Nice job CIG! Taking advice from EA now?


Space Marshal
Feb 2, 2015
RSI Handle
My main concerns.

- UEC is purchasable with money (At least I think it still the plan)
- Even though they say they have billions of acres/miles/whatever players will stay around hubs. Rare resources closer to these hubs will be most sought out. Noobs stay in safe space,orgs make money off people in safe space, pirates kill noobs. Eve online.
- Way to early to sell land, we don't have an official release of Alpha 3.0 and honestly a year away from professions and tons of concept ships still just pictures. The PR team loaded a gun for SC haters that say the project is hemorrhaging money.
- CR really needs to make a line in the sand and get the things we purchased 3 years ago before they introduce a entirely new area of the game.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
While I'm not a fan of them preventing all backers from being able to purchase the different types of claims with credits, I'm also curious as to IF they allow players to actively claim land before full release, will they clear away those claims at that point & if they do will the backers get the land grants they paid for with actual money instead of in game currency their beacons be returned to them to claim again for good?


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm not too thrilled about the way CIG handled the matter at the spectrum either.

There are people who are worried about people buying land claims now having an advantage over those who have to generate UEC first in the race for the best pieces of land in various categories. CIG response seems to be "No, that's not true because there is a lot of land to claim" and then shutting down all discussion on the topic as "misinformation".

But not all land is equally valuable, otherwise scanning would be pretty pointless. That is to say, a spot that is simply the best exists. Maybe something in protected UEE space, with close proximity to law enforcement (and therefore, shorter response times), with a market nearby, with a good vista, fertile soil and a spot that's rich in minerals.


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
Given the very poor progress shown this year and yes the promises are still flowing, yes 3.0 is in PTU but it is a buggy mess and it really is not much for a whole year. The cash only for land implies to me that they need the cash, following the introduction of warbonds this shows a lot of the money pledged has been spent. Its not like the game is nearly there either because quite frankly they redo redo redo and waist so much development time and cash. I can see why Chris Roberts has been fired before because he cannot say no to feature creep. I honestly think he sees $40m dollars of income a year rather than a fixed budget.

I can easily see why this has caused ructions ships are really expensive given most games cost less than the cheapest ships and if you facing a sabre with your mustang/aurora in pvp its really hard not to see pay to win and now they are selling land to what next?

(Note land ownership is good gameplay but the message is very very poor).

I wouldn't mind if they compromised i.e. you can use credits but not melt land ownership so people cannot grab loads.

This has been a terrible year to follow the game and it is very hard to see new customers coming along soon but maybe if they do not know they can come in blind.


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
Im a 5 out of 10 on the cd projekt scale (that is a really good scale by the way and should be how test measures how much of an asshole something is)

Its not really a big deal imo if you look at the steps

First you have to buy the special stick

Then you have to have the equipment or people to find you a good spot and even then its UEE only so limits some options some orgs have like test who have some filthy pirates.

Next you have to actually find some land that either has resources or maybe a strategic importance in the billions of plots available

Next you plant your beacon then run to claim it

(This is all in UEE space remember so the best spots will probably be taken by NPC Factions in some form too)

Then you have to actually build stuff there and monitor it like mining stations or farms shops etc and supply them

Then you profit?

the only thing in this instance the 50 or 100 didgeridoos you payed is you don't have to buy the special stick at the start of this

Not a big deal imo

Where it does become a big deal is cash only thing especially with the recent uproar that was battlefront 2 groups of people are stupid when they get all worked up. If they handled this a little better, left it out until next year or even worded it differently I think it may have went over better. It is a bit of a dick move because if player melts something they will probably want it back in the future with an unmelt token or earn it in game like they would the special stick.

CIG like with a lot of stuff they do just handled it a bit poorly but their intentions is to keep the game funded and expanding (a good thing for a game in a universe where they can constantly add planets, places, missions and anything else they can think of.

Do I see players have a big advantage over me gameplay wise? no not really I don't want land I don't want a static base I want to live in my connie cutlass or carrack always on the move exploring the universe.

Does it make the game p2w?
If you have just changed your opinion to this because of this you need a slap considering you can buy a polaris for so much more money than a mustang. the more money you have the more problems you have! A polaris needs crew supplies weapons and fuel on a much larger scale and managing that will be a pain in the ass (for me anyway as some players want this and that just adds to the gameplay for them!) managing the mustang is on a much lower scale with different opportunities a polaris could not do. that's the point of this game to give you the tools and the problems to go along with it

Is it worth blowing out of proportion and calling CIG the new EA? No that's too far they are trying to create a universe with thousands of hours of gameplay and stuff to do and thats expensive we all new this (or at least should have when we first started buying ships bigger than the starters)

They handled this poorly from a PR point of view and people are calling p2w for some reason?


Jan 20, 2017
RSI Handle
While I'm not a fan of them preventing all backers from being able to purchase the different types of claims with credits, I'm also curious as to IF they allow players to actively claim land before full release, will they clear away those claims at that point & if they do will the backers get the land grants they paid for with actual money instead of in game currency their beacons be returned to them to claim again for good?
They have already said that this feature will be available to everyone at the same time.


Jan 20, 2017
RSI Handle
Yes but will you have the funds to buy them ingame on day one?
I doubt it.

I mean we all get some currency to start with depending on what ships we bought so probably only the really big spenders will have that kind of UEC knocking around on launch.
But then those people have bigger advantages than most people do already.


Space Marshal
Apr 30, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't think the cool spots and rich minerals will be found in UEE safe space anyways, so I don't mind them selling this. If it generates more cash, hopefully we will get a better game in the end.

I chose to vote with my wallet instead of my mouth, so no beacons for me. But I love the idea of building TEST outposts througout the universe (at least in all systems possible) filled with essentials like an armory, medical facility, hydroponics, refinery, hidden beer stash etc. If you're in a galaxy far, far away it would be nice to know that you're always somewhat close to an outpost with resupplies. Ithink it creates great gameplay, because we would need people to protect said outposts (can't count on only the UEE). And pirates have cool stuff they can raid.


Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle
Yes but will you have the funds to buy them ingame on day one?
I doubt it.

I mean we all get some currency to start with depending on what ships we bought so probably only the really big spenders will have that kind of UEC knocking around on launch.
But then those people have bigger advantages than most people do already.
I could see a new game profession evolving from this....
Perhaps you could scout out land claim locations, noting resource availability or any other attribute that might be desired... and sell that info to prospective clients. (of course you would keep the plot you yourself want a complete secret).
new profession: Galactic Real Estate Agent... and you get a cool red jacket :money_mouth:


Space Marshal
Aug 31, 2015
RSI Handle
Yes but will you have the funds to buy them ingame on day one?
I think this is misleading. Assuming you spend $$$$ Star Citizen and buy a plot of land, there is nothing that says you will have enough UEC or resources to purchase, build, or manufacture the stuff required for an outpost over anyone else who doesnt buy a plot with $$$$$$$. I think people want to rage because they think that this is going to take away from their ability to claim property. IMHO this is a huge waste of money for the player. As you will be able to buy a plot with UEC at the same time it's released for the players, well after UEC is persistant, most likely. Since they already said this is a feature, down the road, I don't think we will have any issues claiming what we want to claim, where we want to claim it.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm just saying...Holiday stream with Squadron 42 better blow my socks off.
Exactly this.
I'm just looking forward to selling my services as a surveyor, then giving people bogus results.

You'll be out of a job very soon. :)

My main concerns.

- UEC is purchasable with money (At least I think it still the plan)
- Even though they say they have billions of acres/miles/whatever players will stay around hubs. Rare resources closer to these hubs will be most sought out. Noobs stay in safe space,orgs make money off people in safe space, pirates kill noobs. Eve online.
- Way to early to sell land, we don't have an official release of Alpha 3.0 and honestly a year away from professions and tons of concept ships still just pictures. The PR team loaded a gun for SC haters that say the project is hemorrhaging money.
- CR really needs to make a line in the sand and get the things we purchased 3 years ago before they introduce a entirely new area of the game.
I 100% agree.
- "Is the BMM done? Is the 890 done? What about the simplest of game mechanics and professions?"
- "No, but here are some new features that will be ready in a few years. Pay us with cash".
Given the very poor progress shown this year and yes the promises are still flowing, yes 3.0 is in PTU but it is a buggy mess and it really is not much for a whole year. The cash only for land implies to me that they need the cash, following the introduction of warbonds this shows a lot of the money pledged has been spent. Its not like the game is nearly there either because quite frankly they redo redo redo and waist so much development time and cash. I can see why Chris Roberts has been fired before because he cannot say no to feature creep. I honestly think he sees $40m dollars of income a year rather than a fixed budget.

I can easily see why this has caused ructions ships are really expensive given most games cost less than the cheapest ships and if you facing a sabre with your mustang/aurora in pvp its really hard not to see pay to win and now they are selling land to what next?

(Note land ownership is good gameplay but the message is very very poor).

I wouldn't mind if they compromised i.e. you can use credits but not melt land ownership so people cannot grab loads.

This has been a terrible year to follow the game and it is very hard to see new customers coming along soon but maybe if they do not know they can come in blind.
I've told some of my friends about Star Citizen a year ago and told them we were expecting 3.0 and a whole lot of content. They recently asked me how the game was doing and what progress they've done in the last year.
It was really embarrassing.
While CR keeps announcing features that might see the light of day in the next few years, we still can't run more than 20fps or open a freaking ship door or finish a mission.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I have a couple of things on my mind about the whole land claims issue.

(1) If I'm not mistaken, when the game goes live, everything other than the experience a player has earned, the Orgs that are already established, the ships they have purchased before full launch & the actual UEC they have obtained will be reset to square 1 to level the playing field as best as possible for new players. So if they allow people to test out the land claim feature before then to flush out the bugs & mechanics as I'm sure they will, will those plots of land remain claimed OR will that be reset as well which would allow those with the knowledge of where to go to claim those spots have that as an initial goal at launch?

(2) How much customization will the outposts & estates actually have? How many various buildings can be placed on them, what options do we have with each of them, will they allow hanger / safe storage options for players that log out at those locations if they are granted permission to be there?


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle

1) Noone will start the release version of the game owning land (just the beacons). (with what we currently know, maybe they will do a different sale later i.e. pay more and pick your plot).

2) There is no information on this but it cannot be free form, I will imagine you will as a pioneer controller pick from templates but that may allow you some moving around of assets (for said Peruvian lines from space). This is some of the complaints that have been made in that they are selling something with no real info on how its going to go.

Cost will depend on materials but can you source them via an orion or reclaimer (cough there plot wasn't protected so I have all the bits!!!). Noone knows how much a pioneer will cost to run either. In fact we have diddly for any game mechanics at all really what have they been doing for the last five years!.
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