Citizen Spotlight - Auroras over TEST LOGO....

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
A great idea from Montoya, so I entered my Auroras flying over pulsating TEST logo on my keyboard.
To Citizen spotlight Flying Auroras over TEST SQUADRON LOGO on K95 <-- Link to RSI page.

Would be very thankful for any support and getting some up voting if you like it :relaxed:

CHEERS! :beer::beer::beers:

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Welp, I don't have those macros, don't have enough room :disappointed::disappointed:

and unreadable in red only (and smaller) :(. Why you mek me hef spend monies.
Well since the new K95 RGB came out with lot less macro keys on it, this version of K95 dropped in price in some store that want to clear out storage for the new... But the retail suggested price have actually not dropped, so if you take time look around online store you can find one "K95 RGB Cherry red keys" that have all the macros and all same as the new for half the price.
:D :beers:

if CIG had programmers of this caliber, Alpha 3.0 would already be released!
Humm.. Well I would probably make some new kind of bugs no one ever heard of if I tried that ha ha ha :joy:

I approve this waste of time.

For the glory of TEST!
Well time is something I have a abundance of to waste lucky enough, comes with the territory of being retired :D :beers:

Goddamned gorgeous Mich. I'll drink to this!
Thank you glad you liked it, I might try to improve it even more if I can. :beers: :D

Thanks all CHEERS! :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers:
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