
Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I went to a buffet once that had signs on the tables saying "Have as much as you like, but if you don't clear your plate we'll charge you extra per wasted plate."

Who goes to an all you can eat and doesn't clear their plate?
Not everything tastes good, or at least as good as it looks when you added it to your plate.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Finally i think no one is really talking about VOIP. Probably the most people are happy with it.

First of all I like the VOIP feature and its “3D” – approach. (as a first iteration)

What I would like to see (maybe it is already planned or inside the game):

1. Volume control keep it simple but whispering (2-3m), speaking(5-10m) and yelling should be an option. What I noticed so far that the distance where people each other is pretty large (What I would consider as yelling).

2. Mute individual players. Everyone who has ever played a game with ingame VOIP knows this problem Some funny guy plays the actual Katy Perry Soundtrack at full volume.

3. Communication channels

a. 1. Channel Speaking to everyone nearby (in the same vehicle)

b. 2. Channel Speaking to everyone nearby and on a com channel (Squad-Radio)

c. 3. Channel Speaking to everyone nearby and on a second com channel (Command-Radio)

d. (More channels would be great)

4. Make Comchannels assignable to one ear (left or right)

You might have noticed I am a tactical Arma player. And that’s something which has been realized in some mods AND it is a very useful system.

Regarding point 4. For a Squad Leader or his designated radioman who is talking to his squad and his command makes it a lot easier to separate who is talking to him when one channel is solely on one ear.

Great ideas, shore hope they do this or similar.. but then would be strange if they don't since most of them are not only game dev. they are gamer's too..

:beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers:
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
you dont own me, you're not my pimp daddy!
But I am your Daddy daddy.
I have my 2016 Holiday Tree hangar flair. I try to piss on it some times, but the little ships flying round it hit me in the head. And the nuts.
Ouch. Nothing hurt but my but my pride....
and my nuts
And my head.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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