Holiday stream reaction and thoughts


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
This complexity and depth of what is about to come down.. an org of 16,000, our fleet size, the different aspects of everything that makes this happen. Im a little overwhelmed at the moment.
No worries Chief, the good thing about having all of us crazy TESTies, is that clearly you are never truly alone. So you have plenty of support.

If you're overwhelmed, break it down. 16,000 members? Well, 16 officers responsible for 1000 members each. Those officers will probably need a few NCOs to help them, so put some NCOs under those officers. It'll work out :smile:
This proves my point in that many of us are more than happy to fill roles to help things go as well as possible. I'm personally happy to help ALL of our wonderful TEST Squadron members when, where & how ever I can. I'm sure that I'm not alone in this.

Now then, as far as the Holiday Special goes, I'm feeling like I'm in 1 of those commercials where the people's head pops. #MindBlown Every time I think that this game is going to be the greatest so far, I see this & all of my personal projections are blown out of the water in a good way. Then I shake my head clear while realizing that this is all still in ALPHA development stage.

Also, I think I'm in love with the new revision of the Avenger ships like I was when I initially became a backer.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
This proves my point in that many of us are more than happy to fill roles to help things go as well as possible. I'm personally happy to help ALL of our wonderful TEST Squadron members when, where & how ever I can. I'm sure that I'm not alone in this.
Yeah, with 16,000 members, I'm sure we got more than a few who would like to help with greasing the gears and keeping the organization structure well maintained.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Looks amazing, but i feel it lacks story content and epic game play. Saying that, it was only 1% of a 100 hour story campaign. So, hopefully what we didn't see makes up for what we did see in terms of epic moments.
I see Squadron 42 as the tutorial for gameplay in the Persistent Universe. The slice CIG demo'd did a good job of covering the basics of flying, dogfighting, EVA and FPS. The seamless transitions from one mode to the next were stunning.

As a single-player game, SQ42's scope is limited to you and a mere handful of NPC wingmen. The epic aspects will come from player-generated storylines in the MMO, Star Citizen


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
It was glorious, everything after the studio tours. Totally, completely glorious. They went out of the way to call it pre-Alpha a lot but overall it showed pretty good.

The gameplay demo was incredible and shows some truly audacious intention. The nebula the Shubin mining station in was indescribable and you know it will be twice as amazing when we fially get to play it. Reclaimer (not Orion) looked amazeballs, from what we could see - I felt the lighting was hit and miss, in the Idris and throughout the demo and that was really the only bit that I was bothered by. Soundtrack is fantastic

Variable storyline based on response is cool although I wish the internal thoughts were silent.

SpacePenguin gettin' some upsize love, looks really good and makes it a true multi-role player.

And the Tonk, my God the Tonk, Tonk this, Tonk that, Tonk Tonk on the head. Ze zooperheevy Tonk

It was awesome - I'm going to rewatch many times and probably touch myself.

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Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
1,000 space marines in a chapter. Ten companies of 100. The 1st company is the veteran company, using, uh, Titan armor, I guess. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th companies are battle companies. The 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th companies are reserve companies and the 10th company is the scout company. Each company is split into 10 squads of 10 people each comprising tactical, assault, heavy weapons, command, medical and other squads. Makes it all simple and run smoothly with a chain o' command. Pick your 16 people to run each chapter and watch them set up the rest. Or, pick your heads for the different groups like rockraiders and yellowjackets and let them break the groups up by hundreds then tens. Or, I could be oversimplifying.

As long as we have Glorious Leader Montoya leading us in boozing and shitposting, everything will work out in the end. And crashing Auroras, I shouldn't forget that part.
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