know. . .

Some of our thinking needs to reflect aircraft uses, but some is naval, so it is a mish-mosh. Point is, these categories are determined by mission. If you are a part of an inexpensive navy or air-force, you are probably flying an F-16. That's what TIE fighters and the Vanduul Blades are. Though we may love the maneuverability of these little birds, they are bought because they are cheap and expendable. Yeah, maybe the Gladius is a Hornet killer, but it is in the skies because it's owners could not afford larger, more capable, more survivable craft like the Sabre.
So birds like the Vanguard/Sentinel/Harbinger certainly fit the bill of multi-mission ships. And once again, 'mission' is the keyword.

I'm starting to formulate a thought process as to how I want to move forward. I was really stuck in the light/medium/heavy thought process, combined with 'professions' as my major modifier. I'm going to re-org my thoughts into something more cohesive.
I dunno anything... it's all meta.. so... if you get 1 of everything ship, you can't go wrong.. right?
Shush you, haha.
Driving me nuts :p
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edit: Oh, mining haha. Was going full autism mode
Driving you nuts? I thought you were already there. :wink:
My personal classification for light/medium/heavy goes "How many weapons/missiles does it carry and how much punishment can it take?" That means I still consider glass cannons to be "medium' and something like the Vanguard to be "Heavy' and the Buc to be on the upper high end 'light' with granularity in there as well across the categories.

When this is finally shown again, now that the rework is probably done, it'll be a Heavy more than likely. VANDUUL SUPERIORITY!
#FakeShip :wink:

I was thinking along the same lines Sunder, in regards to heavy/medium/light. I'm about to re-shuffle my everything. haha


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
I think the Vanguard, Redeemer, and Hornet are great combat ships because of how flexible they are, able to pick up multiple roles depending on the mission.

The Carrack, Caterpillar, and Starfarer can also be used in multiple roles thanks to their flexibility.

If you want your fleet to be able to do anything, you may want to make sure that you have enough of these flexible ships to fill all the roles you want.

I'd also add crew requirements to your classifications. For Example, a Carrack is an amazing ship but has a higher crew count than an Aquila. Both are good explorers but the Aquila can also be used as an attack ship for piracy. Those S4 guns on the Aquila are easier to use to shoot at freighters. Though, the Carrack can haul more loot than the Aquila and has better scanners for finding people. Depending on your crew, you might pick one or the other when you leave your hangar.

(Aren't explorer ships awesome for piracy? :) )

I plan to roll with 5 npcs. That gives me 4 turret gunners and an engineer to put in my ships. If any Testies join me on my ship, that leaves me more npcs to swab the decks :)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I think the Vanguard, Redeemer, and Hornet are great combat ships because of how flexible they are, able to pick up multiple roles depending on the mission.

The Carrack, Caterpillar, and Starfarer can also be used in multiple roles thanks to their flexibility.

If you want your fleet to be able to do anything, you may want to make sure that you have enough of these flexible ships to fill all the roles you want.

I'd also add crew requirements to your classifications. For Example, a Carrack is an amazing ship but has a higher crew count than an Aquila. Both are good explorers but the Aquila can also be used as an attack ship for piracy. Those S4 guns on the Aquila are easier to use to shoot at freighters. Though, the Carrack can haul more loot than the Aquila and has better scanners for finding people. Depending on your crew, you might pick one or the other when you leave your hangar.

(Aren't explorer ships awesome for piracy? :slight_smile: )

I plan to roll with 5 npcs. That gives me 4 turret gunners and an engineer to put in my ships. If any Testies join me on my ship, that leaves me more npcs to swab the decks :slight_smile:
Hornet and Starfarer are the only ones not currently in my fleet. I already have the hornet CCU, thanks to some dude. :wink: I'm going to use a Reclaimer instead of a Starfarer, because I feel like it may end up being a very good pirate vessel, nom nom nom.

I've been thinking about the Aquila. I want to get a smaller explorer, and I think (heavy on the 'think') I prefer the Aquila to the DUR (not cost-wise). I like the versatility of exploration ships. I mean, if you can scan systems for exploration stuff, then you can scan it for stuff to liberate from the clutches of people who obviously don't need it.

I've started a new spreadsheet to cover the different roles within each profession that I think I want to partake in. Soon I will have a better idea of what I want in regards to ships to cover those tasks. The idea is to try and keep my fleet relatively small, haha. I keep saying that. but fuck me its hard.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I think the Vanguard, Redeemer, and Hornet are great combat ships because of how flexible they are, able to pick up multiple roles depending on the mission.

The Carrack, Caterpillar, and Starfarer can also be used in multiple roles thanks to their flexibility.

If you want your fleet to be able to do anything, you may want to make sure that you have enough of these flexible ships to fill all the roles you want.

I'd also add crew requirements to your classifications. For Example, a Carrack is an amazing ship but has a higher crew count than an Aquila. Both are good explorers but the Aquila can also be used as an attack ship for piracy. Those S4 guns on the Aquila are easier to use to shoot at freighters. Though, the Carrack can haul more loot than the Aquila and has better scanners for finding people. Depending on your crew, you might pick one or the other when you leave your hangar.

(Aren't explorer ships awesome for piracy? :slight_smile: )

I plan to roll with 5 npcs. That gives me 4 turret gunners and an engineer to put in my ships. If any Testies join me on my ship, that leaves me more npcs to swab the decks :slight_smile:
Oh, I think you forgot the Cutlass. I do believe she will be a beast of versatility, haha. My only concern is do I own just the Blue, or do I get a Black as well. Or a Red. Ha. Choices.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Hornet and Starfarer are the only ones not currently in my fleet. I already have the hornet CCU, thanks to some dude. :wink: I'm going to use a Reclaimer instead of a Starfarer, because I feel like it may end up being a very good pirate vessel, nom nom nom.

I've been thinking about the Aquila. I want to get a smaller explorer, and I think (heavy on the 'think') I prefer the Aquila to the DUR (not cost-wise). I like the versatility of exploration ships. I mean, if you can scan systems for exploration stuff, then you can scan it for stuff to liberate from the clutches of people who obviously don't need it.

I've started a new spreadsheet to cover the different roles within each profession that I think I want to partake in. Soon I will have a better idea of what I want in regards to ships to cover those tasks. The idea is to try and keep my fleet relatively small, haha. I keep saying that. but fuck me its hard.
I have the EXACT thoughts about the Aquila. It's so versatile and has most of what I would want in a ship that size. Hella long range, ability to carry vehicles, amazing dps against freighters, a scout ship, lots of S2 missiles, room for multiple people but the ability to use fewer.

It had a terrible view but it's better than any other Connie.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Oh, I think you forgot the Cutlass. I do believe she will be a beast of versatility, haha. My only concern is do I own just the Blue, or do I get a Black as well. Or a Red. Ha. Choices.
Keep the Blue since it looks like we'll be able to swap out the back area. If not now, then later since that modularity is part of the 64 million goal.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I have the EXACT thoughts about the Aquila. It's so versatile and has most of what I would want in a ship that size. Hella long range, ability to carry vehicles, amazing dps against freighters, a scout ship, lots of S2 missiles, room for multiple people but the ability to use fewer.
Exactly. I may end up with one just on these merits alone. And it'll tide me over until I get my Carrack. And if I never get my Carrack back, then it may be my primary explorer.
Validating the Carrack comment: I have multiple Carrack <> Reclaimer CCUs, as well as all the other 350 dollar ships, EXCEPT the BMM, as none of the 350's have been on sale since the BMM price jump. However, if my CCUs start expiring, I may have to choose between the Carrack and the Reclaimer, which sucks. I currently have a Reclaimer in my hanger, and a BMM waiting for CCU to Carrack. Providing a sale happens soon enough, and 0 dollar CCUs from BMM to Carrack are available, that BMM will become the Carrack
It had a terrible view but it's better than any other Connie.
And a wee bit better than the DURp.
Keep the Blue since it looks like we'll be able to swap out the back area. If not now, then later since that modularity is part of the 64 million goal.
Oh I'm keeping the Blue. I could always use another, an additional, Cutlass though, haha
The Cutlass isn't a choice. It's a way of life. When doing any mission there should be a Cutlass first, then all other ships can be picked
Preach Brother Tank


Jul 11, 2017
RSI Handle
Light vs Medium vs Heavy Fighter is really a question of definition

Fighter implies must have primary role of combat either offensively or defensively.

Typically Light implies speed and agility like frigates and destroyer in the navy, as such often lower defensive capability

Medium would be more of a ship capable of destroying lights which implies higher firepower, defenses and likely less maneuvarability. Often used to control space and pursue enemies

Heavies would be used either when concentration of firepower needed or denial of space is desired. heavily skewed to defense and mobility is the lowest requirement.

Under these definitions -

Light -
Kartu Al
300 Series

Medium -
Hornet Series
Reliant Tana(due to defenses)


Anyway just my thoughts


Space Marshal
Mar 6, 2016
RSI Handle
By being a Dane ( Hell yea...... a true Viking...... who brew my own mead )
i feel you left out the true drink off the gods, and therefore I can not choose from your list of

What is the best alcohol to fly on?

Shame on you Owl !!!
naa just kidding , i still love you Owl !!!!
il go with the beer .

hehe .... well as a Sabre Pilot i can only speek about what i love about this bird
and yes i would call it a medium fighter

The Sabre has :
okay speed / maneuverability ( Not the fastest but it can keep up with most )
okay shields and armor ( It can take a beating and still get to safty )
okay firepover with its 4xS3 and missiles ( It can deliver some seriously damage )

but back the the light / medium / heavy thingy
I see people classify the Buccaneer and the Super Hornet as a heavy fighter
see people classify the Hurricane & Avenger as medium fighters

so i guess it's all up to how people classify light / medium / heavy
is it the speed / maneuverability ?
is it armor / shields ?
or is it the firepower ?

for me its the speed / maneuverability
and yea i know it's not like irl. where we use ( MTOW )
but sins we most of the time are in 0g i think (MTOW) is missguided
Ohh btw. (MTOW) = Maximum take off weight

through the years i tryed out what i call a heavy fighter like the Vanguard and light fighters like the Buccaneer
but allways wen't back to my Sabre
so i can't realy say i have a favourite in each category.

Medium Fighter
Aegis Dynamics Sabre
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
By being a Dane ( Hell yea...... a true Viking...... who brew my own mead )
i feel you left out the true drink off the gods, and therefore I can not choose from your list of

What is the best alcohol to fly on?

Shame on you Owl !!!
My God. I forgot the MEAD! Having a great grandmother from Iceland, you'd think I would be all over that.

My sincerest apologies my friend. I am ashamed.

Also: Sabre. Haha


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
Well I am not sure how to catergorise anything in star citizen without factoring in the "punches above its weight!". On this basis all fighters ever sold are heavy and a bargain so go buy!

What is subjective is what is heavy and so on, the same way as rich is relative and so on. The fact that I have spent so much on star citizen some people might think I am relatively rich more likely that I am stupid. The jury is out!


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I would classify things a bit differently than what has been said already, but I can certainly see the logic people are using.

Short range
These ships are carrier based or planet/station based. They can be heavy hitters or mass produced (cheaper) ships that give you the needed firepower for the craft/base size/mission/importance. Short ranged craft might need to fuel between planets once or twice, and multiple times going between star systems. Needs infrastructure in place or carriers to use. Infrastructure would be built up capability, or brought along such as Polaris, Starfarer, and Crucible support ships. Most fighters and single person ships are in here

Medium Range
Can go planet to planet and then back again easily, take a jaunt to the next star system, and in general, are sufficient for most escorting duties. These can also go into the star system between planets and explore for wrecked ships, mineral rich asteroids, etc. Freelancer, Connie Andromeda, Vanguard, Hull A (might be short ranged), B, and C and similar are here.

Long Range
Goes into the deep black between star systems, can looking for a new wormhole, and then through it to explore the system on the other side. Good crew facilities, possible medical bay, etc
Javelin, Idris, Polaris, Carrack, Caterpillar, Endeavor, Hull D, E, BMM, Connie Aquila (maybe), 890 Jump are ships that might fit this bill.

Light fighters
Cheap lightly armed craft with minimal armor. Often faster and more maneuverable than other ships. Often called interceptors.
Example: Gladius. Note, I would not classify the 300 series as a fighter, but if it was, it would be here).

Medium fighters
Moderately armed and armored ships. Slower than light fighters, faster than heavy fighters. A good balance of maneuverability, firepower, armor, and speed. Hornets, Sabres, Super Hornets, etc live here.

Heavy Fighters:
Heavily armed and armored fighters. Trades speed and maneuverability for firepower and armor. Vanguard Warden, Defender live here. Maybe the F8

Specialty Fighters:
Things that have specific uses or do not fit easily in the other categories. The Hurricane for instance is a light fighter except for the heavy armament. The Buccaneer would also fit here.

Light bombers/torpedo bombers:
Fighter types or size equipped with bombs. These are almost always short ranged ships and operate from carriers. A Gladiator is a light bomber

Medium bomber:
Craft designed to hit targets further out or carry a heavy payload than a light bomber. Can operate from carriers or bases/stations. An example might be a Vanguard Harbinger. Depending if you put a specialty bomber category in or not, the Eclipse might also be a medium bomber. Medium or short ranged

Heavy bomber:
Larger ship designed to launch multiple torpedoes/bombs. The Retaliator would be a good example of a Heavy bomber. These are often long range ships, but at the very least, they are medium ranged ships.

These ships can do a lot of things. Explore, fight, bomb, smuggle, etc.
Aurora Connie, Cutlass, Endeavor, Freelancer, and Retaliators are good examples

Cargo Ships
Designed for cargo runs. Can be of any range. Caterpillar, Connie Taurus, Freelancer Max, Hull Series, BMM

Industrial ships:
Mining/reclaiming/fueling/repair ships go here. Examples are Orion, Starfarer, Prospector, Reclaimer, Crucible, etc.

Most includes specialty ships or ships that don't fit other roles. Reliant Sen, Genesis, combat drops ships, scout ships, snubs/parasite ships, etc, fit here.
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