TONKS!! - Tumbril Nova heavy tonk


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I just hope M. Corentin Billemont realizes that his charming accent is wonderful and not one Citizen is making fun of him.
With all do respect, I've got to disagree with you slightly on this. While I'm not making fun of him, I don't find his accent charming at all & quite frankly it annoys me when I can't understand what he's saying at times because of it. I even turned on the closed captions to read what he was saying to better understand & even they can't truly understand him. Which I find frustrating. If I was talking to somebody myself with an accent that I find difficulty understanding fully, I ask questions about things that I didn't quite get while being open minded. When being told possibly important information by somebody I can't understand & have no means to get clarification, I get annoyed & have no patience for. For those of you who like his accent & can understand him, good for you. I personally have no interest in anything coming from him any further as long as I can't understand him & CIG doesn't provide accurate captions for what he is saying to help.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Someone 'splain to me what is the obsession with tanks? Seems to me even the humble Terrapin would make a great tank killer. Anything that flies slow, is armored and has a big gun is going to be capable of squishing tanks just like an A10. Whether we ever see a dual S4 mount for S5 hardpoints, even a single BEHR ballistic cannon is gonna make splatty art out of tanks. . .so just sayin', why invest in stuff you may not even be able to move?


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
Because Tonk.

I suspect that the Tonk will have a very buff combo of shield and armor and its gun will hit hard enough to give ships smaller than a Carrack/Polaris reason to avoid it, and ships simply can't take/hold ground, the Tonk is necessary for large scale combat whether between Org's or with the Vanduul or other hostile races.

But the transportation logistics are a real problem until CIG announces a more affordable transporter than the Idris (we still need to know how many it can move, I am guessing between 3 and 6).




Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
Someone 'splain to me what is the obsession with tanks? Seems to me even the humble Terrapin would make a great tank killer. Anything that flies slow, is armored and has a big gun is going to be capable of squishing tanks just like an A10. Whether we ever see a dual S4 mount for S5 hardpoints, even a single BEHR ballistic cannon is gonna make splatty art out of tanks. . .so just sayin', why invest in stuff you may not even be able to move?
The tank have heavy armor. Terrapin have medium armor.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Someone 'splain to me what is the obsession with tanks? . . .so just sayin', why invest in stuff you may not even be able to move?
ever since the invention of the airplane, air superiority has been essential, but not sufficient, for success on the ground


Grand Admiral
Nov 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Someone 'splain to me what is the obsession with tanks? Seems to me even the humble Terrapin would make a great tank killer. Anything that flies slow, is armored and has a big gun is going to be capable of squishing tanks just like an A10. Whether we ever see a dual S4 mount for S5 hardpoints, even a single BEHR ballistic cannon is gonna make splatty art out of tanks. . .so just sayin', why invest in stuff you may not even be able to move?
You are more than likely right on most of these points. I kinda got it just for the hell of it.

The only reason I can think of, is that maybe if a base has a ton of AA but not much in the way of ground defense, it could be good to use them, or, could be good to have them as a base defense. Plus, if I were attacking a base, I would have air units attacking it of course, but, I would also have a good amount of ground units going at it as well. Tanks, jeeps, apcs, etc etc, I would have a good mixture of units. Makes them have to defend on 2 different fronts. And if they are too busy in the air dealing with air units, pretty much leaves the ground units free to do as they please. Just my 2 cents
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