Nice job CIG! Taking advice from EA now?


Jan 20, 2017
RSI Handle
Exactly this.

I 100% agree.
- "Is the BMM done? Is the 890 done? What about the simplest of game mechanics and professions?"
- "No, but here are some new features that will be ready in a few years. Pay us with cash".

I've told some of my friends about Star Citizen a year ago and told them we were expecting 3.0 and a whole lot of content. They recently asked me how the game was doing and what progress they've done in the last year.
It was really embarrassing.
While CR keeps announcing features that might see the light of day in the next few years, we still can't run more than 20fps or open a freaking ship door or finish a mission.

While i agree that the progress appears pretty awful and ships that were promised are being reworked 3 yrs later, I have a hunch that they are not massively far off introducing this mechanic into a large content patch once they introduce scanners and mining.

They must want to do a ton of testing on the people in the community with this feature because it will be quite important to test punish mechanics and how people work around defending their claims. Protected or not.

I'm just some clueless bum but this seems like a mechanic that is a lot more complicated than it sounds and some sort of implementation in the alpha is not going to be that far off.
I'd be willing to bet they will throw this into testing in 2018, which may be why they are announcing and selling this now.

I agree the PR is not great though.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
ownership implies exclusive access

are there game mechanics in place or contemplated to support this?

what is there to prevent my strip mining the mineral-rich land you bought a claim to?

I see lots of potential issues around land ownership


Jan 20, 2017
RSI Handle
ownership implies exclusive access

are there game mechanics in place or contemplated to support this?

what is there to prevent my strip mining the mineral-rich land you bought a claim to?

I see lots of potential issues around land ownership

That is why i think that "punish" mechanics are something that people should concern themselves with more than this $50/$100 flag that you'll be able to plant early.


Space Marshal
Nov 2, 2017
RSI Handle
If I were CIG I'd limit the ingame universe on day one. They could setup an epic Vanduul invasion that cuts us off from most of the universe that we all have to fight against and as we make progress more and more systems are opened up. This way would allow for things like land claims to be unavailable until things are more settled.

Krystal LeChuck

Meme Meister
Staff member
Jun 10, 2014
RSI Handle
The only thing I don't like is the fact that you cannot purchase with credits.

Other than that, the argument that players will "seek land around hubs" is completely irrelevant. Even if everyone seeks land on Terra, around a major city, there will be enough land for everyone. Planets are massive.

As for the requirements of players, just do the math. Ffs I bought an Estate beacon (8km x 8km) to cover the anticipated needs of the entire pirate division. This is enough real estate to rebuild the whole universe of Skyrim in it. How many more will I need? And how stupid do I have to be to buy more than that?

If people have money to burn, let them burn it, at least that money goes into the game dev and eventually maintenance. And as for land, it is illegal to attack a beacon and it will give you a penalty with UEE. So fuckin' what? In EVE I had -5.0 rep with everyone and I was KOS everywhere in High-Sec. It didn't stop me from going around or ruin my game in any way. It actually made it more interesting. I'd love to see how people are going to defend massive land parcels and massive bases without enough people to defend them.

Everyone should put down the pitchforks and drink the Cool Aid. This is a game, those are the rules, make the best of them.


Space Marshal
Nov 2, 2017
RSI Handle
That is a very interesting concept.
Day/Week/Month one we spend all our time trying to slow the forward advance. All hands to battle stations. it starts out just small fighters and moves up to bigger and bigger ships as time progresses. As we make progress we need the genesis/980's to bring in troops. Then we get a lucky break and if we can find a jump point we can strike back, send in all the explorers to look for one. as supplies get low we send in the miners to create supplies closer to the front, etc. if/when that is done we can bring in the CAP ships for an epic slugfest and free up a system. rinse, repeat in some random order for the better part of a (some period of time).

Everyone has a job, a goal and less people are worried about claims/trading/pirating/whatever day one.

Krystal LeChuck

Meme Meister
Staff member
Jun 10, 2014
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
The only thing I don't like is the fact that you cannot purchase with credits.

Other than that, the argument that players will "seek land around hubs" is completely irrelevant. Even if everyone seeks land on Terra, around a major city, there will be enough land for everyone. Planets are massive.

As for the requirements of players, just do the math. Ffs I bought an Estate beacon (8km x 8km) to cover the anticipated needs of the entire pirate division. This is enough real estate to rebuild the whole universe of Skyrim in it. How many more will I need? And how stupid do I have to be to buy more than that?

If people have money to burn, let them burn it, at least that money goes into the game dev and eventually maintenance. And as for land, it is illegal to attack a beacon and it will give you a penalty with UEE. So fuckin' what? In EVE I had -5.0 rep with everyone and I was KOS everywhere in High-Sec. It didn't stop me from going around or ruin my game in any way. It actually made it more interesting. I'd love to see how people are going to defend massive land parcels and massive bases without enough people to defend them.

Everyone should put down the pitchforks and drink the Cool Aid. This is a game, those are the rules, make the best of them.
I don't want to be near anything. I want the most remote obscure base possible.
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